Azure Portal Flashcards
A focused and organized view of your cloud resources in the Azure portal.
You can build a custom one, based on your main needs.
Azure Dashboard
Does an Azure Dashboard support markdown?
Yes, it possible thanks to the Markdown widget
How can you verify that a containerized application is ready to handle incoming requests, for example by loading a large data set during startup?
You should configure a readiness probe, that behaves like a Kubernetes readiness probe
Which list of users can be allowed to use an app registered in Azure Active Directory (AD)
The options available are:
* Accounts in the same organizational directory.
* Accounts in any organizational directory.
* Accounts in any organizational directory and Microsoft Accounts (personal).
* Microsoft Accounts (Personal accounts only).
What should be created for a newly application on Azure AD?
You need at least one client secret
What does an entity need to access resources?
It needs a Security Principal
What must know an entity to access resources?
It must know:
* TenantID
* ApplicationID
* Client Secret
Which two managed identities are available on Azure?
- System-assigned - the identity is assigned directly to the Azure resource
- User-assigned - you can assign a user identity to one or more resources.
What is Azure CLI? Where does it run?
Azure CLI is a command line that lets you manage Azure resources through a console. It can be run on browser through Azure or using a terminal in Windows (command prompt) or MacOS and Linux (Bash)
How are divided commands in Azure CLI?
Commands are divided in groups and subgroups
* groups - represent a service provided by Azure (e.g. web-app VM)
* subgroups - represent what commands can be launched on an Azure resource
Which steps do you use to create an Azure resource using Azure CLI?
- Connect through Azure CLI
az login
- Generally you want to host resources in a resource group. If you don’t have one, you proceed with creating one
az group create --name <rgName> --location <location>
- Verify if resource group exist by listing all the resource groups available in your subscription. Use table output for an ordered list
az group list --output table
- If you need any other resource repeat the steps, for example, if you want a new Storage account you can launch the command
az storage account create --resource-group <rgName> --name <saName> --location <location>
Which kind of service help you control your traffic in Azure, since is a DNS-based traffic load balancer that direct client requests to appropriate endpoint, based on IP, DNS or physical location
Azure Traffic Manager
Azure Traffic Manager option in which you want to use a primary service endpoint for all traffic
Azure Traffic Manager option in which you distribute traffic across multiple endpoints, according to weights or evenly
Azure Traffic Manager option in which you want the closest endpoint for the lowest latency
Azure Traffic Manager option in which users are directed to specific endpoints based on their geographic region
Azure Traffic Manager option in which you handle IPv4/IPv6 addresses as endpoints
Azure Traffic Manager option in which sets of end-user IP address ranges are mapped to a specific endpoint
An Azure product that automates cloud provisiong, config management and app deploy for virtual machines, containers and other cloud infrastructures
Which task in Azure Key Vault will let you download secrets?
Download Azure Key Vault secrets.
Azure Key Vault v2
- task: AzureKeyVault@2
azureSubscription: # string. (required)
KeyVaultName: # string. (required)
SecretsFilter: ‘*’ # string. (Required.)
//SecretsFilter Default: *.
RunAsPreJob: false # boolean.
//Make secrets available to whole job. Default: false.