Module 5 Flashcards
as one who bears
uncertainty, buys labor and materials, and sells products at uncertain prices.
he is an innovator. He does new
things in a new way. He supplies new products, makes new techniques of production, discovers new markets and develops new sources of raw materials.
an entrepreneur always
searches for change, responds to it and exploits it as an opportunity.
Peter Drucker
author of The
Practice of Entrepreneurship
Geoffrey Meredeth
entrepreneurs are
people who have the ability to see and evaluate business opportunities, to gather the necessary resources and to take advantage of them, and to initiate appropriate action to ensure success
Geoffrey Meredeth
as the person who undertakes entrepreneurial activities. He identifies
an economic need, considers offering a business solution, proceeds to assemble the resources required and assumes the risk of either succeeding or failing.
- Reasonable risk -takers
- Self-Confident
- Hardworking
- Innovative
- Leadership
- Positive Thinkers
- Decision Makers
Decision-making has six distinct phases:
1.Identifying the problem
2.Gathering the data about the problem
3.Analyzing the data
4.Formulating alternative solutions
5.Formulating alternative solutions
6.Implementing the solution/decision
Entrepreneurs enjoy challenges. But they
are careful and calculating. So, they shy away
from high-risk situations, because these may
not be attainable. However, entrepreneurs also avoid low-risk situations, because there are no challenges.
Reasonable risk-takers
Entrepreneurs have strong faith in their
abilities. They believe they can be the best in
their field. They do not accept things as they
are. Because they believe they can do things
Successful people always attribute their
success to hard work. Thomas A. Edison said
that success is 99 percent perspiration and 1
percent inspiration. We can easily confirm this
by observing top executives in governmental
and non-governmental organizations. They
work far beyond the 8-hour schedule.
Entrepreneurs are creative. They do things
in new and different ways. For example, they
create new products or services, new methods
of production, new markets and new sources of
raw materials. They love to explore the
unknown, and to blaze new paths of progress.
Entrepreneurs are leaders by the very nature
of their functions. They are people who are taskoriented. They are effective planners, organizers
and implementers. And they are achievers.
Here are the essential leadership qualities:
A. Selfless dedication
B. Purpose and Vision
C. Courage
D. Conviction
E. Enthusiasm
F. Integrity
G. Tact
H. Hard work
Entrepreneurs are positive thinkers. They
think of success and bright sides. Such
success consciousness leads entrepreneurs to success. Success begets success. Dr Charles Flory, a noted American psychologist said that wealth does not always come to the most intelligent or to the most ambitious individuals, but to those individuals who think money
Positive Thinkers