Molecular Diagnosis Flashcards
Analyse nucleotide level?
DNA sequencing
What would you use to analyse DNA at gene level?
Restriction enzymes
DNA gel electrophoresis
Analyse at chromosome level?
Analyse at gene level?
Southern hybridisation
PCR variations
Analyse proteins?
Protein electrophoresis
Enzyme Assays
Describe DNA sequencing?
Answer later
What are restriction enzymes?
Enzymes taken from bacteria that recognise specific DNA sequences as restriction sites and cut the DNA resulting in sticky ends.
Uses of restriction enzymes?
Used in fingerprinting due to DNA variation in pop
Detect mutations ie HbS
Differences in DNA fragment size ie deletion
Gene cloning ie insulin production
How do bacteria use RE?
They cut foreign DNA and degrade whereas their own DNA is protected by methylation
How can RE action be reversed?
DNA ligase is an enzyme that connects complementary sticky ends to rejoin the DNA fragments. It forms the covalent phosphodiester bonds in the sugar phosphate backbone
Important for gene cloning
Explain DNA electrophoresis?
Seperated DNA fragments by size.
- Solution of fragements placed in wells at the neg. anode
- The charge of pos. cathode encourages DNA to move towards the positive end as DNA phosphate are negative
- The largest fragments move the slowest hence further up the gel
- A DNA ladder is used as reference as are fragments of know length
What do you require for DNA gel electrophoresis?
Buffer solution
DNA fragments
power supply and electrodes
Stain to visualise the DNA fragments
What is gene cooing and the process of making insulin?
Used to make useful protein ie insulin.
- A plasmid is cut with REs and the gene of interest is added to a DNA vector (cut with the same RE)
- Using DNA ligase, this forms RECOMBINANT DNA
- The Recom. DNA is added to a bacterium. This is TRANSFORMATION
- The bacteria containing the resistant gene contains the plasmid hence is positively selected
- That bacteria is placed in optimal environment to multiply
Characteristics of plasmids?
Small circular DNA
Transfer to another bacteria
Can obtain anti-biotic genes
What is gene cloning used for?
Producing useful proteins
Investigate what genes do
Genetic screening
Gene therapy
Explain DNA sequencing?
- A flourescent/ radioactively stained ddNTPs added to DNA template strand along with DNA polymerase to create a complimentary DNA strand
- Depending on which ddNTP used, the DNA fragments stop at different points. Stops when ddNTP binds
- This produces millions of DNA fragments of different lengths
- They are denatured using heat and seperated by gel electrophoresis
- The DNA fragments are run through a computer which records the ddNTP used to recognise each base in the sequence, building from one base to millions.
What is the other name for DNA sequencing?
Sanger Dideoxy Chain Termination method
What is ddNTP?
Dideoxynucleotide tri-phosphate
Variation is dNTPs except lack a 3’ OH hence polymerisation can’t o cut and terminates the strand.
There are one for each base: ddGTP, ddATP… etc.
Describe PCR?
Amplifies DNA segments by repeating copying the target DNA using thermostable Taq DNA polymerase and pairs of primers to uniquely define a region.
Process of PCR?
Denturation - using high temp 94-96 to separate double helix
Renaturation/Annealing - lower Temp 50-65 using pair of primers
DNA synthesis- medium temperature 75-80 using Taq.
Uses of PCR?
Amplify DNA fragments specifically
Investigate single base mutations
Investigate small deletions or insertions
For DNA electrophoresis