Module 4: Networking Flashcards
An interconnection of computers
Internet vs Web
The internet is the physical connection of computers and wire around the world. The web is the information on the internet.
Do clients connect directly to the internet?
No, clients connects to an ISP network
How is data moved through a network?
Data is broken down into packets of binary bits, before it is send across a network.
Different ways to connect to the internet
- Ethernet Cable
- Wi-Fi Connection
- Fiber optic Cable
Switches turn one ethernet port into multiple ethernet ports connecting devices within a network and enable efficient data transfer using MAC addresses.
Switches are usually connected to a router which handles assigning Ip addresses to devices on network
Switch is a data link layer device i.e. layer 2.
Routers routes data from one network to another network. It determine the best path for data transmission based on IP addresses.
For example connecting a LAN with the ISP Network
Router is a network layer device i.e. layer 3.
Hubs are like an unintelligent switch, it simply broadcasts data to all connected devices, without analyzing the data. If a signal comes into the hub, the hub broadcasts that signal to all other devices connected to it.
Hub is a physical layer device i.e. layer 1.
Can hubs and switches connect to external networks?
No. Hubs and Switches are used to connect device in a local area network or LAN and cannot connect to an external network because that would require the ability to read and process IP addresses.
Difference between hubs, switches and routers?
hubs and switches are used to create networks, while routers are used to connect networks
Network Stack
A set of hardware or software that provides the infrastructure for a computer
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.
All domain names need to be registered with ICANN
Domain Name Server - A server that maps Domain names with IP addresses
DNS Lookup
Whenever a domain name is typed into the URL bar, the browser performs a DNS lookup to find the IP address associated with the domain name.
An 32 bit Ip address separated into 4 groups
Who created the internet?
Researchers at DAARPA
What kind of address does a device need to connect to the internet
An Ip address
A 128 bit hexadecimal Ip address
Network Address Translation. Translates one IP address into another IP address (Public to Private and vice versa)
Lets organization us one public ip address and many private IP addresses within the network
Internet of things. Devices, fridges, cars, and smart phones connected to the internet.
For example, using your smart phone to control smart devices in your home.
ARPANET: The earliest version of the Internet that we see today, created by the US government project DARPA in the 1960s
Difference between public an private ip addresses
You cannot access the internet with a private ip address, as it is not publicly registered. Can only be used on private networks