Module 5 Flashcards
Absicisic acid (ABA)
Plant hormone that stimulates stomatal cloning, maintains see dormancy and triggers cold protective responses
Shedding of leaves in plants
A type of neurotransmitter used for communication between neurones
Type of protein filament found in myofibrils. Forms thin filaments consisting of two long twisted chains
Actin-myosin binding site
Site of actin which normally blocked by tropmyosin. During muscle contraction, becomes exposed, allowing a myosin head to attach
Actin-myosin cross-bridge
Cross bridge formed when a myosin head attaches to the myosin binding site on an actin filament
Adenylyl cyclase
An enzyme which catalyses the conversion of ATP to cAMP
Adrenal glands
Glands at top of kidneys and produce adrenaline and steroid hormones
Hormone which is secreted under stressful conditions. Serves as primary messanger and actives adenylyl cyclase
Afferent arteriole
Larger diameter arterioles which carries blood to glomerulus for ultrafiltration
Group of nitrogenous compounds found in plants. Bitter tasting and affect metabolism of animals/insects which take them in
All or nothing principle
Principle which describes how any generator potential which reaches or exceeds threshold potential will produce an action potential
Alpha cells
Found in pancreas which secrete glucagon into blood to raise glucose conc
Anisotropic bands
Darker bands in a myofibril which consist of overlapping actin and myosin filaments
Anabolic steroids
Class of performance enhancing drugs which are structurally similar testosterone and used illegally by atheletes
Anterior pituitary gland
Region of pituitary gland which produces and secretes hormones
Antidiuretic hormones (ADH)
A hormone released from the posterior pituitary gland that increases the reabsorption of water in the kidney tubules
A membrane channel used for selective transport of water in and out of cell
Autonomic nervous system
A branch of nervous system that carries nerve impulses to muscles and glands. Controls involuntary activities and two divisions: sympathetic and parasympathetic
Class of plant hormones which control elongation, produce tropsims, prevent abscission, maintain apical dominance
Extension from a nerve cell which carries impulses away from the cell body
Beta cells
Found in pancreas and secrete insulin into blood to lower glucose conc
Bile canaliculi
Vessels which collect bile produced by hepatocytes
Cardiac muscle
Myogenic muscle in walls of heart
Brain and spinal cord
Largest region of brain, consisting of two hemispheres- recieving sensory info from receptors and sends info via motor neurons to effectors
Region of the brain that controls muscle coordination and non-voluntary movement
Cholinergetic synapse
Synaose which uses the neurotransmitter acetylcholine
Creatine phosphate
Compound stored in muscles which serves as phosphate reserve enabling ATP regeneration
Cyclic AMP (cAMP)
Second messenger involved in action of adrenaline that activates protein kinase
Extension from a nerve cells which carries impulses towards the cell body
Rapid influx of sodium ions into cell which causes it to lose its negative charge and the membrane potential to increase
Organism which is dependent on its environment to maintain its body temp
Organ, tissue or cell which produces a response to a stimulus
Efferent arteriole
Smaller diameter arteriole which carries blood away from the glomerulus after ultrafiltration
Endocrine signalling
Type of signalling that uses hormones secretes by endocrine cells into blood which produces effect on receptors
Organism which can regulate its own body temp without relying on external heat sources
Plant hormones which stimulates the ripening of fruit and promotes abscission in deciduous trees
Impulse which stimulates an action potential in the postsynaptic neuron
Removing metabolic waste from an organism
Flight or fight
Physiological reaction of body in response to a potentially dangerous situ
Plants growth response to gravity
Plant hormones which control stem elongation, trigger growth of pollen tube during fertilisation and stimulate mobilisation of food storage reserves during seed germination
Glomerular filtration rate
Method of measuring kidney function which asseses amount of blood plasma filtered per unit of time and produces value above 90mL/min in healthy adults
Bundle of blood vessels at beginning of a kidney nephron where ultrafiltration occurs
Type of dialysis used where patients blood fed into a dialysis machine and passed across an artificial membrane to remove waste
Hepatic artery
Main artery which supplies the liver tissue with oxygenated blood from the heart
Hepatic portal vein
Main vein which carries blood rich in nutrients from the small intestine and pancreas to the liver
Hepatic vein
Main vein which takes deoxygenated blood away from the liver back to the heart
Maintaining constant internal environment around an optimum despite external change
Cell signalling molecules produced by endocrine glands and released into blood. They travel to target cells and bind to specific receptors , initiating response. Long lasting effects
Drop in membrane potential below the resting potential after repolarisation due to open potassium ion channels
Region of brain which serves as control centre for the autonomic nervous system. Responsible for hormone production, regulation of water poten of body fluids
An impulse which inhibits the next neurone from generating an action potential
Islet of Langerhans
Region of pancreas which contains a and b cells
Isotropic bands
Lighter bands in a myofibril, consisting of non-overlapping actin and myosin filaments
Kupffer cell
Specialised type of macrophage which is located within the sinusoids of the liver and removes pathogens and dead cells
Loop of henle
A large hairpin shaped loop found in kidney tubule used to regulate the water and salt conc of blood
Chemicals are used for communication between neurones and their target cells. Stored in synaptic vesicles in presynaptic neurone and released into synaptic cleft
Medulla oblongata
Region of brain regulating autonomic activities such as ventilation, heart rate and peristalsis.
Metabolic waste
Productss produced in metabolic reactions which have no benefit to organism
Monoclonal antibodies
Antibodies which have been produced by plasma cells that are identical clones of the same parent cell
Motor neurone
Neurone which carries nerve impulses from CNS to effector