MON Chapter 22 Phrases Flashcards
me dice que María se casa el lunes
he says to me that Maria marries on monday
te ha dicho que ayer no se encontraba bien
he has said to you that yesterday he wasn’t well (wasn’t finding himself well)
me dijo que María se casa el lunes
he told me that Maria is marries on monday
¿Qué te cuenta Moyo en la carta?
What did Moyo account for en in the card?
nos ha comentado que María se casa el lunes
he has commented to us that Maria marries on monday
les contó que María se casa el lunes
he accounted to them that Maria marries monday
nos dijo que María se casa el lunes
he said to us that Maria marries monday
me cuenta que María se casa el lunes
he accounted to me that Maria marries me
me han contado que cambiaste de trabajo
they have accounted to me that your changed work
nos pregunta si vamos a ir a su boda
he asked me if I’m going to go to your wedding
me ha preguntado si quiero comer mañana
He has asked me if I want to eat tomorrow
nos ha preguntó por que iremos a la playa
he asked us why we’re going to the beach
te pregunté cuándo quieres comer mañana
I asked you when you want to eat tomorrow
me dice que le llames
he asked you that you called him
te pide que pases por su casa
he asks you that you spend time at his house