Module 1 Flashcards
Synonym of
clutch (v)
to hold somebody or something tightly
verb = ww
to hold somebody or something tightly
verb = ww
Opposites of
clutch (v)
to hold somebody or something tightly
verb = ww
verb = ww
Synonym of
disdain (n)
noun = pv
contempt; disrespect
noun = pv
Opposites of
disdain (n)
noun = pv
noun = pv
Synonym of
disdainful (adj)
adj = bvn
adj = bvn
Opposites of
disdainful (adj)
adj = bvn
adj = bvn
Synonym of
aspiration (n)
a strong desire to have or do something
noun = pv
ambition; desire; objective; goal
a strong desire to have or do something
noun = pv
Opposites of
aspiration (n)
a strong desire to have or do something
noun = pv
apathy; indifference
noun = pv
Synonym of
aspire (v)
intend to attain
verb = ww
intend to attain
verb = ww
Opposites of
aspire (v)
intend to attain
verb = ww
verb = ww
synonym of
impressive (adj)
making you feel admiration, because they are very large, good, skillful
adj = bvn
impactful, outstanding, noble, spectacular
making you feel admiration, because they are very large, good, skillful
adj = bvn
opposites of
impressive (adj)
making you feel admiration, because they are very large, good, skillful
adj = bvn
adj = bvn
Opposites of
impress (v)
verb = ww
bore; weary
verb = ww
Synonym of
luxurious (adj)
adj = bvn
sumptuous; very comfortable
adj= bvn
Synonym of
luxurious (adj)
adj = bvn
sumptuous; very comfortable
adj= bvn
opposites of
luxurious (adj)
adj = bvn
spartan/ economical
adj= bvn
Synonym of
luxury (n)
n = pv
indulgence; extravagance
n = pv
synonyms of
flock (n)
n = pv
crowd; army
n = pv
synonyms of
appalled (adj)
adj = bvn
adj = bvn
opposites of
appalled (adj)
adj = bvn
adj = bvn
synonyms of
appalling (adj)
adj = bvn
shocking; extremely bad
adj = bvn
opposites of
appalling (adj)
adj = bvn
acceptable; delightful
adj = bvn
synonyms of
appal (v) / appall (v)
to shock someone very much
v = ww
to shock someone very much
v = ww
synonyms of
drastic (adj)
adj = bvn
acting forcefully and resolutely; extreme in a way that has a sudden, serious or violent effet on something
adj = bvn
acting forcefully and resolutely; extreme in a way that has a sudden, serious or violent effet on something
opposites of
drastic (adj)
adj = bvn
acting forcefully and resolutely; extreme in a way that has a sudden, serious or violent effet on something
adj = bvn
synonyms of
prohibit (v)
v = ww
forbid; ban
v = ww
opposites of
prohibit (v)
v = ww
permit; allow
v = ww
synonyms of
ambitious (adj)
adj = bvn
adj = bvn
opposites of
ambitious (adj)
adj = bvn
adj = bvn
sunonyms of
elusive (adj)
adj = bvn
difficult to find, define or achieve
adj = bvn
opposites of
elusive (adj)
adj = bvn
accessible, available
adj = bvn
synonyms of
elude (v)
v = ww
get away from; escape being found, caught
v = ww
synonyms of
lure (v)
v = ww
to persuade ot trick sombody to go somewhere or do something by promising them a reward
tempt; entice
v = ww
to persuade ot trick sombody to go somewhere or do something by promising them a reward
opposites of
lure (v)
v = ww
to persuade ot trick sombody to go somewhere or do something by promising them a reward
repel; deter
v = ww
synonyms of
lure (n)
n = pv
the attractive qualities of somethng
n = pv
opposites of
lure (n)
n = pv
the attractive qualities of somethng
n = pv
opposites of
enticement (v)
v = ww
repulsion; disgust
v = ww
synonyms of
entice (v)
v = ww
v = ww
synonyms of
success (n)
n = pv
n = pv
opposites of
success (n)
n = pv
n = pv
synonyms of
successful (adj)
adj = bvn
having achieved something
adj = bvn
opposites of
successful (adj)
adj = bvn
having achieved something
adj = bvn
succeed (v)
v = ww
to achieve something that you have been trying to do or get in
v = ww
synonyms of
traditional (adj)
adj = bvn
adj = bvn
opposites of
traditional (adj)
adj = bvn
unconventional; modern; different
adj = bvn
synonyms of
fascinate (v)
v = ww
attract or interest somebody very much
v = ww
opposites of
fascinate (v)
v = ww
attract or interest somebody very much
v = ww
synonyms of
fascinating (adj)
adj = bvn
extremely interesting and attractive
adj = bvn
opposites of
fascinating (adj)
adj = bvn
extremely interesting and attractive
boring; dull; uninteresting
adj = bvn
synonyms of
fascinated (adj)
adj = bvn
very interested
adj = bvn
opposites of
fascinated (adj)
adj = bvn
dulled; bored
adj = bvn
synonyms of
considerate (adj)
adj = bvn
adj = bvn
opposites of
considerate (adj)
adj = bvn
adj = bvn
synonyms of
consider (v)
v = ww
think carefully
v = ww
synonyms of
considerable (adj)
adj = bvn
significant; great in size, amount, importance
adj = bvn
opposites of
considerable (adj)
adj = bvn
adj = bvn
synonyms of
considerably (adv)
adv = bw
adv = bw
synonyms of
suspicious (adj)
adj = bvn
feeling that sombody has don something wrong, illegal, dishonest
sceptical, wary
adj = bvn
feeling that sombody has don something wrong, illegal, dishonest
opposites of
suspicious (adj)
adj = bvn
feeling that sombody has don something wrong, illegal, dishonest
trusting; trustful
adj = bvn
synonyms of
suspicion (n)
n = pv
hint, hunch
n = pv
opposites of
suspicion (n)
n = pv
n = pv
synonyms of
understandably (adv)
adv = bw
adv = bw
synonyms of
understandable (adv)
adv = bw
clear; straightforward
adv = bw
opposites of
understandable (adv)
adv = bw
adv = bw