Module 4: Road Safety Flashcards
What is Haddon’s matrix?
Phases: Before Crash, In Crash, After Crash
Factors: Human, Vehicle, Road
What are the 2 methods of calculating crash cost?
- Human capital (health, injury, death, legal costs)
- Willingness to pay (value of human life)
What does the road safety strategy involve?
- Exposure control
- Crash prevention
- Injury control
- Behaviour
- Post-injury
What are principles for safe design?
- Match road design to purpose
- Minimise conflict points
- Manage for crash severity
- Speed management
What is DCA?
Definition for Coding Accidents
What are some examples of countermeasures?
- median installation
- pedestrian signals
- roundabout
What is the current road safety target?
Reduce fatalities by 30% by 2020 (from 2010)
What are the 4 objectives of road safety?
- Safe roads
- Safe speeds
- Safe vehicles
- Safe people
What are some examples of interventions?
Manage exposure: increase walking, reduce cars, safe walking routes
Road design: medians, barriers, lower speed limits, sight distance
Traffic calming: narrowing, speed humps, raised crossings, chicanes
Education: road users, engineers
What is a road safety audit?
Formal examination of roadway project, assessing the crash potential and safety performance, giving reports on potential safety problems
- risk based, proactive approach to avoid potential crashes
What are the percentages of the 3 contributing factors in road crashes?
Human (93-94%)
Road (28-34%)
Vehicle (8-12%)
however, often more than one factor is involved
What are the 4 principles of Vision Zero?
- Ethics
- Responsibility
- Safety
- Mechanisms of change
What are the aspects of risk?
Risk = probability x exposure x outcome
What is the purpose of a road safety audit?
- minimise risk & severity of crashes
- consideration of measures to eliminate/reduce problems
- reduce need for costly remedial work
- promotion of safe design practices
What are the 5 stages that a road safety audit should be conducted?
- Feasibility stage
- Preliminary design stage
- Detailed design stage
- Pre-opening / Construction stage
- Existing roads
What is the road safety audit process?
- Select audit team
- Review documents & background
- Conduct field reviews
- Draft report
- Completing meeting
- Follow up
- Implement changes
What are the 4 categories & descriptions for crash frequency?
Frequent: once or more per week
Probable: once or more per year
Occasional: once every 5 or 10 years
Improbable: less than once every 10 years
What are the 4 categories & descriptions for crash severity?
Catastrophic: likely multiple deaths
Serious: likely death or serious injury
Minor: likely minor injury
Limited: likely trivial injury or property damage only
What are the levels of risk? What are the treatments for each level?
Intolerable: must be corrected
High: should be corrected or risk significantly reduced, even if cost is high
Medium: should be corrected or risk significantly reduced if cost is moderate
Low: should be corrected or risk significantly reduced if cost is low
What are the 5 aspects of a safe road environment?
Guide: road users through unusual sections of route
Warn: road users of any possible substandard features
Inform: road users of the type of unusual conditions likely to be encountered
Control: road users through conflict points
Forgive: road users’ inappropriate behaviour
What are the road safety principles?
- design for road users
- design for safe speeds
- design for pedestrians
- design for cyclists & motorcycles
- road design
- road signs, markings & delineation
- roadside safety
- traffic management
- road works & maintenance
What are the 5 crash codings?
K-1: fatal (killed or died within 30 days)
HA-2: injury requiring hospital admission (inpatient)
MT-3: injury requiring medical treatment (outpatient)
INT-4: injury not requiring medical treatment other than first aid
NI-5: non-injury
What are the steps for treatment of crash locations?
- decide criteria for crash locations
- list crash locations to investigate
- obtain relevant information
- diagnose the problems
- select the countermeasures
- prepare a preliminary design
- establish the benefits & costs
What are the criteria for selecting countermeasures?
- technical feasibility
- economic efficiency
- affordability
- acceptability
- practicability
- legal conformity
- compatibility
What is the Present Value formula?
An = R x (1 - (1+r)^-n) / r
What are the formulas for NPV and BCR?
NPV = PV(benefits) - PV(costs) BCR = PV(benefits) / PV(costs)