Module 4 Flashcards
- The way in which an officer responds to a situation involving a mentally ill person can have an impact on the immediate situation (the officer’s life, the person’s life, and bystanders) as well as on any contact officers will have in the future.
True (Correct Answer / Your Answer)
- The prevalence of mental illness in Illinois is ___________ than the national level.
lower (Correct Answer)
- Variant behavior only concerns conduct by persons with a mental illness.
False (Correct Answer / Your Answer)
- Drug and/or alcohol abuse is an example of this type of variant behavior.
• Self-destructive behaviors (Correct Answer)
- Individuals suffering from this mental illness may have a distorted perception of reality (or the world around them) as a result of delusions, hallucinations, or disordered thinking.
• Psychotic Disorders, Including Schizophrenia (Correct Answer / Your Answer)
- According to the Illinois Compiled Statutes, “Discharge” is defined as _____ (405 ILCS 5 or1 – 109 Discharge)
• the full release of any person admitted or otherwise detained under this Act from treatment, habilitation, or care and custody. (Correct Answer)
- If a person is admitted to a mental health facility under an emergency admission and a certification is not obtained, the person may only be held for _______.
24 hours (Correct Answer / Your Answer)
- An emergency admission with certification requires the following items in the petition.
- Detailed statement of the reason for the admission
- Name and address of relative, spouse, parent or guardian
- The petitioner’s relationship to the person
- Names, addresses, and phone numbers of any witnesses
- All of the above (Correct Answer / Your Answer)
- During the initial assessment, the officer should ________.
- isolate the area and call for assistance
- obtain as much background information as possible
- make observations, i.e. for weapons, suspect condition, and escape avenues.
- all of the above (Correct Answer / Your Answer)
- When communicating with a mentally ill person, the officer should _____.
- adopt a calm or friendly attitude
- take the necessary time
- build trust with the person
- all of the above (Correct Answer / Your Answer)
- The ________________ is the most appropriate and safest means of transporting a reportedly mentally ill person (excluding the existence of a medial situation).
• patrol vehicle (Correct Answer)
- When serving mental health commitment orders, the officer should treat safety as _________________.
any other “arrest” situation (Correct Answer)
- When a person is admitted to a mental health facility, the particulars of the incident will be included in the admission petition; therefore a police report is unnecessary.
False (Correct Answer / Your Answer)
- Most suicides are committed by Caucasians.
True (Correct Answer / Your Answer)
- Actions, such as giving away prized possessions or essential items, are _________ indicators of a person contemplating suicide.
indirect (Correct Answer / Your Answer)
- Until a suicide has been officially ruled a suicide, the scene should be treated as a crime scene and should be protected or secured.
True (Correct Answer / Your Answer)
- When dealing with variant behavior, officers must remember __________.
• they are often the “first rung” in the criminal justice system because they are available 24 hours a day (Correct Answer / Your Answer)
- Most people with mental illness in Illinois were __________.
not in the labor force (Correct Answer / Your Answer)