Module 6 Flashcards
What is descriptive statistics?
- any quantifiable characteristic of a sample
- each measurement variable has its own set of descriptive statistics
- labelled using the latin alphabet
What are poopulation parameters?
- describe attributes of a statistical population
- quantifiable chaarcteristics
Why is the value of a population parameter at the time when a sample is collected considered fixed?
- since the statistical population is the set of all sampling units of interest
- two people collecting the data should get the same thing since it would come from the same population
Why is descriptive statistics not fixed?
because two people collecting their own samples would select different sampling units by chance, and end up with different mean values
What is estimation?
is the process by which the descriptive statistics of a sample become the population parameters of the statistical population.
What is a sampling distribution?
the distribution of some descriptive statistic that would emege if one were to repeatedly draw samples from the statistical population
What can sampling distributions be created for?
any descriptive statistic
what is a similarity between the sampling distribution and the statistical population?
- they have the same mean value
- one difference is that the sampling distribution is narrower than the statistical population
What are two key characteristics of sampling distribution
- the shape of a sampling distribution is independent of the statistical population so long as the sample size is sufficiently large
- the variance of a sampling distribution increases as the number of sampling units in the sample decreases
What shape does sampling distribution have?
bell shaped
*have to have a large enough sample size
What happens as the size of the sample increases in regards to sampling distributions?
as the size of a sample increases, the variance of the sampling distribution decreses.
this is because the larger the sample size, the more accurate the estimate of the mean and the less it varies among repeated samples
What is the central limit theorem?
formal development of the principles behind the two key characteristics of sampling distributions
- sampling distributions has a bell shape that is independent from the statistical population
- that the variance of a sampling distribution decreases as the sample size increases
What does the central limit theorem add in terms of shape independence?
- the sampling distribution tends toward a normal distribution as the sample size gets larger
- the mean of a sampling distribution is the same as the mean of the statistical population
What si the standard error (SE)?
is the standard deviation of the sampling distribution.
How can the standard error be calculated?
- calculated from the standard deviation of the statistical population and the sample size
SE=sd/square root of the sample size
What is the chain of inference?
a single sample from a statistical population is enough for us to estimate the sampling distribution
What is the student’s t-distribution?
- has a shape that depends on the sample size, but also looks similar to a normal distribution
- when sample size is small, the t distribution has fatter tails than a normal distribution to account for te uncertainity in estimating the standard deviation of the statistical population
What is the consequence of the inference chain?
the final distribution will be a t distribution rather than a normal distribution
What are confidence intervals?
describe the range over the x-axis of a sampling distribution that brackets a certain probability of where new samples may be found
What are confidence intervals based on?
t distributions
How do we calculate standard t distribution?
- similar to normal distribution calculation
- divide by standard error instead of SD
- x is the raw regular t distribution given
- m is mean
What are the two steps of calculation of confidence intervals?
- find the intervals on the standardized scale, use the t distribution to find the locations of interest (use tL and tU for upper and lower confidence)
- convert to the standardized t scores from the raw scale.
how to calculate raw scale confidence intervals?
xL= m + tL xSE
xU= m + tU xSE
if you want standardized, do the opposite