Module 6: Chapter 7 Lecture Flashcards
Socioeconomic status in our economy highlights the importance of
paid work
Class privilege
- Advanatges and resources are allocated based on class ranking, benefiting those at the top of the class hierachy.
People are assigned differential value based on their socioeconomic status
System of interrelated social beliefs about society and the people in it that is part of a given culture
Explanation for why the world is the way it is
Ideology is disseminated through
a number of different institutions like media, education, medical systems
The myth of scarcity
We live with the assumption that valuable societal resources are quite scare and theres not enough for everyone in our society
The myth of fair meritocracy
If I am the hardest working, I will be sucessful and rewarded. “Billions are just wealthy because they work the hardest”
The myth of individiual choice
What we experience in life is purely the function of the choices we are making ourself. Our social class position is our control and success and failures are framed as outcomes of individual qualifications, efforts and choices.
More educated then the job requires
Open system
Through efforts we can change out class positions
Social mobility
Changing class position
Structural mobility
Change not based on individual effort but a change happen to large number of people (ex: changing minima; wage from 14$ to 15$). Typically mobility patterns in the population that have nothing to do with the individuals themselves, but the context that shifts all of a sudden.
Individual mobility
a change in social position experience by an individual due to their own efforts. So through efforts, for example, we can obtain schooling, we can obtain better jobs than our parents and move up in a class hierarchy.
intragenerational mobility
trajectory throughout life (individual’s life only)
Intergenerational mobility
In comparison to parent’s generation we move up or down (comparision between individual and parents etc)
Why do people experience poverty in Canada?
- Structure: factors beyond on individual’s control
- Flaws in social structure (economy housing, education)
- Agency: Individual choices
AISH (2)
- Short term income for severely handicap
- Monthly payment that we make to people who have levels of disability that will not be migitated with any form of therapy.
the myth of scarcity is problematic in the sense that …..
it is probably not the scarcity of resources but the monopolization thereof that explains why these resources are so hard to action for those on the bottom of the class hierarchy.
But that really leads to this issue of fair compensation and the question whether these very extreme income differences are fair and are reflecting people’s actual work and their significance in the economic process. So structural functionalists would argue ….
it’s fair because we need to compensate based on functional importance.
Contemporary Canadian society is mostly organized around a somewhat —— system, and that means that there is a —–.
- open classbased stratification
- very little wiggle room to change your social class position
To be able to live at home past the age of 18 is often ….
a class privilege