Mollusca Flashcards
What is the body plan of the Mollusca?
No segmented
Muscular foot/head
Visceral mass (non muscular)
Mantle cavity with gills
What is the dorsal surface of the Mollusca covered by?
Covered by a mantle of tissue
Mantle secretes a dorsal shell
What is the posterior and anterior part of the mollusca?
The dorsal and posterior part is non-muscular and never leaves the shell (visceral mass)
The anterior and lower part is firm and muscular and may extend beyond shell (head-foot)
How is the ancestral mollusc described?
Probably small (1-2cm)
Poorly defined head
Ventral surface broad and flat
Thin shell
Posterior mantle cavity
What is one of the leading features of the molluscs?
Mantle cavity
The posterior part of the mantle cavity is enlarged and contains the ctenidia (gills)
What is the radula?
The mouth is carried on a snout close to the ground, rasping food particles off the surface of the rock by mean of a radula
How is the radula structured?
A radula is a ribbon-like structure covered with extremely hard mineralised teeth
It runs over a cartilaginous ‘odontophore’ which is extruded from the mouth and the radula acts as a rasp tearing off food particles
Is the visceral mass muscular?
It is non-muscular
The oesophagus and stomach operate without the use of muscles
What is process in collecting food in the molluscs?
Salivary glands mucus to lubricate the radula and to collect food particles
Cilia in the stomach create a rotary action forming a ball of rotating mucus that acts like a windlass
Material scraped off by the radula is pulled up the oesophagus by a mucus rope
How is the circulatory system in molluscs described?
Open circuit circulatory system
How is the primitive heart of the mollusca thought to be structured?
Thought to have consisted of a median ventricle and two lateral auricles
How does blood flow in the molluscs?
Blood flows from the ctenidia through the auricles and is pumped forward by the ventricle
Primitively there is no complex system of blood vessels, the blood passing into a series a haemocoelic sinuses
How do pearls form in the mollusca?
Nacreous layer- foreign body enters through it
Foreign body is surrounded by layers of nacreous shell eventually to form a pearl
What classes exist within the phylum mollusca?
Class Monoplacopjora
Class Polyplacophora (chitons)
Class Aplacophora
Class Aplacophora
Class Gastropoda (snails)
Class Bivalvia (clams)
Class Scaphopoda (tusk shells)
Class Cephalopoda (squid)
How are the class Monoplacophora described?
Known from fossils dating back to the cambrian- thought to be ancestral to gastropods, bivalves and cephalopods