Module 6 Flashcards
What is the difference between vaccination and immunization?
Vaccination means having a vaccine, Immunization means both receiving a vaccine and becoming immune to a disease, as a result of being vaccinated.
What are the 6 characteristic of an infectious agent?
Infectivity, Pathogenicity, virulence, invasiveness, antigenicity, toxigenicity
What is infectivity?
-Infectivity: Ability to enter and multiply in the host,
What is pathogenicity?
-Pathogenicity: The ability to cause disease in the host
What is virulence?
The ability to produce a severe pathological reaction, severity of reaction
What is toxigenicity?
This refers to the ability of the agent to produce a toxin
What is antigenicity?
The ability of the agent to induce antibody production in the host
What is invasiveness?
The ability to penetrate and spread throughout the body tissue
What is acquired immunity?
The resistance acquired by the host as a result of previous natural exposure to an infectious agent ie) had chicken pox as a child. Acquired immunity may be active or passive immunization
What is active immunization?
Active immunization refers to immunization of an individual by administration of an antigen (infectious agent or vaccine-killed microorganisms, living attenuated or fully living virulent) ie) vaccinations of child is active
What is passive immunization?
Passive immunization transfer of antibody from an immunized individual ie)mother to infant through breastmilk or antibody containing immune globulin (blood plasma)
What is herd immunity?
Herd immunity immunity of a group or community, higher immunization coverage = higher herd immunity
What are common vaccine preventable diseases?
Diptheria, Mumps, whooping cough, hepatitis A/B, measles, influenza
What are common STIs?
Chlamydia, Gonnorhea, infectious syphillis, HIV, HPV
What is the most common STI?