Module 5 vocab Flashcards
synonyms of
reveal (v)
verb = werkwoord
to make (something wich is secret or hidden ) publicly or generally known
expose, uncover
verb = werkwoord
to make (something wich is secret or hidden ) publicly or generally known
opposites of
reveal (v)
verb = werkwoord
to make (something wich is secret or hidden ) publicly or generally known
hide, conceal
verb = werkwoord
synonyms of
on average :
average (n)
noun = zelfstandignaamwoord
a number expressing the central or typical value in a set of data
typical, characteristic
noun = zelfstandignaamwoord
a number expressing the central or typical value in a set of data
opposites of
on average :
average (n)
noun = zelfstandignaamwoord
a number expressing the central or typical value in a set of data
atypical, unique
noun = zelfstandignaamwoord
synonyms of
to be aimed at:
aim (v)
verb = werkwoord
to direct a specific course, to direct toward a specified object or goal
synonyms of
aim (n)
noun = zelfstadignaamwoord
goal, objective
noun = zelfstadignaamwoord
synonyms of
agility (n)
noun = zelfstandignaamwoord
ability to move quickly and easily
noun = zelfstandignaamwoord
ability to move quickly and easily
opposites of
agility (n)
noun = zelfstandignaamwoord
ability to move quickly and easily
noun = zelfstandignaamwoord
synonyms of
harm (n)
noun = zelfstandignaamwoord
physical injury, material damage
noun = zelfstandignaamwoord
physical injury, material damage
opposites of
harm (n)
noun = zelfstandignaamwoord
physical injury, material damage
help, benefit
noun = zelfstandignaamwoord
synonyms of
harmful (adj)
adjective = bijvoegelijknaamwoord
dangerous, risky
adjective = bijvoegelijknaamwoord
opposites of
harmful (adj)
adjective = bijvoegelijknaamwoord
adjective = bijvoegelijknaamwoord
synonyms of
aducational (adj)
adjective = bijvoegelijknaamwoord
providing knowlegde
informative, useful
adjective = bijvoegelijknaamwoord
providing knowlegde
opposites of
aducational (adj)
adjective = bijvoegelijknaamwoord
providing knowlegde
useless, impractical
adjective = bijvoegelijknaamwoord
synonyms of
sustain (v)
verb = werkwoord
to give support or relief to; to support as true, legal, or just; to allow or admit as valid
strengthen, replenish
verb = werkwoord
to give support or relief to; to support as true, legal, or just; to allow or admit as valid
oppostes of
sustain (v)
verb = werkwoord
to give support or relief to; to support as true, legal, or just; to allow or admit as valid
verb = werkwoord
synonyms of
sustenance (n)
noun =zelfstandignaamwoord
means of support ( such as food and drink )
maintenance, support
noun =zelfstandignaamwoord
means of support ( such as food and drink )
synonyms of
improve (v)
verb = werkwoord
to enhance a quality or value; to make better
enhance, upgrade
verb = werkwoord
to enhance a quality or value; to make better
opposits of
improve (v)
verb = werkwoord
to enhance a quality or value; to make better
worsen; deteriorate
verb = werkwoord
synonyms of
academic (n)
noun = zelfstandignaamwoord
a teacher or scholar in a university or other institute of higher education
synonyms of
academic (adj)
adjective = bijvoegelijknaamwoord
relating to performance in academic courses
educational, intellectual
adjective = bijvoegelijknaamwoord
relating to performance in academic courses
opposites of
academic (adj)
adjective = bijvoegelijknaamwoord
relating to performance in academic courses
unintellectual, nonacademic
adjective = bijvoegelijknaamwoord
synonyms of
achievement (n)
noun = zelfstandignaamwoord
a result gained by effort; a great or heroic deed
accomplishment, success
noun = zelfstandignaamwoord
a result gained by effort; a great or heroic deed
opposites of
achievement (n)
noun = zelfstandignaamwoord
a result gained by effort; a great or heroic deed
failure, fiasco
noun = zelfstandignaamwoord
synonyms of
impact (n)
noun = zelfstandignaamwoord
a forceful contact
collision, influence
noun = zelfstandignaamwoord
a forceful contact
synonyms of
anxiety (n)
noun = zelfstandignaamwoord
feeling of worry, nervousness or unease
worry, concern
noun = zelfstandignaamwoord
feeling of worry, nervousness or unease
opposites of
anxiety (n)
noun = zelfstandignaamwoord
feeling of worry, nervousness or unease
noun = zelfstandignaamwoord
feeling of worry, nervousness or unease
opposites of
anxious (adj)
adjective = bijvoegelijknaamwoord
adj = adjective
synonyms of
severe (adj)
adjective = bijvoegelijknaamwoord
strict in judgement or discipline, strongly critical
harsh, strict
adjective = bijvoegelijknaamwoord
strict in judgement or discipline, strongly critical
opposites of
severe (adj)
adjective = bijvoegelijknaamwoord
strict in judgement or discipline, strongly critical
gentle, lenient
adjective = bijvoegelijknaamwoord
synonyms of
beset with
troubled by
attacked by, pursued by
troubled by
opposites of
beset with
troubled by
assisted, helped
troubled by
synonyms of
interact (v)
verb = werkwoord
to act upon one another
cooperate, mingle
verb = werkwoord
to act upon one another
synonyms of
subjected to
cause or force to undergo (a particular experience).
exposed to
cause or force to undergo (a particular experience).
synonyms of
subjected to
cause or force to undergo (a particular experience).
exposed to
cause or force to undergo (a particular experience).
opposites of
subjected to
cause or force to undergo (a particular experience).
shielded from
cause or force to undergo (a particular experience).
synonyms of
conventional (adj)
adjective = bijvoegelijknaamwoord
based on what is generally done or believed
conservative, traditional
adjective = bijvoegelijknaamwoord
based on what is generally done or believed
opposites of
conventional (adj)
adjective = bijvoegelijknaamwoord
based on what is generally done or believed
current, modern
adjective = bijvoegelijknaamwoord
synonyms of
nocturnal (adj)
adjective = bijvoegelijnaamwoord
done, occurring or active at night
adjective = bijvoegelijknaamwoord
done, occurring or active at night
opposites of
nocturnal (adj)
adjective = bijvoegelijnaamwoord
done, occurring or active at night
adjective = bijvoegelijknaamwoord
synonyms of
plethora (n)
noun = zelfstandignaamwoord
an amount that is greater than is needed or can be used
abundance, plenty
noun = zelfstandignaamwoord
an amount that is greater than is needed or can be used
opposites of
plethora (n)
noun = zelfstandignaamwoord
an amount that is greater than is needed or can be used
shortage, lack
noun = zelfstandignaamwoord