Module 7 Part 2 Flashcards
the movement of Black Americans from rural areas of the South to urban areas in the North between 1916 and 1970
The Great Migration
the combination of circumstances that pulled Black Americans toward the North
pull factors:
the combination of circumstances that pushed Black Americans out of the South
push factors
the deadliest race massacre in United States history, where a White mob destroyed the prosperous “Black Wall Street,” killing several hundred Black Tulsans
Tulsa Race Massacre
1921 act that placed restrictive quotas by national origin on immigrants to America for the first time
Emergency Immigration Act:
1924 act that dramatically reduced immigration based on the 1890 census, which disproportionately affected more conspicuously “foreign” immigrants from southern and eastern Europe who had just begun arriving at that time
National Origins Act:
the rejection of outside influences in favor of local or native customs
unlike the original secret terror group of the Reconstruction Era, the Second Ku Klux Klan was a nationwide movement that expressed racism, nativism, anti-Semitism, and anti-Catholicism
Second Ku Klux Klan
from 1925, Tennessee law that made the teaching of evolution illegal
Butler Act:
the 1925 trial of John Scopes for teaching evolution in a public school; the trial highlighted the conflict between rural traditionalists and modern urbanites
Scopes Monkey Trial