Module 7 Flashcards
What is the definition of Complex?
What is the definition of Complexity?
What are the three components of networks?
What is a Node Degree (directed & undirected)?
What is the Average Degree (directed & undirected)?
What is Degree Distribution?
What is the distance in a graph?
What is the diameter of a graph?
What is the clustering coeficient?
e_i, the number of triangles through i
What are the four centrality measures?
What is degree centrality?
What is Betweenness Centrality?
What is Closeness Centrality?
What is a Random (Erdos-Reyni) network?
What is the giant componant? What is f_c?
What are Scale-free networks?
What is the Barabási-Albert model?
What is the idea of Robustness?
Which type of network is more robust? Preferentially-attached, or random?
Random failures: Preferential Attachment
Directed attacks: Random networks
How can networks be used to model disease spreading?
What is the idea of Degree Block approximation?
Why do we mostly care about early behavoir of an epidemic?
What is the early behavoir of an SI or SIS model?
What are the two main ideas used in (non-network) epidemic models?
What is the (homogeneous) SI model?
How does an SI model spread?
What is the homogeneous SIS model?
What are the two possible outcomes of an SIS model? When do these occur?
How is an SI model implemented on a network?
What is the idea of degree block approximation?
What is the concept of the vanishing epidemic treshold? Where is it derived from?
What is the epidemic treshold on scale-free networks?
How can vaccination be modelled on SIR networks?