Module 6: Qualitative Research Flashcards
What are Type of Data Collection Methods?
- Individual Interviews
- Group Interviews
- Observation
Focus group
fosters open discussion among group members, agreement is NOT needed
Nominal group
more controlled, agreement within the group MUST be achieved
Delphi process
similar to the nominal group, but the process is conducted by mail or email rather than a group meeting
Structured interviews
can be compared to a survey in that very specific questions are asked in a standard order. There is not an opportunity to go off topic. Good for gathering very specific information
Unstructured interview
guided more by the participants and can go in many different directions. The researcher will introduce a topic, but how the participants replies & what directions that conversation goes is uncontrolled.
-Good for gathering thoughts, feelings, and exploring topics from a broader perspective
Semi-structured interviews
combine components of both the structured and unstructured interviews, by using specific questions that are phrased to allow a broader response them you would get in a structured interview
Observation data collection methods
occurs in the participant’s natural setting, or a research environment simulating a specific situation
-time intensive
-details can be missed
-participants may change behavior if they know they are being observed
What are 2 types of Observation Data Collection?
- Covert
- Interactive
Primary documents
those that are the main focus of your study
Secondary documents
those written about the primary documents (supporting data)
Auxiliary documents
those that are relevant, but not central or foundational, to the research question
What type of sampling method is this?
Sampling the easiest available participants to save time, money, and/or effort
What type of sampling method is this?
Sampling to include extreme viewpoints to compare the full spectrum of an issue
Extreme case
What type of sampling method is this?
Sampling a cohort of participants with a shared experience or phenomenon in common
What type of sampling method is this?
Sampling a wide variety of participants
Maximum variation
What type of sampling method is this?
Sampling a specific group with known characteristics in common
What type of sampling method is this?
Sampling based on preconceived notions of who might have an experience or who might have the clearest insight into a topic
What type of sampling method is this?
Starting with a purposeful sample, then adding other participants that your original participants identify. Repeat the cycle until data saturation occurs
What are 3 types of Data Analysis?
- Transcription
- Coding
- Codebook
How many methods of ‘trustworthiness’ should you use in a study design?
At least 2
What are 5 Types of Trustworthiness study designs?
- Adoption of a pre-identified research method.
- Detailed, thick descriptions (getting as much info and detail as you can)
- Member checking
- Triangulation (using multiple data sources or methods)
- Frequent peer review or debriefing
What type of bias is this?
Occurs when the participant chooses to agree with the moderator or researcher. Some participants may agree just to complete the interview. This happens typically once fatigue sets in.
Acquiescence bias
What type of bias is this?
Many participants respond inaccurately just so they can be liked, or be better accepted, especially in the case of sensitive questions.
Social desirability bias
What type of bias is this?
Occurs when participants provide the same answers, in response to similarly worded questions, just as a matter of habit.
Habituation bias
What type of bias is this?
Can occur if a participant is opinionated about the sponsor of the research, or get influenced by the sponsors reputation or mission statement.
Sponsor bias
These strategies will provide what type of bias?
-Asking open-ended questions
-Asking the question in different ways or using direct questions that allow the participant to select from a range of potential choices, rather than ‘yes’ or ‘no’
Acquiescence bias
These strategies will provide what type of bias?
-Phrase the questions in a manner that allows the participant to feel accepted no matter what the answer is
-Ask ‘indirect’ questions
Social Desirability bias
These strategies will provide what type of bias?
-Word different questions differently
-Make questions engaging
Habituation Bias
These strategies will provide what type of bias?
Maintain visual and verbal neutrality so as to NOT influence the participants responses
Sponsor Bias
What type of bias is this?
The most common and highly recognized bias; it occurs when a researcher interprets the data to support his or her hypothesis. Researchers may also omit data that does not favor their hypothesis.
Confirmation bias
What type of bias is this?
When some questions may influence the response to subsequent questions. Participants may compare and judge subsequent questions based on their response to the first question, resulting in a biased and inaccurate answer.
Question-Order Bias
What type of bias is this?
When questions lead or prompt the participants in the direction of a probable outcome, resulting in biased answers.
Leading Questions and Wording Bias
These strategies will provide what type of bias?
-Consider all data obtained and analyze it with a clear and biased mind
-Have an independent person analyze data
-Continually re-evaluate impressions and responses
-Deliberately reject pre-existing assumptions
Confirmation bias
These strategies will provide what type of bias?
-Consider potential bias and order the questions suitably
-Ask general questions first, before moving to specific/sensitive question
Question-Order bias
These strategies will provide what type of bias?
-Keep questions simple
-Be careful to avoid words that could introduce bias
-Avoid leading questions
Leading Questions and Wording bias