Integer Programming Flashcards
All-integer linear program
An integer linear program in which all variables are required to be integer.
Binary integer linear program
An all-integer or mixed-integer linear program in which the integer variables are permitted to assume only the values 0 or 1. Also called binary integer program.
Capital budgeting problem
A binary integer programming problem that involves choosing which possible projects or activities provide the best investment return.
Conditional constraint
A constraint involving binary variables that does not allow certain variables to equal one unless certain other variables are equal to one.
Conjoint Analysis
A market research technique that can be used to learn how prospective buyers of a product value the product’s attributes.
Convex hull
the smallest intersection of linear inequalities that contain a certain set of points
Corequisite constraint
A constraint requiring that two binary variables be equal and that thus are both either in or out of the solution together.
Fixed cost problem
A binary mixed-integer programming problem in which the binary variables represent whether an activity, such as a production run, is undertaken (variable = 1) or not (variable = 0)
Integer linear program
A linear program with the additional requirement that one or more of the variables must be integer.
k out of n alternatives constraint
An extension of the multiple-choice constraint. This constraint requires that the sum of n 0-1 variables equal k.
Location problem
A binary integer programming problem in which the objective is to select the best locations to meet a stated objective. Variations of this problem are known as covering problems.
Linear program relaxation
The linear program that results from dropping the integer requirements for the variables in an integer linear program.
Mixed-integer linear program
An integer linear program in which some, but not necessarily all, variables are required to be integer.
Multiple choice constraint
A constraint requiring that the sum of two or more binary variables equals one. Thus, any feasible solution makes a choice of which variable to set equal to one.
Mutually exclusive constraint
A constraint requiring that the sum of two or more binary variables be less than or equal to one. Thus, if one of the variables equals one, the others must equal zero. However, all variables could equal zero.