Monopoly & 3 tier system Flashcards
Name 3 countries with a monopoly market
What is the name of the government owned chain in Sweden that can sell booze?
Is Systembolaget the only outlet in the country?
No. Some special independent distributors also exist. They can sell to on trade.
They tend to quirkier, lees common wines than systembolaget.
What is the rationale for a monopoly? What 2 factors of privatisation does it inhibit?
It keeps alcohol consumption down.
This happens because fewer outlets mean fewer opportunities to buy, and also lees price competition, so prices stay high.
Also the tax is high keeping prices elevated
What are the rules around promotion in monopolies?
It isn’t allowed. No individual products can be discounted.
How does systembolaget chnage / increase its range?
Tenders are put out 4x a year to the approved suppliers for a style of wine they’re looking for.
The supplier will submit wines it thinks are an appropriate match. The wines are then tasted blind. Once selected , they are tasted again later to ensure the final wine is a perfect match with the sample.
How long does a tender take?
A long time - sometimes 7-8 months before the wine is released in store.
What is the benefit to smaller producers?
The tender process doesn’t discriminate against smaller producers as ultimately the selection is made on quality.
Which one province in Canada does not have government controlled alcohol sales ?
What is the LCBO
Liquor Control Board of Ontario
Who can sell alcohol in Canadian provided other than Alberta?
Liquor board owned shops, it approved agencies. These are local producers licensed to sell their own brands
Is Alberta’s private market for consumers?
No it’s wholesale
How does local US supply compare to the growth pattern for demand?
Demand outstrips supply so the export market into the US is huge
What was the Volstead act, and when was it in place?
Prohibition- it prohibited the production, sale and consumption of alcohol between 1919 and 1933.
What was the one exception to the Volatead act?
Wine for religious purposes
When was the three tier system implemented?
In 1933 following the repeal of prohibition
What was the point of bringing in the three tier system?
To stop a return to previous saloon behaviour, where alcohol was purchased from one brewer/ distiller only which created monopolies
What other benefits are there to the three tier system from the government’s perspective
Tax - taxes are levied on each of the three tiers. Plus additional jobs, easier regulations.
What are the three tiers?
1/ supplier (producers as importers)
2/ distributor (including wholesaler and broker)
3/ retailer (on and off trade)
Is it possible for a company to fall into more than one tier?
Yes even though it’s uncommon.
E&J Gallo - producer AND importer
Republic National Distribution Company - wholesaler AND importer
What about cellar door?
This varies on a state by state basis. There are some places where producers can sell direct, but usually with some conditions
Hire much control does the federal government have over interstate rules?
None. The states have their own rules that are 100% their own. These can be v different to other neighbouring states
What is a control state?
One where the state has monopoly over one or more of the three tiers, usually retail.
How many control states are there in the US, and do they all have the same rules?
No, the rules vary drastically
Name 3 control states, and briefly describe their rules
Pennsylvania - one of the strictest. spirits one bought in state controlled stores, and on trade needs to buy through them as well.
New Hampshire - allows beer and wine sales in grocery and convenience stores, but also allows some small private license holders for brands that the state run stores dont carry.
Idaho - monopoly on off-trade sale of alcohol over 16% ABV
Michigan - monopoly over wholesale of spirits.
What are the other two category of states (Control is one)
Open and Franchise states
What involvement does the state have in an open state?
Minimal. Importers and distributors can set up freely and sell to most people
Who (which tier) is protected in a franchise state?
The distributors. An appointment with a distributor in a franchise state is effectively a lifetime commitment. This protects them from sudden changes from suppliers. IF. a supplier is unhappy with a distributor, however, there isn’t much they can do, other than appoint a second (or third…) distributor to alongside the other.
Give an example of a franchise state
Which kind of retailers benefit form the types of law in place in Conneticut?
It is a franchise state with very strict laws, which favour small retailers, as the minimum pricing and inability to offer discounts with volume mean larger stores offer no value.
What downside is there to Conneticut’s laws?
it can create border wars, with people crossing into neighbouring states to benefit from cheaper alcohol.
are there more distributors or producers in the US market?
Producers - almost 9x as many! the distributors are conglomerating.
What are the drawbacks of the smaller boutique distributors
they don’t have the same reach as the larger ones, and it’s very difficult to change distributors in franchise states