Module 7 - Strategic Awareness and Staff Management (Feb 2015) Flashcards
What is the Commissioner’s overview and the strategic direction of Police in the NZ Police Statement of Intent 2014/15 - 2017/18?
This Statement of Intent identifies how Police will contribute to Government’s goals, and drive real change in the areas that matter. Our contributions to strategic goals centre on four priorities for the next three years:
- Protected communities
- Improved road safety
- Less crime
- More valued services.
Each of these priorities, and the work Police does to achieve them, makes a tangible difference in the lives of New Zealanders and people who visit New Zealand. We have made significant progress in these areas, but there is still more to do.
Prevention First will continue to drive operational effort to proactively stop harmful incidents before they occur, meaning, for example, there will be fewer road-related deaths and injuries and victims of crime. This will be balanced by our response to emergency events, investigations and resolution of incidents that inevitably occur.
Police officers will remain more visible in our communities through initiatives such as Neighbourhood Policing Teams, greater use of mobile technology to allow officers to spend more time on the front line, smarter rostering and the use of specialist file management centres and other support services to lessen the administrative burden on operational staff
Iwi and Police will continue to work together to implement The Turning of the Tide – a Whanau Ora Crime and Crash Prevention Strategy. This innovative, Māori-led strategy will support further reductions in victimisation, offending and road trauma among Māori.
Organisationally we will continue efforts to improve the way we deliver services.
We will implement the final recommendations from the 2007 Commission of Inquiry into Police Conduct and look for opportunities to continuously improve so we can be even more efficient and effective at what we do.
All Police members have a part to play in realising our organisation’s aspirations.
What is NZ Police vision and mission?
What Police seeks to do
This means that New Zealanders can both be safe and feel safe; and that New Zealand is a secure place in which to live, visit and conduct business. In doing so, Police will inspire the trust and confidence of all.
This vision is well known, having endured for the past two decades. It is consistently cited by many staff as being one of the main things which makes Police a great place to work.
For this reason Safer Communities Together is more than an aspirational vision, Police actions are bringing this vision to life every day, within our communities. We have targeted effort to reduce the likelihood of harm occurring across every town and city, and we are seeing results – since 2009/10, there have been 1,500 fewer serious assaults resulting in injury and 15,000 fewer repeat victimisations; the crime rate is at the lowest level in 30 years; and the road toll remains close to its lowest level since official records began, so less people are dying on our roads.
Through to 2017/18 Police will remain focused on the things that are important to New Zealanders, and will maintain its efforts to:
- Reduce repeat victimisations
- Reduce fatalities from road crashes
- Reduce recorded crime
- Build on the public’s trust and confidence, by improving trust and confidence of Maori and youth.
Police mission
Police will act on this vision through the delivery of its core functions and by working in partnership with communities and other stakeholders to prevent harmful incidents before they occur; and to respond, investigate, and resolve issues which are already causing harm.
What is Priority One for NZ Police?
Protected Communities
Why this matters
Repeat victimisation, and the fear and distress it causes needs to be reduced. Since 2008/09, the level of repeat victimisations has reduced by 15%, but there are still close to 100,000 repeat victimisations occurring each year. New Zealanders should be able to live free of the fear of harm; and in emergency situations people should have confidence that someone will help them – and most of us do, with only 25% of New Zealanders indicating concern about their personal safety in the short-term. But we can do better to make more people be and feel safe.
Police plays a valuable role in protecting communities so that people are safe and secure.
Safety and security requires a multifaceted response. Police partnerships with government and non-government agencies, at the local level, are crucial to addressing a wide range of issues that can emerge in communities. For example, Police works with other social sector agencies through the Social Sector Trials and Children’s Action Plan, to develop joint initiatives that further contribute to this impact.
Our primary role includes providing advice to people and businesses about keeping themselves and their property safe and secure. Police also shares information with other agencies to ensure New Zealand is a safe place to conduct business.
What difference we want to make
In the longer term, by 2017/18, our aim is to reduce the level of repeat victims by 10% and repeat victimisations by 18%. This will mean that our interventions are supporting the most vulnerable to be safe, and to increase the resilience of New Zealand.
What is Priority Two for NZ Police?
Improved road safety
Why this matters
Road trauma is a source of great community distress (and presents significant social and economic cost). Whilst road fatalities have reduced by 21% over the last five years, road trauma continues to present a serious challenge for New Zealand communities. Speed; drink driving; and distraction whilst driving remain key issues of concern, especially for young and inexperienced drivers.
By policing the roads, Police contributes to the safe and efficient movement of people and goods around New Zealand’s transport networks, and contributes to
Government objectives for building a more competitive and productive economy.
The focus of the Road Policing Programme is on preventing harm, saving lives, targeting repeat and high-risk offenders, and working with Police’s partners to protect the people in our communities from death and serious injury.
What difference we want to make
The significance of harm created by road trauma means that reducing it is the lead measure for this priority, as well as the main impact sought by Police. By 2017/18, we aim to reduce road fatalities to ensure that there are no more than 230 per annum. This will be an interim step in completely eliminating fatalities on New Zealand roads.
What is Priority Three for NZ Police?
Less Crime
Why this matters
The absence of crime is an important aspect of safety. Crime, and fear of crime, can cause profound harm and distress to victims and to the families of victims and offenders. For example, we know that 6% of New Zealanders experience 54% of all crime. Stopping crime before it happens will reduce this impact. For this reason, prevention is at the forefront of all that Police does – and we are seeing results from doing so, with fewer people offending for the first time and fewer crimes occurring in the same location.
Police is targeting its action to the drivers of crime: youth, alcohol, organised crime, dysfunctional families, and high-risk driving behaviours. We are working with the social sector, through the Social Sector Trials and Youth Action Plan in particular, to prevent offending and address underlying issues. Over the longer-term, these actions are expected to support further reductions in crime.
Over the last five years, since 2008/09, the crime rate has reduced by 18%. Police has the opportunity to build on this success through to 2017.
What difference we want to make
In the longer term, by 2017/18, we aim to reduce crime by 15%; violent crime by 20%; and youth crime by 25%. By delivering sustained reductions in crime, Police makes an important contribution to reduce the crime rate in communities, and its associated social and economic harm.
What is Priority Four for NZ Police?
More valued services
Why this matters
Public trust and confidence is of particular importance to Police, as it is the basis of policing by consent. Without the trust and confidence of communities Police could not fulfil its functions – witnesses would not come forward, people would not pass on information, justice would be denied and enforcing the law would be more difficult.
More broadly, government-funded services must address the most pressing needs of people within communities; provide a benefit to wider society; and be delivered in efficient and effective way.
Police has been working hard to build up the trust and confidence of the communities it serves - establishing feedback mechanisms to understand what is important to New Zealanders; ensuring that when someone is not happy with Police services that they can raise their concerns; and that such concerns are investigated. As a result, over the last five years the public’s trust and confidence in Police has increased by 10% to reach an all time high of 79% in 2012/13.
The value of policing services therefore has several components including public trust and confidence, and satisfaction.
What difference we want to make
The longer term focus for Police will be to build on the public’s trust and confidence in Police by increasing the levels for Maori and youth, who currently have lower levels of trust and confidence in Police than other groups within the community.
How do Police contribute towards the Governemnts goals?
The Government has four priorities for its current term, and Police continues to make valuable contributions to these priorities. These priorities and contributions are outlined below.
- Responsibly managing the Government’s finances
Police is delivering excellent outcomes and managing within current funding levels, and will look for ways to continue to do so through to 2017/18.
- Building a more competitive and productive economy
Police maintains the rule of law; prevents corruption, fraud, organised crime and money laundering; and keeps the New Zealand road network safe and flowing freely.
- Delivering better public services within tight financial constraints Police will contribute to Government’s Better Public Services goals to (in particular) reduce crime - including violent, youth, and total crime levels – through more targeted, mobile and flexible services, and working purposefully with other public sector agencies to deliver results for New Zealand.
- Rebuilding Christchurch
Police continues to work with the community and other agencies to maintain safety in Christchurch as it is rebuilt, and is a key partner in building the new justice sector precinct which will create a public safety hub in Christchurch.
What are NZ Polices main contributions across Government?
Social: Reduce family violence, identify and support at-risk people (especially children and young people)
Police works alongside other social sector agencies to target family violence, reduce youth offending, and keep vulnerable people safe. Government has set several goals for the social sector through to 2017, including reducing the numbers of children experiencing physical abuse by 5%. This is an ambitious, but not unachievable, goal.
Police staff are frequently first responders to situations where vulnerable people in the community need help. Police contributes to the outcomes of the social sector by identifying vulnerable people (particularly children) and ensuring that appropriate referrals are made to other support services, so that people receive the right service at the right time. For example, Police staff work closely with communities through Neighbourhood Policing Teams, youth aid, and youth education in schools.
The chief executives of the Ministry of Social Development, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Justice, Police, Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment, and Te Puni Kōkiri are jointly accountable for achieving results for vulnerable children through the Joint Venture Board and Vulnerable Children’s Board.
The key focus over the coming years will be on action for children through more joined up services, changing the law to make children safer, and will encompass community action to ensure that children are safe in their own homes. Initiatives will be coordinated through the Children’s Action Plan, Youth Crime Action Plan, and Social Sector Trials.
Transport: Road safety
Police works with other transport sector agencies to reduce harm from road trauma. The Government’s road safety strategy to 2020, Safer Journeys, seeks to improve safety by working across all elements of the road system – roads, speed, vehicles and road use. The strategy’s vision is a safe road system increasingly free of death and serious injury.
The Police Road Policing Programme, and its contribution to Safer Journeys, is targeted to support achievement of these sector goals through activities that will protect the community and target high-risk road users.
Police makes an essential contribution to the outcomes of the transport sector through prevention of harm, law enforcement, and first response to road crashes. For example, Police conducts targeted breath-testing. Police also works with agencies such as the
Ministry of Transport, New Zealand Transport Agency and Accident Compensation Corporation to improve road conditions (through environmental design), and ensure road users follow the rules and drive safely.
Justice: Reduce crime and its harm, hold offenders to account
Police works with justice sector agencies (and, at times, social sector agencies) to enforce the law and prevent crime. Government has set goals to: reduce total crime by 15%, violent crime by 20%, the youth crime by 25%, and reoffending by 25%. Police efforts to reduce crime will also reduce the social and economic costs of crime, and the impact of crime on its victims.
Police has a vital justice sector role. Police contributions include prevention, first response, and resolving crime. For example, Neighbourhood Policing Teams are now working in high-risk communities to prevent crime, and the Police Criminal Investigation Branch provides investigations to resolve crime. These efforts prevent and disrupt crime (including organised crime), and uphold and enforce the law, meaning there is less crime and fewer victims in communities.
What is Prevention First?
Prevention First is the operating strategy for New Zealand Police that places prevention at the forefront of our organisation and people at the very centre.
Prevention First is the responsibility of all employees of Police
Police have a major role to play in responding, investigating and resolving crime and these remain important. At the same time, Prevention First requires all staff to seek out prevention opportunities as part of their existing day-to-day work. This requires looking beyond single issues associated with individual cases, and for all staff to:
- Be aware of and leverage off community services and networks to protect vulnerable people, particularly repeat victims;
- Act with urgency against priority and prolific offenders; and
- Develop innovative and sustainable, practical solutions using problem solving approaches to manage crime hotspots and Priority Locations.
In order to achieve real outcomes for our communities and meet the aims of Prevention First we will develop specific actions that will enable us to:
- Deploy to beat demand;
- Understand and respond to the drivers of crime; and
- Foster a change in our mindset that puts prevention and the needs of victims at the forefront of policing.
What is Deploying to beat demand?
Deployment is a crucial component of Prevention First and is about being prepared and flexible so we can mobilise resources pre-emptively and quickly to stay on top of demand.
It provides a structured and disciplined framework for using resources in an informed and well-directed manner in order to achieve and maintain demand reductions.
The four components to the model are Critical Command Information, Tasking and Coordination, Workforce Management and Operational Delivery (Execution).
What is Understanding and responding to the drivers of crime?
Police will work with other agencies, service providers and the community, particularly Maori, Pacific and ethnic groups, to address the underlying causes of offending and victimisation.
We will concentrate our efforts on the following priority areas:
To support and protect vulnerable and dysfunctional families, lift the veil of secrecy around family violence, child abuse and expose familial organised crime groups we will:
• Improve our response to women and children subjected to family violence by engaging more effectively internally; between Family Violence coordinators, Child Protection Teams and pacific, Ethnic and Iwi liaison officers;
• In partnership with Child, Youth and Family, respond to reports of child abuse and neglect in accordance with the agreed Child Protection Protocols;
• Make better use of the intelligence gleaned from our engagement with Maori, Pacific and ethnic communities to target family violence and abuse within these communities; and
• Target crime families.
To keep vulnerable children and young people safe and decrease the number of young people represented in the criminal justice system we will:
• Prioritise our response to children subjected or exposed to family violence, child abuse and neglect;
• Ensure at-risk youth are identified early and prioritised for intervention and development programmes;
• Ensure youth offenders are responded to and dealt with swiftly;
• Encourage the use of alternative actions;
• Support interventions targeted particularly at reducing offending and victimisation involving young Maori and Pacific peoples;
• Promote and increase the safety of young drivers aged 15 – 24; and
• Work with school and community groups to educate and work with at-risk youth in relation to the dangers of abusing alcohol and drugs.
To foster a culture of responsible drinking, reduce incidents of alcohol-related offending and victimisation we will:
- Develop, implement and embed District-level collection plans specific to alcohol offending:
- Improve entry and analysis of Alco-Link data;
- Undertake quality licensed premises compliance checks in high risk locations, including focusing on sales of alcohol to minors; and
- Apply tactics to target public place drinking, including employing high visibility patrols at risk times and location.
Road Policing
To reduce death and serious injury on our roads we will:
• Work with the neighbourhoods to deliver locally-led prevention programmes on road safety matters;
• Work with our established partners to deliver road safety education, improve environmental design and the safety of vehicles; and
• Implement measures, as appropriate to Police, adopted under the Government’s Safer Journeys strategy.
Organised crime and drugs
To reduce the social impact of gangs and drugs we will:
• Enhance the national picture of organised crime to better inform operational priorities and whole-of-Police decision making;
• Use a suite of interventions and tools targeting priority offenders;
• Improve the Tasking and Coordination of National and District operational resources to maximise our impact against the highest priority organised crime problems;
• Intensify our targeting of assets derived from criminal activity through the proactive use of financial information, intelligence and enforcement; and
• Generate greater understanding of the nature and scale of youth gang activity and identify opportunities to intervene and prevent recruitment of young people to adult gangs.
What is Changing the mindset of our people?
Prevention First will foster a change in the mindset of our people which puts prevention and the needs of victims at the forefront of policing.
Changing the organisational mindset requires strong leadership at every level. Through strong and clear leadership Prevention First aims to take control of the criminal environment rather than just react or respond to it. Leaders will also role-model intelligence-led decision making and emphasise prevention activities and thinking at all levels and by all work groups
Victim focus
Prevention First requires a shift from being mainly focused on offenders to better recognising our responsibilities to victims. This requires improving the overall quality of the service we provide to victims, especially those at the highest risk of victimisation. This means being attuned to victims’ particular needs and vulnerabilities and responding accordingly.
What are Polices Core Values?
Core values Our values are the fundamental principles of behaviour and attitude that guide the way we do things.
The core values are the key things that this organisation says are important. They describe the behaviours associated with these values.
Our Values
Integrity - We are committed and loyal to the vision, values and goals of our organisation. We inspire trust and behave honestly and ethically.
Professionalism - We are aware of the impact of our behaviour at all times. We maintain self-control, are resilient and present a professional image. We uphold the rule of law and maintain the guidelines, standards, policies and procedures set by our organisation.
Respect - Our role is to acknowledge and respond to a diverse society and serve with dignity. In doing so we recognise the rights, values and freedoms of all people.
Commitment to Mäori and Treaty - We are committed to being responsive to Mäori as tangata whenua, recognising the Treaty of Waitangi as New Zealand’s founding document. By working with Mäori we will enhance safety and security.
Please note: There are two new core values, ‘Empathy’ and ‘Valuing Diversity’. The details of these are not yet available therefore you will only be examined on the four core values, as below.
What is Section 8, Policing Act 2008?
This Act is based on the following principles:
(a) principled, effective, and efficient policing services are a cornerstone of a free and democratic society under the rule of law:
(b) effective policing relies on a wide measure of public support and confidence:
(c) policing services are provided under a national framework but also have a local community focus:
(d) policing services are provided in a manner that respects human rights:
(e) policing services are provided independently and impartially:
(f) in providing policing services every Police employee is required to act professionally, ethically, and with integrity.
What is Section 9, Policing Act 2008?
Functions of
The functions of the Police include—
(a) keeping the peace:
(b) maintaining public safety:
(c) law enforcement:
(d) crime prevention:
(e) community support and reassurance
(f) national security:
(g) participation in policing activities outside New Zealand:
(h) emergency management
The Police discharge a wide range of functions, duties and responsibilities. Initially, the substance of a constable’s duties and responsibilities was largely developed through the common law. Many have now been codified in the Policing Act 2008 with only a small residue remaining in the common law. Other significant areas of policing, such as maintaining road safety and prosecuting offences, derive from broadly drawn statutory provisions. Additionally, a growing number of powers, duties and responsibilities can be attributed to provisions in other statutes.
What is Section 10, Policing Act 2008?
Roles of others acknowledged
(1) It is acknowledged that important and valuable roles in the performance of the functions of the Police are played by—
(a) public agencies or bodies (for example, certain departments of State, and local authorities); and
(b) the holders of certain statutory offices (for example, Maori wardens); and
(c) parts of the private sector (for example, the private security industry).
(2) It is also acknowledged that it is often appropriate, or necessary, for the Police to perform some of its functions in co-operation with individual citizens, or agencies or bodies other than the Police.
What is Section 20, Policing Act 2008?
Code of conduct
(1) The Commissioner must prescribe a code of conduct for Police employees, stating the standards of behaviour expected from Police employees.
(2) It is the duty of every Police employee to conduct himself or herself in accordance with the code of conduct.
The code of conduct governs the professional and personal conduct of all Police employees. The code marks a departure from a long tradition of a highly prescriptive approach to discipline, the cornerstone of which was a list of misconduct offences that were dealt with by an adversarial process drawing heavily on criminal procedure. The code sets out the obligations of the Police Commissioner as employer, and the values and principles that underpin and guide the actions of Police employees in discharging the duties and obligations of their office or role, and their conduct outside of the workplace. It also governs the conduct of Police employees engaged in overseas operations and in United Nations activities. A departure from the code’s ethical and professional standards that constitutes misconduct, or serious misconduct, attracts a sanction commensurate with the breach. The personal grievance procedures applicable under general employment law provide a review or appeal procedure in respect of any sanction imposed for misconduct.( Policing Act 2008, s 56, under which the provisions of the Employment Relations Act 2000 apply to the Police) The provisions of the Policing Act 2008 complete a 20-year process of aligning police discipline procedures with mainstream employment law and practice (Creedy v Commissioner of Police [2008] NZSC 31, [2008] 3 NZLR 7.)
What is Section 30, Policing Act 2008?
Command and Control
(1) Every Police employee must obey and be guided by—
(a) general instructions; and
(b) the Commissioner’s circulars; and
(c) any applicable local orders.
(2) Every Police employee must obey the lawful commands of a supervisor.
(3) In the absence of a supervisor, the supervisor’s authority and responsibility devolves on—
(a) the Police employee available who is next in level of position; and
(b) in the case of equality, the longest serving Police employee.
(4) No Police employee may, when exercising any power or carrying out any function or duty, act under the direction, command, or control of—
(a) a Minister of the Crown; or
(b) a person who is not authorised by or under this Act or any other enactment or rule of law to direct, command, or control the actions of a Police employee.
(5) Subsection (4) does not apply to a Police employee outside New Zealand who—
(a) is part of an overseas operation within the meaning of section 86; or
(b) is an employee within the meaning of section 91.
What is Section 63, Policing Act 2008?
Acting appointments
(1) In the case of the absence from duty for any reason of a Police employee or in the case of a vacancy for any reason and from time to time while the absence or vacancy continues, or for any other special purpose, the Commissioner may—
(a) appoint an employee temporarily to any higher level of position; or
(b) authorise an employee to exercise or perform all or any of the powers and duties under this Act or any other enactment, of any level of position higher than that employee’s own level of position.
(2) Any appointment or authority under this section may be given or made before the occasion arises or while it continues.
(3) No appointment or authority under this section, and nothing done by any employee acting pursuant to the appointment or authority, may be questioned in any proceedings on the ground that—
(a) the occasion has not arisen or had ceased; or
(b) the employee had not been appointed to any level of position to which the authority relates.
(4) The Commissioner may at any time revoke any appointment made or authority given under this section
Where there is an absence or a vacancy in a particular role (or for any other special purpose) the Commissioner may appoint an employee to temporarily fill a higher level of position than the one that person currently holds (Policing Act 2008, section 63(1)(a)).
The Commissioner may also authorise an employee to exercise powers and duties under the Policing Act or another Act, of any level of position higher than that employee’s own level of position (section 63(1)(b)).
For example, a senior sergeant is required to complete a joint certificate to authorise detention of a young person in Police custody for a period exceeding 24 hours and until appearance before the Court (Children, Young Persons and Their Families Act 1989, section 236(1)). If the senior sergeant is absent and a sergeant temporarily stands in as a senior sergeant, they are not legally authorised to complete the joint certificate unless they are specifically authorised to undertake that role under section 63(1)(b) or have been appointed as an acting senior sergeant under section 63(1)(a).
26 Chapter 7 Strategic Awareness - Sergeants Syllabus February 2015
Another example is found under section 72 of the Arms Act 1983. There the Commissioner may ‘from time to time, by writing under his hand’ delegate to members of Police of a level not less than inspector ‘as he thinks fit, all or any of his powers under this Act’. A delegation under section 72 may be made to a specified member of the Police or to members of the Police of a specified level of position or class, or may be made to the holder or holders for the time being of a specified office or class of offices.
The new Police Safety Orders … may only be issued by an officer under the level of sergeant if that officer is specifically authorised to issue that order by a ‘qualified constable’. A ‘qualified constable’ is defined as a constable who is of or above the level of position of sergeant. Therefore, before an acting sergeant could authorise a Police Safety Order, they would need to be specifically appointed under section 63(1)(a) of the Policing Act..
What is Section 96, Policing Act 2008?
Evidence of Police identity and authority
(1) The Commissioner must provide every Police employee with evidence of the employee’s identity and authority.
(2) The evidence must state all prescribed information and,—
(a) if the Police employee to whom it relates is a constable, must state that he or she has the policing powers of a constable; and
(b) if the Police employee to whom it relates is authorised to perform one or more particular policing roles set out in Schedule 1, must state (by reference to the name of the role or roles concerned) that he or she has the policing powers of an authorised officer.
(3) The evidence—
(a) must bear all prescribed things:
(b) may state, bear, or otherwise contain (for example, by having a microchip embedded in it) any additional information or thing the Commissioner thinks appropriate:
(c) may be in any form the Commissioner thinks appropriate.
(4) Subsection (1) does not prevent the Commissioner from providing (in addition to the evidence required by that subsection to be provided) supplementary forms of evidence of identity, authority, or both, for particular Police employees, Police employees of a particular description, or all Police employees; and any form of evidence provided—
(a) may state any information (whether or not required by subsection (1), or prescribed):
(b) may contain (for example, by having a microchip embedded in it) any information:
(c) may state information in a language other than English:
(d) may bear any things (whether or not prescribed).
(5) A Police employee must surrender all evidence of identity, authority, or both supplied to him or her by the Commissioner if the employee—
(a) goes on leave of any kind for a period longer than 12 months; or
(b) resigns or retires; or
(c) is suspended or removed.
(6) Despite subsections (1) and (2), if any question arises as to the right of any constable to hold or execute his or her office,—
(a) common reputation is evidence of that right; and
(b) it is not necessary to produce evidence of the constable’s identity and authority.
What is Section 97, Policing Act 2008?
When policing powers cease
(1) All powers and authorities vested in a Police employee by virtue of holding office as constable cease immediately when the Police employee—
(a) is suspended; or
(b) ceases to hold the office of constable.
(2) All powers and authorities vested in a Police employee cease immediately when the employee is suspended or ceases to be a Police employee.
What is Service Excellence?
“Service Excellence – making every contact count” is a strategy in the NZ Police 2011-2015 strategic plan under the Police Model. It contributes to the People and Victim Focus.
Service Excellence aims to establish a citizen-centred policing focus and improve the delivery of police services.
What is the ‘citizen -centred’ approach
Police can improve levels of satisfaction by understanding community needs and expectations and aligning our service delivery to those expectations. This is called a ‘citizen-centred’ approach to Police service delivery. In practice, a citizen-centred approach means:
- knowing who uses Police services and what is important to them;
- providing services that are responsive to these needs;
- seeking feedback from recipients of Police services about their levels of satisfaction and dissatisfaction; and
- using this information to realign and improve services.
Ultimately, Police want to make every contact with a member of the public count towards improved trust and confidence in Police.
What are the six drivers of satisfaction?
State Services Commission’s ‘New Zealanders’ Experience’ research programme has identified the six most important aspects of service that people expect from the public sector. These are called the ‘Drivers of Satisfaction’. Police aims to address the six drivers of satisfaction as a fundamental commitment to providing excellent service.
The six drivers of satisfaction are:
- the service experience met your expectations
- staff were competent
- you were treated fairly
- staff kept their promises
- your individual circumstances were taken into account
- it’s an example of good value for tax dollars spent.
What is the PEOPLE framework?
The PEOPLE Framework is a 6-point guide that describes good practice in dealing with the people we serve. The elements of the 6-point guide combine to spell the word PEOPLE. Each point links to one of the six drivers of satisfaction. The PEOPLE Framework reminds us that at the heart of service excellence is the quality of our interactions with people.
New Zealand Police places prevention at the forefront of our organisation and people, particularly victims, at the centre of what we do.
PEOPLE stands for:
• Aiming to make every customer contact as positive as possible.
• Delivering expert service that builds confidence and trust.
• Showing ownership by helping people and keeping them informed.
• Reinforcing our professionalism through our actions and environments.
• Listening to fully understand individual circumstances.
• Taking pride in delivering excellence in all aspects of our service.
Why do Police have Online Feedback available?
The online praise and complaints portal at provides a conduit for both praise and dissatisfaction from the public. The comments received are used to quickly address shortfalls in service as well as to provide real time feedback about outstanding work to staff.
The praise and complaints portal also contributes to fulfilling Police’s obligations to make progress toward the recommendations of the 2007 Commission of Inquiry (COI) into Police Conduct. One of the COI recommendations was to address Police accountability, particularly around making it easy for people to find out the right information on their rights if they wanted to make a complaint to Police.
What does recent research show? (not examinable)
Every year, approximately 10,000 members of the public are asked about their levels of trust and confidence in Police. About 39% of those people have had contact with Police in the last six months. The people who had contact with Police are also asked about their satisfaction with the service they received. The 2013 national level results showed that overall 83% of people were either satisfied or very satisfied. The results for overall satisfaction and for each of the six drivers of satisfaction are shown in the diagram below.
What is the purpose of the NZ Police Code of Conduct?
The purpose of this Code is to establish the standards of behaviour expected of all New Zealand Police employees. New Zealand’s police service is often judged by the way its employees represent it. It is therefore necessary to maintain a high standard of personal and professional conduct. The cornerstone of this Code is that all employees of New Zealand Police will work to the highest ethical standard.
Who is covered by the NZ Police Code of Conduct?
The Code of Conduct applies to all New Zealand Police employees (sworn and non-sworn) including permanent, temporary or casual employees, employees on overseas deployment, and persons intending to work. It should be read in conjunction with the relevant employment agreement and Police policies and procedures.
The Code also applies to persons engaged by New Zealand Police (including contractors, consultants and volunteers) and will form part of the contractual arrangements between those persons and New Zealand Police.
What are the 5 main principles of the NZ Police Code of Conduct?
Honesty and integrity - Employees are committed and loyal to the vision, values and goals of New Zealand Police. They inspire trust and behave honestly, ethically and with integrity.
Loyalty, Good Faith and Professionalism - Employees have a duty of trust and fidelity. They are committed to carrying out faithfully the duties and obligations of the role for which they are employed in an efficient, competent and loyal manner, and avoid behaviour that might impair their effectiveness. Employees are proactive in protecting Police’s interests, rather than merely refraining from damaging them.
Fairness and Impartiality - All employees have a responsibility to act with fairness and impartiality in all dealings with their colleagues and the public, and to be seen to do so, avoiding any potential or perceived conflicts of interest.
Respect for People and Property - All employees understand that their role is to acknowledge and respond to our diverse society and to treat all people and their property with dignity and respect.
Confidentiality - Information which comes into an employee’s possession in the course of their duties must be treated in confidence and used only for official purposes.
What happens if the NZ Police code of conduct is breached?
This Code specifies the ethical and professional standards expected of New Zealand Police employees.
The seriousness and consequences of any breach of the Code depends on the circumstances in which it occurs. In the main, breaches will fall under the heading of misconduct or serious misconduct, the latter being sufficient to justify dismissal having followed due process. However, depending on an assessment of the facts and the degree of the breach, behaviour listed as misconduct can be treated as serious misconduct, and vice versa.
What is Performance Management?
Performance Management is about seeking improvement through dialogue and providing support to enable the employee to perform satisfactorily. It is not a disciplinary process. Performance matters only become relevant for disciplinary purposes where an employee has been unable or unwilling to satisfactorily improve following a Performance Improvement Plan.
Information in this chapter supplements the Performance Management Policy.
What is the first step of a Performance Management Plan?
Informal Discussion
Performance issues must be addressed with an employee as soon as possible after they are identified. The first step is to have an informal meeting to discuss general work performance and specific areas in need of improvement.
The objective of the informal discussion is to encourage dialogue and to try and identify if there are any underlying causes that are contributing to the performance issues. Your role is to encourage, support and try to help the employee to improve. It is also important to provide the employee with a real opportunity to explain and talk about the issues and their causes, and to make suggestions for how issues might best be resolved.
How should it be done?
- Talk to the employee in private. This should be a two-way discussion aimed at pointing out the shortcomings in conduct or performance and encouraging comment and improvement. Explain clearly and use practical examples where possible. Criticism should be constructive, with the emphasis on finding ways to improve and for the improvement to be sustained. Should the employee wish to bring a support person, they are welcome to do so.
- Listen to whatever the employee has to say about the issue. It may become evident that there is no problem.
- Be careful that the informal action does not turn into formal disciplinary action, as this may unintentionally deny the employee rights, such as the right to be accompanied by a support person.
- Where possible, reach agreement on the way forward, including a reasonable period for the employee to achieve the standard of behaviour sought.
- Send a letter to the employee recording the discussion (see 3.3).
- Arrange a follow-up meeting time to assess any progress.
- Consider whether a referral to Wellness Services would also be appropriate at this stage.
If the problem does not improve satisfactorily, discuss with the HRM whether a more formal performance meeting is appropriate.
What is the second step of a Performance Management Plan?
The Performance Meeting
Where the employee’s performance has not improved despite informal discussion, a more formal meeting may be appropriate. Please note that the Performance Meeting should not predetermine that a Performance
Improvement Plan will be commenced. Every issue should be considered on its facts.
Before the meeting:
1 Identify the minimum standard of performance and how the employee’s performance falls short of that standard. All discussion should focus on this shortfall.
- Send the employee a letter of invitation to a performance meeting.
- Set up a performance management file (separate to any performance appraisal documentation).
- Discuss with the HRM and consider possible options to remedy the performance concerns.
- Draw up a checklist of items to be discussed.
- If further organisational support is required, ascertain names of contact persons.
During the meeting:
- Introduction
Open the meeting by explaining the reasons for the meeting and setting the agenda. If you have a written agenda, give the employee and their support person a copy. Ensure the agenda does not contain any predetermined conclusions or outcomes.
- Provide Information
Outline the minimum acceptable standard of performance and outline where the employee performance has fallen short of that standard. Provide examples and any relevant documentation, including any relevant benchmarks.
- Opportunity to Respond
Give the employee a genuine opportunity to explain any reasons for the shortfall in performance.
Clarify with the employee any issues raised. Adjourn the meeting briefly if necessary.
- Problem Solving
Explain the performance management process and the action that will be taken next. If a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) seems necessary, go through the PIP form with the employee and his or her support person (see Step 3 and 3.6).
− Inform the employee that they will receive all reasonable support, training and assistance from Police in order to reach the required performance level. Record the agreed assistance on the PIP form.
− Inform the employee that if they do not reach the minimum standard of performance, the issue may be treated as a misconduct issue and addressed under the progressive disciplinary process.
- Record Keeping
Record the discussion including employee’s explanation in the notes of the meeting and make sure this is signed by both parties at the end of the meeting.
Copy all documentation to the employee’s performance management file and provide a copy to the employee.
After the Meeting
If a PIP was put in place, follow the instructions in Step 3.
If no PIP was put in place, continue to monitor the employees performance. If there continues to be no improvement after a reasonable period, a further meeting may be required to put a PIP in place (see 3.5).
What is the third step of a Performance Management Plan?
The Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)
It is important that the Performance Improvement Plan sets out the requirements and expectations of both parties. In order for this to be successful, the employee must agree to the PIP. The PIP should include the following information:
- The performance to be improved; you need to be specific and cite examples. Include a brief statement about the aim of the PIP.
- The minimum acceptable standard of performance with reference to the competencies, position description, Code of Conduct and any other available benchmarks.
- The remedial steps to be taken. This standard should be measurable, realistic and have an achievable timeline.
- The support and resources Police will provide to assist the employee. If the employee wants to source their own help, note this on the PIP form. Note the target date for achieving the improvement.
- How and when you will provide feedback to the employee.
- Review periods, including with whom and how often. Specify the measurements you will consider in evaluating progress.
- The dates for progress meetings when the performance issue and target date for improvement will be re-evaluated.
- The start date for the PIP.
- Possible consequences if performance standards are not met.
- The signature of both parties and the date the PIP was signed.
Once PIP Implemented
- Ensure all agreed assistance is provided to the employee. If for some reason a matter that has been agreed to cannot be provided, the employee must be advised and steps should be taken to reach agreement over what alternative assistance may be given.
- Diary meetings at the interval agreed. It is essential that these meetings proceed to enable assessment of the employee and for feedback to be given. Notes should be kept of the meetings. It may be necessary to revise the PIP, by agreement.
- Put in place a system to monitor the employee’s progress in meeting the requirements of the PIP. Provide ongoing feedback to the employee on progress including any areas that still need improving.
- Note that the PIP is specific to the behaviours/poor performance that has been raised with the employee. Should new matters arise whilst the employee is subject to a PIP, another performance meeting will need to be convened and the PIP revised.
What is the fourth step of a Performance Management Plan?
Completion of the PIP - Required Standard Reached
After a PIP has been implemented and completed the employee’s performance should be evaluated in accordance with the PIP.
If the employee has reached the required standard, he or she should be informed that they have achieved the level of performance required and that there is no longer a need to continue performance management through the PIP. The end date should be confirmed in writing on the PIP form and a letter confirming this should be provided to the employee (see 3.7).
Performance monitoring may continue on a more informal basis. Options for on-going training or additional support may be explored with the employee to ensure that he or she maintains the required level of performance, and ongoing dialogue should be encouraged between the employee and supervisor.
A copy of the PIP should be retained in the employee’s performance management file along with a copy of any letters sent to the employee.
What would happen if the standards for the Performance Improvement Plan are not met?
Where an employee does not achieve the required standard following a Performance Improvement Plan consideration may be given to revising the PIP. However, in some circumstances, it may be appropriate for the matter to go directly to the progressive disciplinary process. The employee must be invited to a disciplinary meeting. At this stage the HRM must be involved.
What is the SELF test?
Would your decision withstand Scrutiny?
Will your decision Ensure compliance?
Is your decision Lawful?
Is your decision Fair?
What is Early Intervention?
Early intervention identifies employees whose past and present behaviour and traits may be indicators that they pose a risk to themselves and Police through future misconduct or unethical behaviour.
Early Intervention is preventative in nature and aimed at engaging with employees in a remedial and supportive manner.
What is the purpose of Early Intervention?
Purpose Early Intervention utilises information from a number of different databases to develop a comprehensive picture of an employee. This will then assist in identifying employees that may be facing professional or personal difficulties that are impacting on their work and are in need of some form of support, guidance or assistance.
The objective of Early Intervention is to intervene before someone’s conduct escalates to the point that formal action is required. It takes a collaborative approach with a view to reducing the likelihood that employees will engage in misconduct or unethical behavior in the future.
Note: Early Intervention is not a disciplinary tool and the Early Intervention report produced during this process must not be used for disciplinary or performance appraisal processes. These are managed by processes separate from this chapter. The use of information gained in the Early Intervention process and any Early Intervention that takes place, is subject to significant confidentiality and usage restrictions. The only exception is where there is a proposal to remove an employee from Police, in which case the material may be referred to and taken into account when looking at the employee’s complete employment history.
What are the four phases of Early Intervention?
- Identification
The first step to Early Intervention is the identification of employees that may be in need of support or assistance. This can be initiated in a number of ways:
− By employees themselves
Employees may wish to approach their supervisor, the District Early
Intervention Lead (a portfolio holder in District or a Service Centre) or the National Early Intervention team and seek access to their Early Intervention data, and support and assistance.
Direct contact with the National Early Intervention team based at PNHQ can be made confidentially via telephone or via email.
− Peers
Peers may approach an employee’s supervisor to raise concerns regarding their colleagues. Supervisors should then make a referral to the District Early Intervention Lead. Alternatively peers may make a referral direct to the
District Early Intervention Lead or to the National Early Intervention team.
− Supervisors
Supervisors may identify employees who are in need of assistance and support and should make a referral to the District Early Intervention Lead or to the National Early Intervention team.
− Early Intervention data
The Early Intervention database, which is managed by the National Early
Intervention team based at PNHQ, is programmed to automatically notify the National Early Intervention team when employees have reached pre-determined thresholds in the data requirements. (Go to the full chapter, using the link in the Instructions paragraph, to view a list of Police databases from which data is gathered and thresholds are set).
- Analysis
An early intervention alert will not automatically trigger an intervention as all of the alert information will require careful analysis. When multiple alerts on an individual are received the National Early Intervention team conducts a thorough analysis of the data to determine whether the Early Intervention information should be raised with the employee. It will not be appropriate to provide intervention for all employees alerted in the system.
The National Early Intervention team will provide the relevant District Early Intervention Lead with an Early Intervention package which will include all the relevant information and they will discuss individual cases. Together they will determine if intervention is needed. This is the same information that will be provided to the employee prior to their initial meeting.
- Intervention
Once an employee is identified as suitable for Early Intervention the District Early Intervention Lead will contact the employee’s supervisor and discuss the information with them. Together they will determine the best way to approach the employee. The main focus of the District Early Intervention Lead is to coach and support supervisors in conducting early intervention meetings with their employees. However, the District Early Intervention Lead may also attend intervention meetings if appropriate to do so.
An invitation may be sent to the employee to attend an Early Intervention meeting.
The purpose of this meeting is for the supervisor and in some cases the District Early Intervention Lead, to meet with an employee in an informal manner and to present them with their Early Intervention information.
The conversation is private and may entail discussion around personal matters or concerns. In the majority of cases Early Intervention may simply entail this conversation with the employee and no further action will be necessary. This will arise from the employee’s increased awareness having seen their Early Intervention data.
In other cases, an offer of assistance may be made to the employee if the supervisor and District Early Intervention Lead consider that it would help address any concerns.
Assistance could range from training (either internal or external), confidence building, anger management, driver training, money management, counselling, mentoring/coaching, and relationship counselling. Any outcome must be agreed between the employee, their supervisor, and the District Early Intervention Lead.
Engagement in Early Intervention is voluntary. No one will be required to participate; nor will they be disciplined or disadvantaged for choosing not to, however there will be a requirement to attend the initial meeting to receive the Early Intervention information. When an employee chooses not to participate in further intervention a record will be retained in IAPro for reporting purposes.
- Feedback
It is the role of the District Early Intervention Lead to follow up with the supervisor and employee and ensure that any agreed actions have been satisfied. Feedback is then provided to the National Early Intervention team and recorded in IAPro to monitor the effectiveness of Early Intervention and support the need for any future changes.
What is the purpose of the ‘Information management, privacy and assurance’ chapter?
This part to the ‘Information management, privacy and assurance’ chapter provides guidance on acceptable access and use of technology, equipment and information whether it is for Police business or for personal purposes, providing acceptable access and best use of technology resources and information.
What are the Information management, privacy and assurance principles?
The guiding principles applied to information management, privacy and assurance are:
- Police provides access to systems, equipment and information to make your job easier and enable you to improve your services
- Police systems, equipment and information must be used responsibly and in a manner which reinforces our professional image and reputation
- this chapter provides instruction and guidance on appropriate use of: − Police device and computer systems, equipment and information
− use of social networking and content sharing sites
− use of personal computers
and supplements other policy relating to mobility devices accessing Police information
- employees are able to use Police information services in just about any location, rather than just on Police premises
- information is kept secure across all environments.
Employee principles All employees must:
- embrace, actively support and promote information management, privacy and assurance policy
- make responsible use of Police technology systems and equipment for personal benefit
- have no expectations of privacy even if the devices are used for personal benefit
- acknowledge that Police are entitled to access any data or records (including personal use records) on Police technology systems and equipment for any lawful purpose
- not misuse Police technology, systems and equipment
- apply the ‘Code of Conduct’ and ‘SELF test’ to their use of Police technology systems and equipment.
What is the Responsible Use policy?
Information access and use is based on trust and employees responsibly using Police and private technology systems, equipment and information in a manner that reinforces a professional Police image and reputation. The use must not compromise or detract from the employee’s official duties, be excessive in cost, space, time or resources, or affect the ability of Police ICT systems to operate efficiently.
What are conditions of use of Police devices and computer systems?
No expectations of privacy
Users of Police technology and resources should not have any expectations of privacy of private communications made on or over or through the use of Police systems.
Use is logged, recorded and reviewed
Police computer systems, mobility devices and applications, logs access, records use and can review the uses to which the technology and resources are applied.
What is Acceptable personal use of technology and equipment?
You must accept that personal use is not a right, but a privilege when you are either on duty or off-duty and may be revoked if abused.
Remember, personal use is logged, recorded and can be reviewed in accordance with this chapter.
Any personal information created, stored and/or transmitted on Police information systems is treated as Police information. Police reserves the right to: • access, copy, and/or delete all such information for any purpose
• disclose that information to any party deemed appropriate by the Chief Information Officer.
Limited on-duty personal use of technology and equipment
You may make limited personal use of Police technology, equipment, supplies and other resources during working hours subject to:
- meeting your responsibilities in the Information management, privacy and assurance chapter; and
- your acceptance that personal use is not a right but a privilege that may be restricted or revoked if abused.
Conditions for limited personal use on-duty Personal use on-duty must:
• be consistent with the terms of authorisation and direction of management • be kept to a minimum so that your official duties are not compromised
(e.g. the duration of use of social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Linked In etc should be responsible)
- not incur direct cost (other than trivial) for Police
- not interfere with the use of the resources by others for work purposes
- not involve downloads for personal entertainment, but may download for personal financial use (e.g. downloading a pdf form from your bank to increase your KiwiSaver contributions)
- does not impair the functioning of any equipment
- not involve abusive, threatening, insulting, harassing, harsh, offensive, indecent, or disorderly behaviour
- be consistent with:
- Police values
- standards of behaviour expected of a Police employee
• be in the employee’s own time (e.g. meal and refreshment breaks), unless the use:
- does not impede official duties, service delivery, productivity or performance
- occurs for short duration
- is not disruptive to other Police employees.
Examples of limited personal use on-duty
Limited personal use means that you may, for example:
- use the email system to communicate with friends
- use the internet to briefly check news stories or the telephone number of a friend.
What are some examples of what is not limited personal use on-duty?
Limited personal use is not:
- making lengthy or long distance personal telephone calls
- sending large group emails
- browsing the internet for matters of personal interest if it affects your productivity,
- performance, official duties or service delivery
- sending non-work related attachments via email that cause a drain on Police resources
- conducting business not related to Police or your role. Note: If the personal use of technology or resources impacts on your productivity, performance, official duties or service delivery, then the use will probably be inappropriate and non-compliant with the acceptable personal use policy and the Code of Conduct.
What is acceptable off-duty personal use of Police technology and equipment?
Personal use off-duty must:
- be consistent with the terms of authorisation and direction of management
- not incur direct cost (other than trivial) for Police
- not interfere with the use of Police operational resources and applications by others for work purposes
- does not impair the functioning of any equipment
- not access or use Police information for personal purposes, advantage, satisfying curiosity or divulge such information to another person outside of official duties
- be consistent with:
- Police values
- standards of behaviour expected of a Police employee.
What should you do if you are unsure whether the personal usage is appropriate?
If you are unsure whether your personal usage is appropriate, ask yourself these questions:
- Would I be comfortable for my supervisor and manager to know the volume of my usage or review my emails and internet usage?
- Is there work I could be doing at this time?
What should you do if you come across inappropriate use of Police technology?
If you become aware that systems and equipment are not being used for their intended purpose, notify your supervisor or contact the Police ICT Service Desk.
Reporting inappropriate use immediately may assist with eliminating risks or at least minimising the risks. If there are particular sensitivities to an incident, advice on the means of and channels for reporting incidents may be obtained from the Chief Information Security Officer (ICT Service Centre).
Incidents of misuse directed against Police employees (e.g. emailed, texted or telephoned abuse or threats) should be reported through the usual channels as offence complaints.
What should someone do if they discover they have inadvertently released privacy/official information or made other inappropriate access/use?
Should privacy or official information be inadvertently released or other inappropriate access or use occurs, then it is vital that everything possible is done to manage the matter appropriately. Refer to the steps in the procedure outlined in this chapter.
Inadvertent misuse
Occasionally, material may be received inadvertently (e.g. site is accessed by mistake by visiting an assumed innocuous Internet site, or an attachment to an unsolicited email is objectionable). For users’ own protection, they should immediately report such incidents to their own supervisors or managers.
What is NZ Police policy around Social Media use?
Police supports a philosophy of accessing online social networking sites for personal use from Police IT systems and devices when the usage is responsible.
What can I say or do on a social media site?
Follow this rule of thumb: “Would I be happy to explain my social media comments or activities to the Commissioner of Police”.
What do NZ Police use Social Media for?
This includes using social media sites such as Facebook or Twitter (either Police managed accounts or others) to:
- engage with the community, manage our reputation online, and for recruitment
- request public help with investigations, e.g. finding missing or wanted persons
- investigate crimes using or related to social media sites.
The community engagement use of social media sites are supported by Public Affairs at PNHQ and investigations of crimes using or related to social media sites is supported by the National Cyber Crime Centre.
What should someone think of in regards to private use of Social Media sites?
Police employees have the same rights of free speech as other New Zealanders, but with some additional obligations. Regardless of the media being used, you must not do anything that could harm the reputation of Police, and you must not disclose any information that you are not specifically authorised to disclose.
Private use of social media sites on privately owned computers or
When using social media sites from your privately owned computers or devices, you must not do or say anything which could harm the reputation of Police. In particular, you must:
- not disclose any information that you do not have authority from Police to disclose
- not disclose any information that could compromise your safety or the safety of other Police employees or their families
- not disclose any information that is in breach of legislation
- not display the Police uniform (including all accoutrements), signage and insignia without prior approval
- not upload work-related images, for example of:
- Police operations (e.g. crime scene, suspect and traffic crash images)
- work-related functions (where alcohol may or may not be present)
- both inside and around Police premises that are not intended for Police media and/or marketing purpose.
Note: There may be a security risk in the actual uploading of the images, or the images could include work areas that are subject to security restrictions.
You are encouraged to remove, or refrain from including, any information on any social media sites that may identify yourself as an employee of Police or the nature of your Police duties. This includes using your QIDs as a username.
In summary, you should:
- not mix your personal with the professional online
- if you have a work-related profile, keep it that way and do not post personal content on it
- not post work-related information on your personal Facebook (or similar social media site) page, nor identify yourself as a police employee because this may compromise your safety:
- your actions online may be scrutinised by the media, criminals and lawyers
- remember, think before you post, like or share anything
- use the highest level of privacy (‘lock down’) offered by any site.
What are some risks in using Social Media?
Be aware:
- once a post has been made to a forum, it will remain there forever.
- your online presence can affect your security clearance
- online comments or disclosures are subject to the Code of Conduct and any breach of this policy or legislation may result in criminal investigation and/or disciplinary action, including dismissal.
Risks with operating an online social networking account
There are potential risks with operating a social networking account. Risks include:
- compromising your safety, the safety or your family, friends and colleagues; as well as jeopardising your future career opportunities in areas such as covert policing
- becoming a target for humiliation or fall victim to electronic scams, hacking attempts, identity theft and other fraud, physical attacks and other predatory offences such as stalking, harassment and intimidation
• criminals using social networking sites to gather information on police employees and their friends, families and associates, in attempts to identify Police employees who may be susceptible to corruption or
intimidation (data mining is also used by cyber thieves to extract sensitive information)
- your social networking sites incurring cyber attacks
- losing:
- your privacy
- control of data and images
- having what you write online misinterpreted and/or officially sanctioned if you have previously identified yourself as a Police employee
- damaging the reputation of Police
- being the victim of identity fraud and viruses.
Certain information not to be disclosed on online social networking site
You must not disclose information on an online social networking account that is:
- unlawful
- breaches Police policy and/or the Code of Conduct
- brings Police into disrepute
- suggests or attempts to suggest Police endorsement.
If you have a social networking account, have a look at your pages and consider:
- Would you want the material put to you while you were giving evidence?
- Could it damage your credibility/integrity?
- Would you want a selection panel to see it?
- Would you be happy for the material to be published on the front page of a newspaper?
What if a friend or family member makes a post about you on a social networking site?
If a friend or family member posts information and/or images of you on an online social networking site either:
your consent:
then you remain subject to the Code of Conduct professional standards framework.
without your consent:
and you have concerns, you should ask the friend or family member to immediately remove the posting from the site.
Note: If the posting raises issues and/or concerns about your integrity, submit a report to your supervisor or manager
What are Police principles upon receiving a complaint?
Every complainant must:
• be treated with courtesy, respect and compassion
• have their complaint received and actioned promptly
• be advised of the procedures for actioning their complaint.
What should be your initial action upon receiving a complaint?
If … a matter is not a complaint but rather an expression of dissatisfaction - Then should make every effort, without delay, to resolve the matter to the satisfaction of the inquirer by way of explanation.
If … a complaint is made orally - Then ..the Police employee receiving the complaint must summarise it in writing or ask the complainant to do so, and get the complainant to sign it as soon as practical.
If … a person calls at a Police station or community policing centre - Then make every effort to speak to the complainant and record the complaint in writing. You must not ask the complainant to return or call another day to deal with some other Police employee or section.
If … the employee subject to a complaint is the only person available at a Police station - Then must record the complainant’s details and promptly submit a brief report as to the circumstances to your District Commander who will arrange for an independent employee to take the complaint.
If … a complainant is unable or reluctant to call at a Police station to make a complaint - Then .. you must advise the complainant that arrangements can be made for them to be interviewed elsewhere.
If … a complainant wishes their complaint to be received and recorded in the presence of a solicitor, friend or relative - Then must facilitate that request.
If … a complaint is made on behalf of another person - Then .. you should see the actual complainant in the first instance to confirm the allegations and their wish for an investigation. In a case where a solicitor makes a complaint on behalf of a client, you should make any arrangements for the client’s interview through the solicitor.
If … a complaint is made by a person in Police custody - Then .. you must ensure that questioning of the complainant relates solely to matters directly relating to the allegation. Unless there are compelling reasons to the contrary, you should allow the accused person’s representative to be present during the interview.
What should Police employees do upon receiving a complaint?
If you receive a complaint you must refer it as soon as possible to your supervisor who will:
• issue appropriate instructions if the matter requires early attention
• refer the file to the District Police Professional Conduct Manager who will notify the PNHQ National Manager: Police Professional Conduct.
Note: Districts must notify complaints to the National Manager: Police Professional Conduct at PNHQ who in turn notifies the Authority. Districts must not notify the Authority directly.
What is the definition of a Serious Complaint?
A serious complaint is a complaint, or issue of such significant public interest it puts or is likely to place, the Police’s reputation at risk.
Some examples of serious complaints or issues are:
- complaints against Police employees likely to generate significant media coverage
- complaints that would otherwise be considered not serious but involve Police employees who hold the position of inspector or above, or equivalent level senior managers who are not constables
- complaints that involve executive Police employees
- complaints against Police employees regarding any incident of a sexual nature.
Who should be notified about a Serious Complaint against Police?
It is important that the Commissioner is notified immediately where any Police employee is the subject of a serious complaint.
How to notify
Where a complaint or issue arises (as described above) the employee receiving that information must immediately take steps to ensure the appropriate District Commander is notified. The District Commander receiving the notification must immediately contact the Senior Advisor to the Commissioner, via the duty officer….
Where there is uncertainty whether a complaint or issue should be notified, contact the Senior Advisor to the Commissioner for advice.