Monitoring Flashcards
Automatically warns of potential performance problems and/or failure anomalies in your web application by sending alerts.
It performs proactive analysis of telemetry sent to Application Insights
Smart Detection
** Azure Activity Log ** category that contains the record of all
* create,
* update,
* delete
* action operations
performed through Resource Manager.
Azure Activitivity Log category that contains all the records of any Service Health incident
Service Health
Azure Activity Log Category that contains all the resource health events of your Azure Resources
Resource Health
Azure Activity Log category that contains all automatic scaling events defined in subscription
Azure Activity Log category that contains all records of activation of Alerts
Azure Activity Log category that contains all action operations performed by Azure Policy
Which libraries for distributed tracing are supported by Application Insights ?
The following libraries are supported:
* OpenTelemetry - available for .NET, Python, Java and JavaScript
* OpenCensus - mostly used for Python projects
Which Application Insights SDKs are available?
The following libraries are available as App Insights SDK:
* .NET
* .NET Core
* Java
* Node.js
* JavaScript
* Python
Which fields used by telemetry in Application Insights can define the causality order of telemetry calls?
The fields are:
* operation_id
* operation_parentId
* with
In a .NET Core project, how can you modify a Web App to send telemetry data to Application Insights at a fixed sampling rate by modifying its code?
You can set fixed or dynamis sampling:
* on Startup.cs before .NET 6
* on Program.cs if your project is .NET 6 or higher
In a .NET Framework project, how can you modify a Web App to send telemetry data to **Application Insights ** at a fixed sampling rate by modifying its code?
You can modify the ApplicationInsights.config file and set your rate
You have to compare the hourly CPU usage of an application for 24 hours. You should visualize a graph that has a threshold line at 75%
performanceCounters | summarize avg(value), by cloud_RoleInstance, ??? | ??? Threshold = 75 | where TimeGenerated > ago(1d)
Choose the values to complete the query:
* bin(TimeGenerated, 1d)
* bin(TimeGenerated, 1h)
* extend
* project
* render timechart
performanceCounters | summarize avg(value), by cloud_RoleInstance, bin(TimeGenerated, 1h) | render timechart Threshold = 75 | where TimeGenerated > ago(1d)
where counter == “% Processor Time”
You need to query the amount of free memory available on a Web App in the last seven days, using the query below:
Perf | where ??? | where Computer == "ComputerName" | where CounterName == "Available MBs" | summarize avg(CounterValue) by ??? | render timechart
Complete the first term:
* TimeGenerated > ago(7d)
* TimeGenerated < ago(7d)
* TimeGenerated == ago(7d)
Complete the second term:
* bin(TimeGenerated, 1d)
* bin(TimeGenerated, 1h)
* dcount(CounterName)
Perf | where TimeGenerated > ago(7d) | where Computer == "ComputerName" | where CounterName == "Available MBs" | summarize avg(CounterValue) by bin(TimeGenerated,1h) | render timechart
Made a query of an application that return all 404 errors around the city of Paris and London. The request has to be happened in the last hour and the columns to be shown are timestamp url, resultCode and duration.
| where resultCode == “404”
and (client_City == “London” or client_City == “Paris”)
| where ???
| ??? timestamp, url, resultCode, duration
Choose the terms here (you can use them more than once):
* extend
* project
* select
* timestamp >= ago(1hr)
* timestamp -gt agot(1hr)
where ???
where resultCode == “404”
and (client_City == “London” or client_City == “Paris”)
| project timestamp, url, resultCode, duration
| where timestamp >= ago(1hr)
project timestamp, url, resultCode, duration | where timestamp >= ago(1hr)