MON Chapter 21 Phrases Flashcards
me gusta verlo
I like to see it
te encanta ir a los museos
you love to go to museums
le divierte trabajar
he/she/you(formal) enjoy/s to work
nos indigna la pintura
the painting makes us angry
les molestan las obras de arte
the works of art annoy them
me preocupa la gente
The people worry me / I worry about the people
le emociona ir
he is excited to go
te da risa la pintura
the painting makes you laugh
nos interesa la mujer
we are interested in the woman / the woman interests us
les pone nervioso la noche
The night makes them nervous
me pone triste la película
the movie makes me sad
le hace gracia la música
the music is funny to him
su voz me hace mucha gracia
i find his voice funny
tener gracia
to be funny
no me hizo gracia
I didn’t find it funny
me da vergüenza ver esas cosas
it makes to ashamed to see those things
me pone nervioso estar solo en casa
it makes me nervous to be alone at home
¿No te preocupa vivir en un mundo así?
Doesn’t it worry you to live in a world like that?
A Juan le fastidia ver tanta pobreza en el mundo.
Seeing so much poverty in the world bothers Juan.
me pone nervioso
it makes me nervous
te pone muy nervioso
it makes you very nervous
le da miedo
it makes him scared
me da un poco miedo
it makes me a little scared
le da pena
It gives him penalty (it gives him pain/sorrow)
te da mucho pena
it gives you much penality
me pone contento/a
it makes me happy
te pone enfermo/a
it makes you sick
me vuelve loco/a
it makes me crazy
se hace un experto/a
he becomes an expert
me vuelva antipático/a
it makes me unfriendly
te hace médico/a
it makes you a doctor
me pone triste
it makes me sad
le hace millonario/a
it makes him/her a millionaire
te vuelve egoísta
it makes you selfish
Gonzalo se ha hecho un experto
Gonzalo has become an expert
Mi abuela se hizo rica invirtiendo en la bolsa
My grandmother got rich by investing in the stock market