Module 8/9 Flashcards
School Based Practice in SLP: Guidance o Eligibility: IDEA, Part B -under part B, children can be found eligible through -in order to establish eligibility in the public sector, ? -students in K-12 may receive both a> -written consent for evaluation MUST? -written notice of meetings must be ? -parental input must be ?
14 categories set forth by IDEA
- educational impact must be established
- primary and secondary eligibility
- be obtained from parent prior to conducting any type of assessment
- provided to parents within a reasonable time when discussing any changes to eligibility/services
- documented on the IEP document and considered within the development of the remainder of the document
establishing eligibility through Part B of IDEA:
- less ?
- interpretation for SLO varies from
- … educational impact
- … based decision
- best practice to supplement with
- ….
guidance under Part B on qualifying scores
- state to state and district to district
- adverse
- term-based
- informal assessments, observations, educational records
Individualized Education Program/Plans (IEPs)
- if a child is found eligible for services through Part B the team has ?
- the following participants must be part of the IEP team:
- … of the child
- regular ? (at least )
- … teacher
- representative of ?
- … as appropriate
- any other ?
30 days to establish IEP
- parents/legal guardian
- regular education teacher ( at least one)
- special education teacher (SLP considered Special Education Personnel in schools)
- Public Agency*
- child
- relevant personnel - for every service provided, the service provider must be present
Representative of Public Agency *
This term can be known as many others, one common name being
in most districts, if child has the sole eligibility of SLI, the SLP can
This person must have the ?
if the child has a primary eligibility other than SLI this could be a ?
Local Education Agency
- dually function as the LEA
- authority to commit agency resources
- school administrator or a person whose job is to hold IEP meetings ( sometimes called Special Education Facilitator)
ASHA’s input on school-based practice:
Influences on school-based practice while eligibility is now more similar between? there are many differences to ? these differences should inform ?
SLP not responsible to ? but support ?
public and private sector/school-based services/ assessment
-implement curriculum/access related to speaking, listening, reading, writing
Curriculum CCS: ? Universal Design for learning (UDL) -widely used framework to present ? -provides general ?
41 states have not adopted, not Florida
- present education material in ways accessible to all learners, regardless of ability
- guidance for presentation of materials, ways student demonstrate learning and ways to engage with educational materials
Service delivery within Curriculum:
- SLP roles is to ?
- goals/objectives aligned to ?
support students access to curriculum
support/not independent
Multi-tiered Systems of Support
- falls under
- identify ?
- what tiered approach?
Tier 1:
Tier II:
Tier III
umbrella of EI services
-student at risk and intervene early
3/ sometimes 4
primary level: instruction/core curriculum
secondary level: intervention
tertiary level: intensive intervention
Identifying school-age children for Language Assessment: public sector assessment process: -parent -parent/guardian - -establish -develop
referral to Part B signs written consent form eval. eligibility IEP
Screening tools in school age years: purpose: deciding whether should be local educational agencies may CELF-5 often leads to ? should have similar ?
child is significantly different from other children in terms of language skills
-quick, standardized, evaluate total language
-develop their own screeners
-referral for additional language assessment or eval. in related areas
psychometric prop. to full-scale assessments
MTSS according to ASHA:
provides a
implements a ?
secondary route to eval. and intervention in school systems
progress monitoring system at different tiered levels of support
Tier 1:
SLP often assist in?
Tier 2:
- build upon? by offering more ?
- SLP might assist
Tier 3:
- had referral to be ?
- SLP involved in ?
instruction/core curriculum: differentiated instruction
-universal screening or support “high quality instruction
secondary level of prevention: intervention
- tier one by offering more systematic instruction, delivered in small groups, continue to participate in tier 1
- with progress monitoring (directly or indirectly)
intensive intervention - special education -
- evaluated, sign consent and formal eval. takes place
- decisions on who is referred for assessment and eligibility
progress monitoring:
progress measured ?
this is typically referred to as ?
effectiveness of the tier 2 supports provided to the child
regularly to provide iterative feedback
Curriculum based assessment or curriculum based measures
Comprehensive assessment of language for school-age children:
full scale standardized evaluation for children with L4L:
-used ?
-be aware of what areas of language each test ?
..most often for eligibility in public schools or for insurance in private settings
-comprehensive language assessments: these tests evaluate ?
language skills more broadly across all domains of language and can be a great starting point