Module 9 Flashcards
Intentionally uttering false statement
Act of discovering the existence, presence or facts of something hidden.
Method of Detecting Deception
Lie Detection
Act of deceiving or misleading and usually accomplished by lying.
Refers to the instrument designed for recording changes in blood pressure, pulse rate, respiration and skin resistance as indicative of emotional disturbance especially of lying when questioned.
Refers to the scientific method of detecting deception with the use/aid of the polygraph instrument
Refers to a person who intentionally utters false statement.
Refers to a person who intentionally utters false statement.
Verbal Clues
Are signs of lying observed in a person through the words that are spoken, speed of delivery of words, choice of words, tone of voice and the tense of language
Signs of lying observe in a person through patterns of body movements, gestures, facial expressions, body posture, positioning and movements used to explain chosen words
Non-verbal Clues
Refers to non-verbal gestures or signs that can be directly translated into or substituted for words
Refers to contradicting statements / testimonies made by any person
A physiological measure that has been shown to be related to physiological arousal;
Electrodermal Response
Refers to a continuous graph on which a subject’s physiological response are registered
Polygraph Chart
A person undergoing polygraph examination; may be a suspect, complainant, victim, witnesses, and others who are required to undergo polygraph examination
A component of the polygraph machine responsible in recording changes in respiration of a person undergoing polygraph examination
Component of polygraph machine responsible in recording changes in blood pressure and pulse rate of a person undergoing polygraph examination
Component of polygraph machine responsible in recording changes in skin resistance of a person undergoing polygraph examination
Counter Measures
Refers to the attempt to prevent the polygraph technique from revealing untruthful answers
Ordeal by Heat and Fire
where the accused person would carry a burning hot iron so many paces without being burned to prove their innocence.
Ordeal by Water
Where the accused would reach into a pot of boiling water and retrieve an object. If the accused was innocent, the water would not burn their skin, but if they were guilty, then the burns would reveal their guilt.
The aggrieved party claimed the right to fight the alleged offender or to pay a champion to fight for him. The victor is said to win not by his own strength but because of supernatural powers that had intervened on the side of the right.
Ordeal by Combat
Verbal Clues of Deception
- Inconsistencies - contradicting testimonies
- Slip of the Tongue
- Tirades
- Pauses (too long, too frequent, or occur in inappropriate places)
- Speed of Speech (during relevant part of the questioning)
- Repetition of Question
- Fragmented or Incomplete Sentences
- Being Overly Polite
Non-verbal Clues of Deception
- Emblems (e.g. shrugging of shoulders)
- Manipulators - usual behavior of touching one’s self such as grooming the hair, or wringing of the hands
- Breathing (affected by stress)
- Sweating (too much sweating can be indicative of involuntary reflex of deception)
- Frequent Swallowing
- Facial Muscles
- Eyes (rapid blinking can signal emotional stress)
Is polygraph examination result admissible in court?
In as much as the test requires the subject to answer the question either by “yes” or “no”, it infers the use of intelligence and attention or other mental faculties which is self-incriminatory. Therefore, a person cannot be compelled to be subjected to the test.
Purpose of Polygraphy Examination
To determine truth or deception based on the presence of emotional disturbance of the subject as appearing on the recorded physiological responses to question relative to the case under investigation
Theory of Polygraphy
When a mentally normal person tells a lie, physiological changes occur within his/her body that could be recorded by polygraph machine and evaluated by polygraph examiner.