Monitoring the CV Patient - Quiz 2 Flashcards
Why are A-Lines used?
- Real time BP
- Frequent Blood Draws
- Bypass, IABP, Vasoactive Drugs, Deliberate Hypotension
- Cant do NIBP d/t burns, obesity
- Pulse Contour Analysis: SPV, SV
- Easy to place
- Hand has good collateral circulation
What are the complications to placing a Radial Art Line?
Vasospastic Disease
Prolonged Shock
High-Dose Pressors
Prolonged Cannulation
Why is a Brachial Art Line NOT preferred over a Radial Art Line?
Needs longer catheter to get around elbow
Arm needs to stay extended
Collateral circulation not as good as hand
What technique should be used for placing a Femoral Arterial Line?
Guide-Wire Technique
Poke Fem artery below Inguinal Ligament
What amount of Systolic Pressure Variation indicates Hypovolemia?
> 15 mmHg or Δdown 15 mmHg
(Δdown 5 mmHg = ↓venous return)
What does the PulseCO system do?
Predicts increase in stroke volume from fluids and helps identify Hypovolemia
Similar to Echo preload numbers
Needs mech. vent & limited by arrythmias
When is a Central Line indicated?
Advanced CV Disease
Major Operation
Secure Vascular Access
Craniotomy Air Aspiration
Cant get Peripheral
Swanz, Pacer
Where is the Internal Jugular Vein located?
Between Sternal & Clavicular heads of Sternocleidomastoid muscle, Anterior to the Carotid
What is used in the Seldinger Method of inserting a CVC?
22G Finder
18G Needle
Where should the needle be inserted when placing a CVC?
Towards Ipsilateral Nipple
When placing a CVC, why is the Subclavian sometimes placed instead of an IJ?
C-Spine Precautions
Better Patient Comfort
2% Pneumo Risk
What is are the advantages of gaining an External Jugular access?
Easy & No Pneumo Risk
What are the complications of Double cannulating the same vein?
Vein Avulsion
Tangled Catheter
Catheter Fracture
When should CVP be measured?
(Zero @ Mid-Axillary)
What can a Pulmonary Artery Catheter measure?
What are complications associated w/ Pulmonary Artery Catheters?
Serious: Knotting, Pulm. Infarction, PA Rupture d/t overwedge, Endocarditis
Transient RBBB
Dont Place with LBBB
Cardiac Output from a Pulm. Artery Catheter allows for calculation of ____________
Cardiac Output from a Pulm. Artery Catheter allows for calculation of Oxygen Delivery (DO2)
How is Thermodilution done?
- Inject 10cc of room temp/iced D5W into CVP port at End Expiration
- Measure change in blood temp at thermistor
- Average of 3 Measures
With Thermodilution, Cardiac Output is _______ proportional to area under curve
With Thermodilution, Cardiac Output is Inversely proportional to area under curve
What are some problems with measuring Cardiac Output w/ a PA Cath?
Inaccurate temps d/t:
Thermistor Blood Clot
Tricuspid Regurg
What can be used as an Indirect Cardiac Output indicator?
SvO2 if O2, VO2 & Hg are constant
Normal SvO2 60-75%
What can cause and Increased SvO2?
Wedged PAC - LAP Saturation
Low VO2 d/t Hypothermia, General Anesthesia, NMB
Carbon Monoxide poisoning
High CO d/t Sepsis, Burn, L-to-R Shunt, AV Fistulas
What can cause a Decreased SvO2?
Decreased CO
(Fever, Agitation, Thyrotoxic, Shivering)
What does the dicrotic notch on an A Line tracing signify?
Aortic Valve Closure
How does an Overdamped A - Line affect the reading?
Understimated SBP & Overestimated DBP
What does and Underdamped A - Line mean?
Overestimated SBP & Underestimated DBP
In regards to Square Testing an A-Line, what indicates Optimal Dampening, Overdampening, and Underdampening?
Optimal: 1-2 oscillations after square
Underdamped: > 2 oscillations
Overdamped: < 1.5 oscillations
What factors might cause an Overdampened A-Line?
Bubbles or Clots in Tubing
Long, Narrow Tubing Extension
Compliant tubing
What factors cause an Under Dampened A-Line?
Catheter Whip
Stiff Non-Compliant Tubing
What is the distance to the Vena Cava / RA Junction when placing a CVC from the Subclavian?
10 cm
What is the distance to the Vena Cava / RA Junction when placing a CVC from the Right IJ?
15 cm
What is the distance to the Vena Cava / RA Junction when placing a CVC from the Left IJ?
20 cm
What is the distance to the Vena Cava / RA Junction when placing a CVC from the Femoral Vein?
40 cm
What is the distance to the Vena Cava / RA Junction when placing a CVC from the Right Median Basilic Vein?
40 cm
What is the distance to the Vena Cava / RA Junction when placing a CVC from the Left Median Basilic Vein?
50 cm
When inserting a PA Cath from the RIJ, what is the distance the cathether traveled when it is in the Right Atrium?
15 -25 cm
When inserting a PA Cath from the RIJ, what is the distance the cathether traveled when it is in the Right Ventricle?
25 - 35 cm
When inserting a PA Cath from the RIJ, what is the distance the cathether traveled when it is in the Pulmonary Artery?
35 - 45 cm
When inserting a PA Cath from the RIJ, what is the distance the cathether traveled when it is in the Pulmonary Artery Wedge Position?
40 - 50 cm
What do the A, C, and V waves represent on a CVP tracing?
A Wave: Right Atrial Contraction
C Wave: Closure of Tricuspid
V Wave: Right Atrial Filling
When would you see only V Waves on a CVP tracing?
A-Fib & Asystolic Ventricular Pacing
What would cause Large A Waves on a CVP tracing?
Tricuspid/Mitral Regurg
Acute Intravascular Volume Increase
When would you see Giant, “Cannon” A Waves on a CVP tracing?
Junctional Rhythm
Complete Block
Ventricular Pacing
Tricuspid/Mitral Stenosis
Diastolic Dysfunction
Myocaradial Ischemia
Ventricular Hypertrophy
What can cause a High variation in CVP?
RV Failure
Tricuspid Stenosis/Regurg
Cardiac Tamponade
Volume Overload
Pulmonary HTN
What can cause Low CVP Variations?
Hypovolemia & ARDS
What can cause Overestimates w/ Thermodilution?
Low Injectate Volume
Injectate too warm
Thombus on Thermistor
Wedged PA Cath
What can cause Underestimates w/ Thermodilution?
Excessive Injectate Volume
Injectate to Cold
What is the PA Wedge Pressure used for?
Estimate Left Ventricular End Diastolic Pressure (LVEDP)
Normal: 8 - 12 mmHg
List where the PA Catheter is (1-4)

- Right Atrium: 0-8mmHg
- Right Venticule: 20-30/0-8mmHg
- Pulm. Artery: 20-30/8-15mmHg
- PA Wedge: 8-12mmHg
What can cause High PA Pressures?
LV Failure
Mitra Stenosis/Regurg
L-R Shunt
Atrial / Ventricular Septal Defect
Pulm. HTN
Catheter Whip/coil
What can cause Low PA Pressures?
RV Failure
Tricuspid Regurg/Stenosis
What can cause Low PA Wedge Pressures?
RV Failure
Tricuspid Regurg/Stenosis
Pulmonary Embolism
What can cause High PA Wedge Pressures?
LV Failure
Mitral Stenosis/Regurg
Cardiac Tamponade
Constrictive Pericarditis
Volume Overload