Which of the following statement is FALSE?
The PCR is usually done in a reaction volume of 10 – 200 ml in small tubes in a thermal cycler.
SNPs are detected by Allele-Specific PCR by
using Allele-specific primers
Which is INCORRECT about SNPs?
They usually affect health and development.
This is added to determine if you have contaminants on your DNA
Principle of separation in Capillary zone electrophoresis
Statements below describes polyacrylamide gel EXCEPT
Mobility does not depend on DNA sequence
Extension time is set for () base pairs of DNA per minute
In array-based CGH, what is the sample used?
In Gel Electrophoresis, how do we make the DNA migrate through the gel?
We place a positive electrode away from the wells
This is a type of PRGE in which two fields are arranged in separated straight angle
After heating and cooling the mixture, which of the following catalyzes the synthesis of complementary strands of DNA?
Taq polymerase
Low annealing temperature leads to some mismatches
Pfu polymerase is superior over Taq polymerase because:
of more accurate amplification
Which is INCORRECT about ASO hybridization?
The result is analyzed using gel electrophoresis.
When setting up a Sanger sequencing reaction, each reaction should include template DNA, deoxyribonucleotides, dideoxyribonucleotides, buffer, DNA polymerase, and
Forward OR reverse primer
What would be the effect on the PCR reaction if any of the following circumstances arose: 1) there are no primers in the reaction, 2) enough dNTPs in the reaction, 3) there is Taq polymerase in the reaction?
Amplicons will not be produced, false negative result.
Nonspecific amplification may be a result of adding:
5.5 mM MgCl2+
The PCR technique was developed by
Among those listed below, which is most common mutation effect that leads to the development on cancer?
Increase in the activity of a protein
TRUE for agarose gels
High voltage in a high agarose concentration can resolve small DNAs
Why do you need to prepare an extra volume in your Master Mix?
To compensate pipetting errors
What will happen if too much enzyme is added to the reaction?
Digestion reaction may fail
At what temperature does annealing of primers to the template takes place?
- 47-60˚C
-10-20˚C below the melting point of primer
-5˚C below the melting point of primer
LAMP PCR requires this range of temperature:
What is a palindromic restriction endonuclease?
The sequence recognized by the enzyme is the same in the forward and reverse sense.
Example of spontaneously generated mutation:
Uncorrected error committed by DNA polymerase
Which of the following is not a practice for autoclaving?
All items should have a masking tape
What makes Sanger technique superior over Maxam-Gilbert technique for DNA sequencing?
-Uses less hazardous reagents
-Can sequence longer DNA
-It is widly used for sequencing
DNA length is measured in units called
base pairs
Sickle cell anemia is caused by a point mutation in the hemoglobin gene, resulting in the substitution of a single amino acid in the mature protein. This mutation could be detected by all of the following methods EXCEPT:
Western blot analysis
It uses pressurized steam to kill infectious agents
It is the standard concentration used in staining DNA in gels
0.5 – 1 ug/ml
Acts as a cofactor to create the DNA chain
Magnesium ions
Match the following chemical reagents of Maxam-Gilbert with their correct use.
-After chemical modification of bases, this reagent will generate breaks on the strands
Hydrazine + Salt
-Inhibits the reaction of thymine for the C- only reaction
-Hydrolyzes pyrimidines Formic acid
-Modifies purine bases in the template
-Adds methyl group to Guanine