Module 7 Flashcards
What is developing language? ages Browns' stages MLU between child could fall in this ?
chronologically by age but not by language
Referral and Eligibility for preschoolers - parent referral to -parent/guardian signs - -establish -develop ?
part B written consent for eval. evaluation eligibility IEP
Establishing Eligibility for Toddlers through part B of IDEA:
Children may receive services from 3-21 when they meet the following criteria
educational eligibility category under IDEA (13)
all categories require ?
age 3-5 : many states use a ? as eligibility
-delay in ?
-typically must score at least ?
primary vs. secondary eligibility
- specific learning disability, OHI, ASD, ED, SLI, VI, Deaf-blind, OI, ID, TBI, multiple disabilities
- educational impact
- developmental delay or significant developmental delay as eligibility
- one of the five developmental areas: cognition, language, social emotional, motor, adaptive
- 2 SD below in one area or 1.5 SD below in two or more areas
Developmental Delay
children age 3-5 years will often still be eligible for special education services through ?
-varies by state, children typically must be reevaluated prior to ? to qualify under one of the other ?
NOTE this is now a separate eligibility from?
the criteria for DD change slightly for Part B in that there is now only ? it does not matter if the child has a medical diagnosis - this no longer ?
-9 years/ 13 categories to continue receiving services
one path to eligibility/guarantees eligibility
Eligibility: Language Impairment -disorders that : -interfere with -adversely affect can involve: - can manifest in significant difficulties affecting: - May NOT be results of factors related to
- comm.
- performance in a typical educational setting
- phon., morph., syntax, semantics, pragmatics
- listening comprehension, oral expression, social interaction, reading, writing, or spelling
chronological age, gender, culture, ethnicity, or limited english proficiency
Eligibility: speech impairment disorders of ? -interfere with -adversely impact performance in may NOT be results of factors related to:
speech sounds (phon., artic.) fluency, or voice that
- comm.
- performance in edu. environment
chron. age, gender, culture, ethnicity, limited english proficiency
private sector assessment process: -referral to -parent/guardian signs - -diagnosis is -.. developed
specific service provider
- written consent for evaluation
- evaluation
- diagnosis is determined
- therapy plan developed if qualified
establishing eligibility for preschoolers through private sector services :
same as
guidance from ?
generally must fall at least
ICD-10, DSM5, insurance, medicaid, clinical judgment
1 SD below the mean
special considerations in establishing eligibility for preschoolers: -norm-referenced data only -assess -.. v. ... include considerations for transition from ... v. .... sector
one part of assessment, must also use informal measures -functional comm. -delay v. disorder -family in process -ELL Part C to Part B -public v. private sector
family-centered assessment: why it works
- maintain connection between
- understanding family systems and culture informs
- links family and?
- important to understand how ?
family and assessment
- assessment selections and decisions
- individual beliefs into assessment process
- student uses language across settings
family centered assessment: legal requirements: -why an -what -resources to understand -what -what factors -written consent for evaluation MUST -written notice of ? -parent input required as ? NOTE: if parent requests eval. it must
eval. is/is not being completed
- records, procedures, and assessments will be included in eval.
- IDEA’s provisions
- options are available
- contributed to decision to assess
- be obtained from parents prior to conducting any type of assessment (initial or re-eval.)
- meetings must be provided to parents within “reasonable time” ( 7 days) when discussing any changes to eligibility and/or services
- part of eval. process
- be completed
think assessment tools that include
parental input must be ?
ALL must be provided in a ?
parent interview, questionnaires
- documented on the IEP document and considered within the development of the remainder of the document
- language parents understand, or an interpreter must be provided
legal requirements related to timelines
- 60 days from
- 30 days from
- these two meetings often held in? - BUT
conjunction/use caution
Comprehensive assessment: - - - private sector: -make ? -SLP only interested in Public sector: -preschool assessments typically completed -SLP
- hearing and vision
- language
- referrals to other professionals as appropriate
- speech/language
- by diagnostic team, screening all 5 developmental domains
- works as part of team, but focus is on SL eligibility
- BDI-2 screener commonly used
Assessment process:
- screening
- determine who needs
- is a child
standardized assess.:
- determine if children
- start
- test ?
- gives ?
- additional eval.
- different from typical development
- are significantly different than peers
- broad, then refine
- specific areas of language using a mix of tests
- broad info on differences
criterion referenced/informal assessments
- provides
- provides
- helps understand
specific, detailed info on what skills a child has strengths or deficits in
specific pattern of performance for specific areas of language
language error in real/functional situations
selecting tools in emergent language years:
purpose: deciding whether a child is
should be:
NOTE: ALWAYS consider
child is significantly different form other children in terms of language skills
-quick standardized evaluate total language
risk factors even if screening is passed
guidance for selecting assessment battery goal: comprehensive language assessment -supplement with -select assessments to
establish eligibility
- additional norm-referenced assessments narrower in focus
- informal assessments
- represent different areas of language
full scale standardized , norm-referenced assessment tools or children with developing language
- be aware of
- as language skills develop and become more complex , you may choose
- some standardized assessments have subtests that
what areas of language each test claims to assess
a broader range of assessments, each covering a specific areas : PPVT-4 and TACL-4
cover multiple areas of language TOLD P:5 ; CELF P-3
Assessment Battery Basics:
assessment battery is a combination of ?
standardized, norm-references assessment and informal assessment
textbook, assessment log, linguistic underpinnings worksheet
Criterion-Referenced Assessment
phonology/phonological processing -highly correlated with -detecting ? rapid ? phon. ?
later ability to read and spell
rhymes, identifying syllables, first/last sounds
rapid automatic naming phonological memory (nonsense word repitition)
Vocabulary: ... v. .... consider ? average receptive skills do not mean? consider -vocabulary related to -vocabulary related to ? -level of -vocabulary within ?
receptive v. expressive
fast-mapping (children may only have partial word knowledge but still use the word
-no word finding problems
-specific topics or units
-specific concepts (i.e. prepositions, color words)
understand a word (e.g. familiarity with word, context-bound understanding, decontextualized understanding)
-word classes (spatial terms)/ categories (animals, colors)
context (storybook reads)
morphology/syntax -assess -what activity -examine ? -check? what ?
receptive and expressively separately
- role-playing puppet activity
- contextulaized v. decontextualized
- comprehension strategies (do they use them?)
- language sample analysis
pragmatics: assess -evaluate -compare -things to consider: ...v. ....
communication in functional contexts
-communicative intent
-social/non-social, topic initiation, topic appropriateness, topic maitenance, contingency, turn-taking
expository v. narrative productions
considerations for older clients with severe disabilities often children have been? MAY not need -speech-language services may be ? not ? -consider -consider -be sure to use ? -consider ?
receiving services through Part C or private sector
-comprehensive assessment
-functional communication assessments
AAC assessments
-age appropriate materials/activities
-ecological inventory : assess needs across settings and environments for specific client
considerations for children with autism spectrum disorder (asd)
- require a ?
- norm-referenced standardized assessment can be misleading related to
- focus on
- use
- … and …
comprehensive language assessment (developmentally approp.)
-functional use of comm. in social settings
-parents report measures
observations and language sample analysis
eligibility decisions and sharing assessment info with families of preschoolers : state -review -explain -use a handout of -explain ? - - -focus on -compare ask for ? -recommend -parents are allowed ?
purpose of meeting
- purposes of assessment
- eligibility guidelines in parent-friendly language
- normal curve
- child’s test results
- standard scores, percentiles, age-equiv.
- informal assessment
- strengths and areas of need
- child’s data to eligibility guidelines
- questions/discussion before determining eligibility
- eligibility determination
- time to think, review, and consider recommendations