Module 7 : Income Inequality Flashcards
Textbook: Chapter 13: Income Inequality
What is the ‘distribution of income’?
Its how the income is divided among the country’s residents
Why is it important to pay attention to the distributio of inomce
- Due to its relationship to poverty
If income is distributed more unequally; what happens?
More people will ive in poverty.
What else is ‘distribution of income tied to’?
- Its links to poverty
- Its also tied to the process of economic growth.
Is it good if there is a high level of inequality?
For an economy it can be good for growth but however bad for some stages of development and bad for growth for others
Who is income inequality an important issue for?
Income inequality in a country is a more important issue for those that actually live in that country compared to others from another country
Ex. a poor person in the US cares more about the difference in economic status between them and a rich person in the US compared to those from another country that are much poorer than them
People get their happiness based on how their consumption (wealth) is compared to others instead of how much they have on its own (absolute level of consumption)
What is income inequlity focused on?
how the residents of a country differ from the country’s average, and how they differ from each other
What are the two ways we can look at income distribution?
First approach:
- Its to divide the population into ‘several equal groups’ and measure how much income each group earns
Second approach:
- Its to divide income into equal sized intervals and see how much of thepopulation falls into each interval
This allows us to look and compare income inequaity in a country at a single time
How to do the ‘first approach’ of looking at income distriubtion:
- Divide the household into five income quintiles as it makes up of 20% of the popualtion each going from low to high
How to do the ‘second approach’ of looking at income distriubtion:
- Divide the population into different categories of income and look at the fraction of the population that falls in each.
What are summary statistics to describe the income distribution when calculating by frequency in an interval
What is the mode in the case of income distribution
- Mode in the case of income distribution shows the highest percentages of hosueholds that fall undera category
What are the two stast used fo summarzing the dsitrubtion of income
- Mean (avrage)
- Median (The value that has exactly as many observations above it as for below)
what does the income distribution when calculating by frequency in an interval usually look like visually
have a long right tail instead of being symmetric
when mean > median
How do we comapre income inequaltiy over time in a country or among countries?
Gini co-efficant
What is the ‘gini coefficant’?
A single number that summarizes the degrees of income inequality in a country to compare between countries or to look at trends of inequality in a country overtime
What do you want to do first when you want to calculate the gini coefficant
[Make a lorenz curve]
How do you calculate the lorenz curve?
Get the data on income of all households (or a sample of them) in a given country
Arrange the households from lowest to highest income
Calculate what fraction of total income is earned by the poorest %, starting with 1%, then 2%, … all the way until 100%, where the amount of income earned by the poorest 100% of households is 100%
Graph the data
Why is the lorenz curve more bowed out?
This is due to income inequality
What happens if the lorenz curve has perfect equality?
It would mean income is perfectly distributed throughout the economy showing us a straight line
when the poorest 20% of households would earn 20% of the total household income, poorest 40% would get 40% of total income, etc.
it is a straight line with a slope of 1
When a lorenz curve is more bowed out what does that mean?
The more unequal income is distributed
What is a summary on how to read the lorenz curve for income inequality?
(The properties of the lorenz curve)?
if its bowed shaped it means there is income inequality
if income was perfectly evenly distributed, the lorenz curve would fall on the line of perfect equality
the more bowed out the curve is, the more unequal income is distributed
How is the lorenz curve used to construct the gini coffeicant
Measure the area between the Lorenz curve and the line of perfect equality
Divide the area by the total area under the line of perfect equality
what are the properties of the Lorenz curve in relation to the Gini coefficient?
The more bowed out the curve, the higher the Gini coefficient
If income is perfectly distributed (Lorenz curve = line of perfect equality), Gini coefficient = 0
If income is unequally distributed as possible (if one household has all the household income in the country), then Gini coefficient = 1
what is the kuntez curve?
- a hypothesis that stated that as a country developed, inequality would first rise then fall later
- if graphed with GDP per capita on the x axis and income inequality on the y-axis, the curve would be like a negative parabola
How can we look at the kuntez curve?
- By examining the level of inequality in a single country over time
- By looking at a singel point in time in a cross section of coutnries with differnt levels of income
what happens if you hold the average level of income per capita in a country constant, and there is a higher degree of income inequality
theres a larger difference between the rich and the poor
poor people are worse off
if the kuznets curve exists, what would an increase in income per capita for poor countries mean
an increase in inequality
it would mean that economic growth could be bad for the poorest people in the country, as they would become even poorer