MODULE 6 Flashcards
What brought about the creation of the Health Belief Model (HBM)?
It was made to understand what factors motivate an individual to engage in health behaviors (prevention, illness, or sick role) after being seen that people failed to accept free CXR for TB
In the health belief model, there will be no reason to consider a behavior change unless a person …
sees some value in making a behavior change
In order for disease prevention and health promotion activities to be successful according to the health belief model, what things must be present?
- The client has to be willing to participate
- The client has to highly value health (if they feel it does not apply to them they may not change)
What are the core assumptions of the HBM on what will make a person take a health related action?
- If they feel a negative condition can be avoided
- If they have a positive expectation that the action will avoid a negative condition
- If they believe that a recommended action can be successfully done (self efficacy)
4 Main Variables off the HBM
- Perceived Susceptibility
- Perceived Severity
- Perceived Barriers
- Perceived Benefits
Perceived Susceptibility (HBM)
The degree to which a person thinks they are at risk for a particular disease or health issue
Perceived Severity
What a person believes regarding how serious the CONSEQUENCES of getting the disease is
(I may acknowledge I can get the issue, but how severe to a perceive that issue?)
What factors can modify our perceived severity?
- Demographic Variables (age, sex, ethnicity)
- Sociopsychological Variables (personality, social class, peer and reference group pressure)
- Structural Variables (knowledge about the disease, prior contact with the disease)
What are cues to action?
Things that prompt us to do behaviors to preserve health
Examples of Cues to Action
Mass Media Campaigns
Advice from Others
Reminder cards from primary care providers
Illness of Family Member or Friend
Newspaper or Magazine Article
Likelihood of Action (HBM)
Perceived Benefits of taking the action - Perceived Barriers to getting help = Likelihood of taking health action
If we do not perceive any benefits ….
we will not engage in a behavior
Perceived Benefit
Perception that there are benefits to be gained from changing a behavior
Perceived Barrier
Perceived problems to overcome in changing the behavior or health outcome / Problems to overcome in order to engage in a health behavior
ex:no transportation, no healthcare availability nearby, no money, etc
Self Efficacy
Theory of the belief that one can accomplish a specific outcome / One’s belief that they would be able to successfully achieve an outcome
Was Self Efficacy in the original HBM?
Teaching Methods for Improving Self Efficacy
Verbal Reinforcement
How do individual perceptions function in the HBM?
- It is the perceived susceptibility and severity of disease X
- It is modified by demographic, sociopsychological, and structural factors
- It influences the perceived threat of disease X
How do modifying factors function in the HBM?
- Modifying factors like demographic, sociopsychological, and structural alter perceived susceptibility and severity
- They directly influence perceived threat of disease X
- Cues to action directly influence perceived threat of disease X too
How does likelihood of action function in HBM?
- Perceived Benefits - Perceived Barriers are influenced by modifying factors like demographics, sociopsychological, and structural
- Perceived Benefits - Perceived Barriers directly influences the likelihood of taking recommended preventive health action, at the same time as perceived threat of disease X influences it
What is HBM a Useful Tool For?
- Analyzing personal health behavior
- Predicting Preventive health actions
- Predicting medical care utilization
- Understanding delays in seeking help
- Increasing compliance with health care activities
Transtheoretical Model of Change
psych model of how people go about changing their behavior
Origin/History of Transtheoretical Model of Change
Originated in psychology while working on addictive and problem behaviors in 1997 by Professor James Prochaska who identified 10 processes of change that predicted successful behavior
The model is applied and validated
How many processes of change are in the transtheoretical model of change?
Stages of the Transtheoretical Model of Change?
- Precontemplation
- Contemplation
5.Maintenance - Termination
Precontemplation Stage
First TTMC stage
The person has no intention of changing behavior in the foreseeable future
People in this stage tend to be unaware they have a problem, and are therefore resistant to efforts to modify the behavior
ex: You are unaware bologna is bad for you but you said you do not need to stop eating it
Interventions/Processes that aid in moving from Precontemplation to Contemplation?
- Consciousness Raising
- Dramatic Relief
- Environmental Re-Evaluation
Consciousness Raising
finding and learning new factors, idea,s and tips that support a health behavior change
ex: Learning bologna is linked to cancer supports you stop eating it
Dramatic Relief
Experiencing the negative emotions (fear, anxiety, worry) that go along with unhealthy behavioral risks
ex: you undergo a bologna related anxiety attack over what it is doing to your body
Environmental Re-Evaluation
Realizing the negative impact of the unhealthy behavior or the positive impact of the healthy behavior on one’s proximal social and physical environment
ex: your friends find it weird you eat so much bologna ; Smoking secondhandly impacts your kids, but quitting will clean your house air
Contemplation Stage
Stage 2 of the TTMC
Person is aware they have a problem, and seriously think about resolving it, but there has not been any commitment to take action in the near future yet
ex: Realize you are a bologna addict, but you have not actually tried to quit bologna
Preparation Stage
Stage 3 of the TTMC
This is when the person has made a commitment to take action within the NEXT 30 DAYS and are already making small behavioral changes
ex: Bought more celery to eat, and foods to make recipes that do not involve the overwhelming amounts of bologna they like
Intervention/Process that helps move from Contemplation to Preparation
Self Re-evaluation
Self re-evaluation
realizing that the behavioral change is an important part of one’s identity as a person
ex: If I stop eating so much bologna, maybe she will take me back ; I will be a healthier person if I stop eating so much bologna and be able to see my kids graduate
Action Stage
4th Stage of the TTMC
Person makes a notable overt effort to change. They are classified in this stage if they have modified the target behavior to an acceptable criterion
ex: I am 30 days Bologna sober
Intervention/Process that helps move from Preparation to Action
Self Liberation
Self Liberation
Making a firm commitment to change
ex: I am going to quit bologna for myself no matter what
Maintenance Stage
Stage 5 of the TTMC
Subhects are working to stabilize their behavioral change and avoid relapse
In general, maintenance is hit after a 6 month period of sustaining action
ex: I am half a year off the oscar meyer bologna
Interventions/Processes that help Move you from Action to Maintenance
Reinforcement Management
Helping Relationships
Stimulus Control
Social Liberation
How long must action be done to reach maintenance of a change?
6 months
Reinforcement Management
(contingency management)
Increasing the rewards for the positive behavioral change and decreasing the rewards s of unhealthy behavior
ex: I will reward myself with a treat if I can go so long without bologna ; I will deprive myself of treats if I relapse on that sweet sweet bologna
Helping Relationships
Seeking and using social support for the health behavioral change
ex: Alcoholics Anonymous ; Bologna Anonymous; Classes
Taking Healthy behaviors and cognitions and trying to substitute them in for unhealthy behaviors or thoughts of unhealthy behaviors
ex: I will eat celery when the temptation of bologna reveals itself
Stimulus Control
Removing reminders or cues to engage in the unhealthy behavior and adding cues or reminders to engage in the healthy behavior
ex: I remove the oscar meyer bologna shrine from the side room and make an office for work to distract me from the bologna cravings ; Not hanging out at bars ; having workout clothes visible to motivate you
Social Liberation
Realizing that the social norms are changing in the direction of supporting the healthy behavioral change
ex: NYS makes less areas to smoke available ; National bologna bans
Termination Stage
Stage 6 of the TTMC
This only applies to some behaviors, like addictions, when there is no longer any temptation for an individual to regress
What stage of the TTMC does not apply to all behaviors?
Relapse and Overcoming It in TTMC
Not a TTMC stage, but an issue that can happen
It is a setback in changing behavior that should be seen as LIMITED and MINOR rather than a defeat
implement strategies to get the person to return to contemplation, preparation, or action stages
___ is not a TTMC stage