Monopoly Flashcards
What is a monopoly?
A form of market structure in which there is only one seller of a good or service
What is first-degree price discrimination?
A situation arising in a market whereby a monopoly firm is able to charge each consumer a different price
What is arbitrage?
The practice of taking advantage of a difference in prices in two or more markets; striking a combination of matching deals to capitalize on the difference, the profit being the difference between the market prices at which the unit is traded
What is dynamic efficiency?
Lowering the position of the AC curve over time by improving production processes. Investment in new machines and technology may enable an increase in labour productivity.
What is X-inefficiency?
Actual AC is above the AC curve due to lack of competitive pressure
The assumption of the monopoly model are?
1) The firm aims to maximise
2) There is a single seller of a good
3) There are no substitutes for the good
4) The market has barriers to entry
5) There is imperfect knowledge
An advantage of a monopoly?
1) Could be dynamically efficient: Higher profit levels than more competitive firms means more scope to invest SNP into R&D. It may choose to develop advance technology or train workers if it knows this will keep barriers to entry high
An advantage of a monopoly?
2)Benefits from economies of scale: being the sole supplier means scope for benefiting from economies of scale and achieving a lower AC than a competitive firm could. Even with a high profit per unit, the price charged could be lower than in a more competitive.
A disadvantage of a monopoly?
Economically Inefficient?
1)Productive and allocative inefficiency mean that quantity supplied to consumers is restricted, reducing utility and at a higher price, further reducing consumer utility - an inefficient use of scarce resources
A disadvantage of a monopoly?
2)Could be X-inefficient: lack of competition reduces incentive to reduce excessive stock levels or overstaffing, leading to higher prices for consumers and lower utility
Evaluation for a monopoly?
Depends on the objective the firm is trying to seek - a state owned monopoly might seek allocative efficiency and be mandated to consider social costs and benefits
What is price discrimination?
Is when a seller charges different prices to different customers for the exact same product
An advantage of monopolist price discriminating?
Benefits some consumers?
1)Lower prices for some consumers
Consumers that receive lower prices are able to use the same high quality
good or service at a lower price - they may not have been able to afford th
higher price paid by other users
A disadvantage of monopoly price discriminating?
Doesn’t benefit all consumers?
2)Higher prices for some consumers: Consumers that are forced to pay higher prices have less to spend on other goods and services and so may lower utility than if the market were competitive
What is a natural monopoly?
Monopoly that arises in an industry in which there are such substantial economies of scale that only one firm is viable
What is nationalisation in economics?
When a privately owned firm or industry is taken into public ownership
What is privatisation?
Where an enterprise in public ownership is returned to private ownership
Name the best natural monopoly example?
Network Rail (railway network) - government owned
On a natural monopoly diagram, why is the LRMC curve below the LRAC curve?
This is because the available economies of scale cannot be exhausted by a single firm
Why do AC decline in natural monopolies?
Due to high fixed costs being spread over a greater output
Why could it be said that a natural monopoly is more productively efficient?
A single firm can satisfy market demand at a lower average cost than two or more firms, so the natural monopoly is more productive
An advantage of a natural monopoly?
Greater efficiency?
1)Greater economic efficiency: More scope for productive efficiency as a single firm can better exploit economies of scale. Could be allocatively efficient if subsidised by government
A disadvantage of natural monopoly?
Higher prices?
1)Low threat of competition may lead to higher prices: Barriers to entry are so high there is almost not threat of competing firms entering the market because a new firm will be unable to compete in price. Could lead to x-inefficiency as lack of competition reduces incentive to reduce excess stock levels etc higher prices, lower utility
Judgement of a natural monopoly, depend upon?
Depends on the objectives. Profit max may see higher prices for consumers. State owned natural monopoly with the objective of maximising societal utility can achieve a more allocatively efficient level of output
What is the difference between a natural monopoly and a monopoly?
The fact that natural monopolies have extreme economies of scale. That is to say that it can only start to become profitable when one single firm is able to service the majority of the market.
Acronym for some of the issues of a monopoly? S.P.E.W
S-service (does the lack of competition affect the quality of a service to consumers)
P-prices (monopoly prices tend to be higher compared to a competitive situation)
E-efficiencies (lack of productive, allocative and possibly dynamic efficiencies)
W-welfare (welfare on consumers who have a very limited spending power but might necessarily need to purchase a product)
What can monopolistic markets cause, which is a negative?
Inequalities in necessity markets