Monday Flashcards
Crime against God and Brooking, the natural order of things
Most scareligious murder hath broke up the Lord’s anointed temple
Heavy dramatic irony thinking of her as gentle lady, he thinks if he tells her what has happened, she won’t be able to take it. We know she has been instrumental in the murder of Duncan so ironic that someone afraid to tell her what has happened. Her first reaction is that it’s a shame he died in our house as though the important thing is where he died when actually it’s important that he is dead.
What! In our house?
If I could rewind time, he’s saying that open until that moment Duncan died the world was a wonderful place. Dober meaning we know that he is saying that he will never be free of the guilt of the crime he has committed.
Had I but died an hour before this chance/I had liv’d a blessed time
Barcoe not willing to accept the idea that groomsmen killed the king
Let us meet and question this most bloody piece of work/to know it further