Module 5- Acute Venous Pathology Flashcards
What are the 3 categories of Virchow’s triad?
What is the most common cause of DVT?
What is the most common cause of DVT in the upper extremities?
Central lines (venous catheters)
What is the most common sign/symptom of DVT?
What is the sonographic appearance of acute thrombus?
Hypoechoic or anechoic, slightly enlarged vessels
An anatomical variant where the RT CIA compresses the LT CIV against the 5th lumbar vertebrae
May-Thurber syndrome
Thrombus of the axillary/subclavian due to compression under the clavical
Paget-Schroetter syndrome
Painful white inflammation with massive occlusion of the major deep veins, blood can still drain through collaterals
Phlegmasia alba dolens
Painful blue inflammation due to occlusion of the major deep veins and collaterals
Phlegmasia cerulea Dolens
Dilation of the bursa in the posteromedial knee
Bakers cyst
Can be the result of trauma, anticoagulation therapy or vigorous exercise
This occurs due to increased venous pressures from:
-heart failure
-fluid overload
-Venous obstruction
Soft tissue edema
Obstruction of lymph drainage due to malignancy, trauma or surgery and can have a milky appearance
-Enclosed collection of pus
-Diffuse collection of fluid within the subcutaneous tissue
- Abscess
- Cellulitis
Enlarged lymph nodes