Monte Carlo Simulation Flashcards
base-case scenario
Output resulting from the most likely values for the random variables of a model.
Best case scenario
Output resulting from the best values that can be expected for the random variables of a model.
continuous probability distribution
A probability distribution for which the possible values for a random variable can take any value in an interval or collection of intervals. An interval can include negative and positive infinity.
Controllable input
Input to a simulation model that is selected by the decision maker.
discrete probability distribution
A probability distribution for which the possible values for a random variable can take on only specified values.
Discrete event simulation
A simulation method that describes how a system evolves over time by using events that occur at specific points in time.
Monte Carlo simulation
A simulation method that uses repeated random sampling to represent uncertainty in a model representing a real system and that computes the values of model outputs.
Probability distribution
A description of the range and relative likelihood of possible values of a random variable (uncertain quantity).
Random variable
Input to a simulation model whose value is uncertain and described by a probability distribution.
risk analysis
The process of evaluating a decision in the face of uncertainty by quantifying the likelihood and magnitude of an undesirable outcome.
simulation optimization
The process of applying optimization techniques to identify optimal (or near-optimal) values of the decision variables in a simulation model.
The process of determining that a simulation model provides an accurate representation of a real system.
The process of determining that a computer program implements a simulation model as it is intended.
What-if analysis
A trial-and-error approach to learning about the range of possible outputs for a model. Trial values are chosen for the model inputs (these are the what-ifs) and the value of the output(s) is computed.
Worst case scenario
Output resulting from the worst values that can be expected for the random variables of a model.