Module 4 Quiz Questions Flashcards
The EQU directive permits a constant to be redefined at any point in a program.
The equals sign directive (=) may be used for both integer constants and string constants.
What is the minimum size of a data type, in bytes, to be impacted by system endianness. (Whole numbers only)
If you are using an integer constant in one of your CS271 programs, which constant method must you use?
The byte-ordering scheme which stores integers in memory with the least significant byte at the lowest (first) address is called:
little endian
System endianness affects:
byte-wise ordering
Strings (BYTE arrays) are stored in the same order regardless of system endianness.
The byte-ordering scheme which stores integers in memory with the most significant byte at the lowest address (first) is called:
big endian
An SDWORD storing the integer value -540,000 (FFF7C2A0h) is stored in memory on a little-endian system starting at memory address α. What Hex value is stored at each of the following memory addresses?
The four-byte hexadecimal sequence 20 05 43 03 stored in consecutive memory cells in a little-endian architecture represents ___________ (decimal) when interpreted as a 32-bit signed integer.
The four-byte hexadecimal sequence 2D AC 52 CB stored in consecutive memory cells in a little-endian architecture represents ___________ (decimal) when interpreted as a 32-bit unsigned integer.
Identify the sizes of the sign, biased exponent, and normalized mantissa for a Double Precision x86 floating point value.
Sign: 1 bits
Biased Exponent: 11 bits
Normalized Mantissa: 52 bits
An IEEE 754 Floating Point value contains three components: a sign, a normalized mantissa, and an biased exponent.
The number -12.65 can be represented exactly in IA-32 Floating Point Unit 32-bit IEEE 754 format.