Module 5: Public Transport Flashcards
What the public transport service constraints?
- funding
- existing land use
- existing infrastructure
- topography
- institutions/jurisdictions
What are service inputs, service outputs and service outcomes?
Service inputs: vehicles, labour, fuel
Service outputs: vehicles hours, vehicle kms, travel time reliability
Service outcomes: passengers, boardings, revenue, safety
What are capital costs?
Things that incur cost regardless of use
- vehicles, storage, maintenance
What are operating costs?
Things that incur cost in use
- labour, maintenance activities, fuel, utilities, liability
What is an average and a marginal cost?
Average cost: costs averaged out over units of output/outcome
Marginal cost: incremental cost for one or more unit of output/outcome
What is profit?
Profit = total revenue – total cost
What are the 7 stages of a PT trip?
- getting information
- accessing from origin
- waiting
- paying the fare
- riding
- connecting if necessary
- egress to destination
What are the 3 Demand Forecasting Models
- Elasticities
- Econometric models
- Strategic transport models
What is an elasticity?
- defined as the percentage change in demand for a +1% change in X
- measures sensitivity of a demand relative to a particular variable X
What is the purpose of weighted travel time?
Accounts for people’s preferences & desires e.g. not liking walking or waiting
What is frequency & headway?
Frequency: number of buses per hour
Headway: time interval between buses
f = 60/h
What does vehicle travel time involve?
stop 1: dwell time travel to stop 2 stop 2: dwell time travel to stop 3 ... travel to stop n stop n: layover + dwell time travel to stop n-1 ... travel to stop 1 stop 1: layover + dwell time
What is PT route capacity?
capacity = Cveh x Nveh x f
Cveh: vehicle capacity (pax/veh)
Nveh: number of vehicles (veh)
f: frequency of route (veh/hr)
What are the route types?
Hint: letters
I, U, S, O
I: straight service
U, S: access
O: looped
What is the formula for minimum frequency?
ƒmin = (max hourly passenger load) / (X.Nveh)
X: load factor (e.g. 90%)
What is the formula for optimum frequency?
ƒopt = √(VOT.P/2CT)