Arthropods Flashcards
How are the phylum arthropoda described?
1,000,000 spp
Represented in virtually in every habitat
Especially successful in terrestrial environments
How is a generalised arthropod described?
Nervous system similar to annelids (dorsal brain)
Circulatory system open circuit
Hemocyanin is usual respiratory pigment
Compound eyes are common
Jointed cuticle (exoskeleton) with flexible membrane at joints
Cuticle extends into front
Segments often specialised to form distinct body regions- Tagmata
How are the cuticles structured in the arthropoda?
Cuticle of each segment with four plates (but often modified)
Rigid cuticle necessitates periodic moulting
Coelom very reduced in adults
How does moulting work in the arthropoda?
New exoskeleton is formed below the old exoskeleton
Some materials are re-absorbed from the old exoskeleton
Exoskeleton begins to split along specific lines of weakness
Body swells as it emerges from the splits in the old exoskeleton
Body remains soft to enable it to expand further. Vulnerable to predation (tend to hide)
How are the arthropods appendages described?
Jointed appendages specialised for different functions
Movement of jointed appendages by antagonistic muscle system
Primitive condition of one pair appendages per segment
Appendages branched (biramous) in many arthropods
Muscle faster acting than annelid muscles
What sub-phyla exist in the phylum Arthropoda?
Sub phyla:
- Trilobita- the trilobites (extinct)
- Chelicerata- spiders, scorpions etc
- Crustacea- crabs, barnacles, shrimp etc
- Uniramia- millipedes, centipedes, insects
How are the Trilobita described?
Extinct since end of paleozoic (-240 mya)
3900 spp described
Mostly 3-10cm
Evidence of burrowing, epibenthic, pelagic and nektonic forms
How are the Trilobita structured?
Three lobes- refers to the axial and two lateral lobes
Body composed of cephalon, thorax and pygidium
What did the Trilobita have that was the first appearance of that structure?
Compound eyes- first appearance in fossil record
What does each segment of the Trilobita bear and what are they capable of?
Each segment bears a pair of branched appendages
These are fairly similar on different segments
Some capable to rolling into protective
How are the Chelicerata described?
Lack antennae
Body divided into cephalothorax and abdomen
1st pair appendages are chelicerae and have a feeding function
2nd pair appendages are pedipalps- modified for different functions
Normally followed by 4 pairs of legs
What classes exist in the Chelicerata?
Class Merotomata- horseshoe crabs and sea scorpions (extinct)
Class Arachnida- spiders, scorpions, mites etc
Class Pycnogonida- sea spiders
How are the class Merostomata described?
Five or six pairs abdominal appendages modified as gills
Spike-like telson at posterior end of body
What sub classes exist in the class Merostomata?
Sub class Xiphosura- horseshoe crabs
Sub class Eurypterida- sea scorpions (extinct)
How are the sub class Xiphosura described?
Four living species
Compound eyes (no other living chelicerates have these)
Live in shallow water in soft sediments
Large carapace gives protection when ploughing through sediment