Module 8: Personality Assessment Flashcards
What is personality?
Refers to individual differences in characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving. The study of personality focuses on two broad areas: one understanding individual differences in particular personality characteristics, such as social ability or irritability. The other is understanding how the various parts of a person come together as a whole. -APA
Personality assessment
the measurement and evaluation of psychological traits, states, values, interests, attitudes, worldview, acculturation, sense of humour, cognitive and behaviour styles, an/or related individual characteristics
Personality type
Constellation of traits that is similar in pattern to one identified category of a personality within a taxonomy of personalities.
Personality states
unlike traits that are relatively enduring, states are more transitory and will depend upon a person’s situation and/motives at a particular time.
Personality types
Personality type: a constellation of traits similar in pattern to one identified category of personality within a taxonomy of personalities.
Holland codes categorise people as one of six personality types: artistic, enterprising, investigative, social, realistic or conventional
Developed the self-directed search test (SDS) a self-administered and self-scored to aid vocational assistance.
Meyer Briggs Type Indicator
Broadly based on Jung’s theory:
16 types based on combinations of scales:
- Introversion – extraversion
- Sensing – intuition
- Thinking – feeling
- Judging – perceiving
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is frequently discussed in terms of the patterns of scores that emerge, referred to as a profile.
Why assess personality?
Aspects of personality could be explored in:
- Identifying determinants of knowledge about health
- Categorising different types of commitment in intimate relationships
- Determinising peer reasons to a team’s weakest link
- The service of national defence to identify those prone to terrorism
- Tracking trait development over time
- Studying some uniquely human characteristic such as moral judgement
Where are personality assessments conducted?
Traditional sites include schools, clinics. Hospitals, academic research, laboratories, employment counselling, vocational selection centres, and the offices of psychologists and counsellors.
Personality assessors can also be found observing behaviour and making assessments in natural settings.
Who is being assessed and who is assessing?
Some methos of personality rely on self report.
Assess may respond to interview questions, answer questionaires in writing or on a computer.
Some forms of personality assessment rely on informants such as parents, teachers, or peers.
Personality may be assessed by many different methods, such as face-to-face interviews, computer-administered tests, behavioural observation, paper and pencil tests, evaluation of case history data, evaluation of portfolio data, and recording of physiological responses.
Measures of eprsonality vary in terms of their structure, with some measures being very structured and others being relatively unstructured.
one’s attitudes, belifes, opinions, and related thoughts about oneself. Some self-concept measures are based on the notion that states and traits related to self-concept are to a large degree context-dependent.
Response style
a tendency to respond to a resr or item or interview question in some characterisitic manner regardless of the content of the item or question.
Impression management
the attempt to manipulate others’ impressions through ‘the selective exposure of some information… coupled with supress of other information’
Response scales and validity
Response styles can affect the validity of the outcome and can be countered through the use of a validity scales.
Validity scales
a subscales of a test is designed to assist in judgments regarding how honestly the testtakers responded and whether responses were products of response style, carelessness, deception, or misunderstanding.