Module 5 : National Accounts Flashcards
[module 5]
What is a quantity index?
The objective is to measure the change in the value of basket of goods at a constant price
- Which set of constant prices is what we use to differentiate different indexes
What is the ‘summation operator’?
The sum operator is used to comapctly define a long sum
n = The total number’s we have
i = where it starts
xi = what we’re essentially looking for
Can the xi have more than one subscript?
ex: pit*qit
What is a ‘paasche quatitiy index’?
This index fixes the prices to the current period
What does the equation look like?
Let the base year be 0
pit = price of good i at time t
qit = quantity of good i at time t
PQt/0 = pitqit / pitqi0
Sum of all together
How to find the total amount at a year?
Xt = Xt-1*(1+ g)
Gr = paasche index but not multiplied by 100
(the growth rate is the difference between the two period (120.54-100)
Xt-1 is the total value from the previous period
What is the laspeyers quantity index? (LQ)
This idnex uses the prices of the base period.
It calculates the same way as paasche idex but instead of using the current price we use the base price
To find the real value at a specific year is it the same way as before with paasche?
xt = xt-1*(1+GR)
What is the ‘chained quantity index’?
This was created as the weakness of the lasperyes and pasache index is that there are both based on the value of a basket of goods using prices from a distant period.
However the solution to fix is to never use prices and quantities that are separated by more than 1 period, where the meaning of 1 period is determined by the frequency of the data. Therefore, it is 1 month for monthly data and 1 quarter for quarterly data.
In our example, we only have observations every 5 years, so one period means 5 years.
What is the equation for the chained Paasche index?
base 100 = 0
CPQ t/0 = PQ1/0 *PQ2/1 *PQ3/2 * PQt/t-1 *100
[You use the price of the current period)
What is the equation of the chained laspheres index?
- You do the same process but use the price of the base
base 100 = 0
CPQ t/0 = PQ1/0 *PQ2/1 *PQ3/2 * PQt/t-1 *100
What is ‘fisher quantity index’?
This is the idea that teh ideal index should be between paasche and laspeyers
FQt/0 = 100* square root[chained paasche index * lasperyes index]
What are price indexes?
Are like quantity indexes but instead the quantities are held fixed instead of price
- Purpose is to measure change in the value of a fixed basket of goods
- A higher price index means a given basket of goods cost more
What is paasche price index?
Its the quantity being held fixed as the current basket of goods
PPt/0 = pitqit / Pi0qit
chained paasche price index?
same proces but instead quantiies are fixed
Laspeyers price index?
Its the basket of goods we hold fixed
same process for the chained part
Fisher price index?
Its the geometric avergae between paasche and laspeyres price index