Monitoring Chinook Salmon on the Harrison River Flashcards
Why and how do you tag the adult Chinook Salmon in the Harrison River?
- The adult chinook salmon are tagged for a Petersen mark- recapture population esitmate.
- A plastic disc with a unique number is attached to a wire and put through the base of the Chinook’s dorsal fin.
List some facts about the life history of chinook
4 facts - think about their life cycle and size
- They are the largest out of the 5 species
- Spawning takes place in large streams and mojor river systems
- Adults return to spawn in 2 to 8 years, most fish are 3 to 4 years old when they come back
- Young live in fresh water for up to a year before going to the ocean
Why have chinook salmon in the Harrison river declined in numbers?
- Harrison river used to have the largest chinook population in BC
- They are now in decline due to habitat destruction
- Deveolpoments such as the roberts bank terminal 2 expansion does not have any proper juvinile fish passage throug it so the juvilne fish have to make their way around it