Module 6 Flashcards
Cohort Longitudinal Studies
- observational
- researcher follows a population (can be divided into subgroups)
- attempting to make inference about cause-effect relationships through observation
Comparison Groups
- Internal Comparison - one cohort - compared within the group
- External Comparison - subgroups - compared between
- Comparison with general population rates
Cohort Studies Advantages
- can work out incidence rate and risk
- can look at cause-effect relationships
- good when exposure is rare
- minimizes selection and information bias
Cohort Studies Disadvantages
- Losses to follow up
- large sample size needed
- expensive
- ethics
- ineffective for rare diseases
- long time to complete
Chi-Square Test
See if there is a significant relationship between 2 categorical variables.
Assumption: expected frequency in each cell > 5
Fisher’s Exact test
Same as Chi-Square but used if the expected frequency in one or more cells is <5
Odds Ratio
Measures the strength of association between an exposure and an outcome
- OR = 1 - exposure does not effect odds of outcome
- OR >1 - exposure increases odds of outcome
- OR <1 - exposure decreases odds of outcome
Confidence Interval of Odds Ratio
If CI contains 1 - relationship likely to be insignificant
If CI does not contain 1 - relationship likely to be significant
Logistic Regression
a regression with an outcome variable that is categorical and IV’s that are continuous/categorical/mixed
Logistic Regression Assumptions
- Ratio of cases to variables (ie. large sample size)
- Regression equation should have linear relationship with logit form of the outcome
- Absence of multicollinearity and outliers
- Independence of residuals
Logistic Regression Models
Binary LR (if dichotomous outcomes) Multinomial LR (if polychotomous outcomes) Ordinal LR (if ordered outcome)
Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness of fit
used to examine whether LR model fits the sample data
P < 0.05 - poor fit
P > 0.05 - good fit
ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curve
used to measure predictive accuracy of the fitted model
0.5 = no predictive power
1 = perfect predictive power