Molecules of Biology Flashcards
fundamental uni of the physical world
Combination of two or more individual Atom
Molecule containing different Atoms
Molecule containing single type of Atom
In chemical reaction, molecules or atoms interacting are called reactants / left side of the arrow
Result of reactants interactions / right side of the arrow
Molecules and compounds containing Carbon(C)
Molecules that doesn’t contain Carbon(C). Exemption: carbon dioxide(CO2) is inorganic
<p>Four important types of organic molecules</p>
Proteins, Carbohydrates, Lipids and Nucleic Acids
Large molecules: proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids
<p>String of repeated units</p>
<p>Individual units of polymer</p>
<p>Polymers of Amino Acids</p>
<p>Amino Acid</p>
<p>monomer that makes up protein</p>
<p>How many different Amino Acids are there</p>
<p>Amino group</p>
<p>Double bond</p>
<p>A double bond is a type of chemical bond in which two electron pairs are shared between two atoms</p>
<p>Carboxyl group</p>
<p>The carboxyl group is an organic, functional group consisting of a carbon atom that's double-bonded to an oxygen atom and singly bonded to a hydroxyl group</p>
<p>The R-group</p>
<p>Fourth bond on the central carbon atom in amino acid which give the characteristics</p>
<p>Dehydration Synthesis Reaction</p>
<p>Common reaction for building things is remove two hydrogens and one oxygen(H2O), after that bond is formed called Peptide bond</p>
<p>Peptide Bond</p>
<p>Bond between Amino Acids, formed by dehydration synthesis</p>
<p>Hydration Reaction</p>
<p>Peptide bonds are broken by adding H2O molecule</p>
<p>Breaking peptide bonds with H2O</p>
<p>Two amino acids forms a dipeptide</p>
More than two amino acids forms polypeptide
Primary structure
Proteins can have four levels of structure: linear sequence of the amino acids is called the primary structure of a protein
Secondary structures
Polypeptides begins to twist, form either a coil(alpha Helix) or zigzagging pattern(beta-pleated sheets). These are example of proteins secondary structures
Tertiary structure
Secondary structures interact with eachother and form tertiary structure
Quaternary structure
Several different polypeptide chains interact and form quarternary structure
Chaperone proteins, chaperonins
Helps proteins to fold correctly
Monomer of carbohydrate
Single Saccharide
Carbohydrate, consists of:
carbon, oxygen, hydrogen
group of carbohydrates
What ratio is C H O in carbonhydrate?
Two monosaccharides links together: maltose and sucrose
Number of monosaccharides joined together exceeds two. Three to know for test: glycogen, starch, cellulose
Polysaccharide, polymers of glucose, form in which animals/humas store glucosse
Polysaccharide, polymers of glucose, form in which plants store glucose
Polysaccharide, polymers of glucose, structural polysaccharide that forms plant's cell walls
Fats, monomer for lipid Hydrocarbon
monomer for lipid
Nonpolar, doesn't act well with water, scared of water
Three most common forms in which lipids are found in body
Triglycerides, phospholipids, cholesterol
Lipid, consists of three fatty acids bonded to glycerol molecule. Most of food consumed are in the form of triglyceride
Lipid, almost like triglyceride, except one fatty acid chain is replaced with a phosphate group. Phosphate group is hydrophilic(can interact with water), is polar
Molecule that is both polar and nonpolar. Phospholipids are polar on phosphate end and nonpolar on fatty acid end
Lipid bilayer
Double layer of phospholipids, make cell membranes
Forms in rings, found only in animal cells, in cell membranes along with phospholipids. Additionally all the steroid hormones in the body(example estrogen, testosterone and progesterone) are derived form cholesterol
Nucleic acid macromolecule
DNA(deoxyribonucleic acid), RNA(ribonucleic acid), found in nucleus of the cell(nucleic), polynucleotides. Made from sugar, a phosphate and a base
Monomer of nucleic acid
Nucleotide bases(DNA)
Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, Thymine
Double Helix
Long twisted ladder of dna molecule pairs
Who founded DNA structure?
Watson, Crick and Frankil 1953
DNA Base pairs
Adenine and Thymine, Cytosine and Guanine
How are DNA strands linked?
Are the DNA strands antiparallel?