Module 5 Flashcards
Which considerations need to be made when creating a model? (Name 5)
What are the two granularities? What are their advantages/disadvantages?
What is the difference between deterministic and stochastic models?
What are the four classes of stochastic epidemic models?
What is the difference between continuous and discrete state variables?
Why would we want to introduce Stochasticy when modelling infectious diseases?
What are the three methods that can be used to introduce stochasticy?
What are five distinguising features of stochastic models compared to deterministic ones?
What are two types of noise?
How is Process Noise introduced in the SIR equations?
How is noise included into Differential Equations?
What are the two types of noise scaling?
- Constant Noise
- Scaled Noise
What are the effects of constant noise?
What is the effect of an increase in variance of the noise?
What are the effects of scaled noise?
Which noise type should we use, in different cases?
What are the drawbacks of constant and scaled noise? When does this make sense?
What is the event driven approach?
What is a Poisson process?
What is Gillespie’s direct algorithm?
What is Gillespie’s First Reaction method?
What is Stochastic Extincion? When can it happen?
How is the probability of Stochastic Extinction derived?
What is a branching process?
What is the probability of stochastic extinction when S < 1 and n > 1?
What is the CCS? By what is it impacted?
What is Persistance? What are the three methods to measure it?
Possibly add additional details from the book