Module 6: Inequalities And Absolute Values Flashcards
Graphing inequalities on a number line
Use a closed circle to indicate that the threshold is a possible quantity of X IF the inequality is inclusive. If exclusive, leave the circle open to indicate the opposite
Important rule when multiplying or dividing inequalities
If the inequality is multiplied or divided by a negative number, the inequality sign must be reversed (from < to > or vice versa)
This rule doesn’t apply to addition or subtraction - those can be done normally
This means that we can’t simplify inequalities by multiplying or dividing by a variable unless we know if the variable is negative or positive.
Separate inequalities can be added together if ____
the inequality signs are facing the same direction
(If 2 inequalities have 2 different signs, look for opportunities to flip one sign by dividing/multiplying by a negative)
Working with compound inequalities: Rules (2)
1) When simplifying, must take the same action on all three parts of the compound inequality
2) When a compound inequality is multiplied or divided by a negative number, BOTH signs must be reversed
When I see a question asking the size relationship of variables across multiple inequalities, I will
consider setting up a number line. It can be tricky to keep multiple relationships straight & accurate without one.
If x^2 < b, then
-sqrt(b) < x < sqrt(b)
If x^2 > b, then
x > sqrt(b) OR x < -sqrt(b)
Solving Equations with Absolute Values
Solve the equation twice:
- once assuming the absolute value is positive (just remove the bars & solve), and
- once assuming the absolute value is negative (convert the bars to parentheses and distribute a minus sign to all terms within)
Absolute value & PEMDAS
When simplifying equations, the absolute value is the LAST step - isolate the abs value bars first
Adding absolute values: a rule
|a+b| <= |a| + |b| (always true)
If |a + b| = |a| + |b|, then one of two things must be true:
1) one of the values is zero
2) the values have the same sign (+/-)
Subtracting absolute values: a rule
|a - b| >= |a| - |b| (always true)
If |a - b| = |a| - |b|, then one of two things must be true:
1) the SECOND quantity is zero
2) both values share the same sign and the FIRST quantity is greater than or equal to the absolute value of the SECOND quantity.
If |x| < b, then
x < b AND x > -b
If |x| > b, then
x > b AND x < -b
When I see that the absolute value of an expression is equal to a negative number, then I will _____
recognize that there are no possible solutions to that equation, because absolute values are always positive.
When I encounter an absolute value equation with a variable on both sides of the equation, I will ____
CHECK THE SOLUTION BEFORE MOVING ON. It is possible for “extraneous solutions,” where the process is followed to a T but one of the solutions doesn’t actually yield the correct result when plugged in.