Molluscs/Echinodermata Flashcards
Two fields of skins, outgrowths dorsal body wall
Visceral Mass
Contains digestive, circumatory, respiratory, and reproductive organs
Mantle cavity
Space between mantle + body wall
Protective shell is secreted by…
Mantle over visceral mass + head foot
Rasping, protrusible tonguelike organ found in all mollusks
Ribbonlike membrane where rows of tiny teeth are
Ventral, solelike structure
Waves of muscular contraction effects a creeping motion
Mantle + Mantle cavity (functions)
Houses respiratory organs
Surface serves for gaseous exchange
Mollusc Difinitive Traits
Moll. Circulatory
Open circulatory w pumping heart, blood vessels
ceph. Have closed blood system w heart, vessels, capillaries
Moll. Nervous
Pairs of ganglia w connecting nerve cords
Specialized sense organs
Moll. Reproductive
Dioecious (snails mono)
Ceph. Respiration
Thru body surface (usually mantle) and gills or lungs
Nitrogenous waste»_space;> kidney
Flat gills found in mantle cavity
Absorb oxygen from water
Moll. trochophore
Minute, transluscent top-shaped, prominent circletts of cilia found in molluscs
Moll. veliger
Free swimmig larva
Cling onto rocks, use radula to scrape algae and plant material
Snails & Slugs
Gastropoda Torsion
Process that moves mantle cavity in front of the body
Uneven growth of right & left muscles that attach shell to foot & differences in muscle contractions on sides of body
Causes foiling
Gastropoda foiling
Wastes may be washed back over the gills
Better water sampling
Head can be drawn into shell