Module 8: The impact of Information Technology on Society Flashcards
What is the most widely used measurement of the material standard of living?
The most widely used measurement of the material standard of living is gross domestic product (GDP) per capita.
How has the standard of living in the United States changed over time?
The standard of living has been improving over time, though its rate of change varies due to business cycles that affect prices, wages, employment levels, and the production of goods and services.
What is labor productivity?
Labor productivity is a measure of economic performance that compares the amount of goods and services produced with the number of labor hours used in producing those goods and services.
How have most countries increased their production of goods and services over time?
Most countries have increased their production of goods and services by making production more efficient, not through a proportional increase in labor. These gains in productivity have led to increases in the GDP-based standard of living.
What role does innovation play in productivity improvement, and how has IT contributed?
Innovation is a key factor in productivity improvement, and IT has played an important role in enabling innovation. Organizations use IT, new technology, and capital investment to implement innovations in products, processes, and services.
Why is it difficult to quantify the benefits of IT investments on worker productivity?
It can be difficult to quantify the benefits of IT investments on worker productivity because there can be a considerable lag between the application of innovative IT solutions and the capture of significant productivity gains. Additionally, many factors other than IT influence worker productivity rates.
How are advances in AI, machine learning, robotics, and natural language processing changing work?
Advances in AI, machine learning, robotics, and natural language processing are fundamentally changing how work gets done and have the potential to affect the tasks, roles, and responsibilities of most workers.
What is the potential for automation in current jobs?
Almost every job has partial automation potential, and research suggests that 45 percent of human work activities could be automated using existing technology.
What is the expected timeframe for automation to achieve its full potential?
It is likely to take decades for automation to achieve anywhere near its full potential.
What are the capabilities of artificial intelligence systems?
Artificial intelligence systems can simulate human intelligence processes, including learning, reasoning, and self-correction.
What is machine learning, and how does it function?
Machine learning, a type of AI, involves computer programs that can learn some tasks and improve their performance with experience.
What is robotics, and what tasks can robots perform?
Robotics is a branch of engineering that involves the development and manufacture of mechanical or computer devices that can perform tasks requiring high precision or that are tedious or hazardous for humans.
What is natural language processing?
Natural language processing is an aspect of AI that allows computers to understand, analyze, manipulate, and/or generate natural languages like English.
What are the expected trends in healthcare costs in the United States from 2016 to 2025?
Healthcare costs in the United States are expected to increase by an average of 5.6 percent per year from 2016 to 2025.
What factors contribute to the increase in healthcare costs?
Factors include the aging population, government policy, lifestyle changes, and to a lesser extent, the development and use of new medical technology.
What measures can be taken to rein in healthcare spending in the United States?
To rein in healthcare spending, patient awareness must be raised, and technology costs must be managed more carefully.
What is an electronic medical record (EMR)?
An EMR is a collection of health-related information on an individual that is created, managed, and consulted by authorized clinicians and staff within a single healthcare organization.
What is an electronic health record (EHR)?
An EHR is a comprehensive view of a patient’s complete medical history designed to be shared with authorized providers and staff from more than one organization.
What is health information exchange (HIE)?
HIE is the process of sharing patient-level electronic health information between different organizations, resulting in more cost-effective and higher-quality care.
What is a personal health record (PHR)?
A PHR includes portions of the EHR that an individual patient owns and controls, such as personal identifiers, contact information, health provider information, problem list, medication history, allergies, immunizations, and lab and test results.
What is clinical decision support (CDS)?
CDS is a process and a set of tools designed to enhance health-related decision-making through the use of clinical knowledge and patient-specific information to improve healthcare delivery.
What is a computerized provider order entry (CPOE) system?
A CPOE system enables physicians to place orders electronically for drugs, laboratory tests, radiology, and physical therapy, with the orders transmitted directly to the recipient.
What is telehealth, and how does it benefit healthcare?
Telehealth employs telecommunications and information technologies to provide medical care to people who live or work far from healthcare providers, offer professional and patient health-related training, and support healthcare administration.
What is telemedicine, and how does it differ from telehealth?
Telemedicine is a component of telehealth that provides medical care to people at a location different from the healthcare providers. It helps reduce the need for patients to travel for treatment and allows healthcare professionals to serve more patients in a broader geographic area.
What is store-and-forward telemedicine?
Store-and-forward telemedicine involves acquiring data, sound, images, and video from a patient and then transmitting everything to a medical specialist for later evaluation.