Module 4 Flashcards
The thing on top of sheet with all the things like font, numbering etc
Formula bar
Has active cell on ot
-When you put in a value into the cell, the cell and the formula bar show the same thing, but if u click it to change it to something like currency, then the formula bar will show the value what u typed (the content of the cell), but the cell will show it in the new format (value)
-Value displayed in current cell depends on content of the cell and fonts and stuff applied from ribbon
-Content of the cell (seen in formula bar) can be a formula (=123+1), and the content of the cell will not show the formula, but the answer
-Values dont have to only be numbers, they can be text as well (called LABELS) , Date/Time values, and BOOLEAN values (true or false)
Excel keeps track of days since
1900, so if u have a number in there and u click date, it will give u the day that is that many days from 1900.
Formulas and Expressions (module 4.3)
-start with equal
-content of cell has formula, value is the answer of formula found in cell
What is formula a bad word for the things we enter into excel cells
because we are actually entering a expression,
-formula is like physics: F=ma
expressions are
D2=1+1 because when we have an operator, which is the plus, minus etc, that is expression
-also the fact that we dont say D2= we just put = is bad too mathematically
Operators in excel
+ = - x ^
Formulas in excel follow bedmas? T or F
-has name, and parameters
like f(x)=
What does it mean to next a formula
a function within a function
How to reference a cell
Type in the cell name: ex D2
If i reference a cell in SUM for example, and change the orgiinal cell number, will it change my SUM cell value?
YES! This is why referencing cells more beneficial
Unless i add $ to it. in the other cell
How is range indicated
using :
Always specify upper left and lower right cell for range
Or can drag the corner of the range which u want
Price of Car: Whatever given
Annual Monthly Interest Rate: usually given
Monthly Interest Rate: Annual/12
Number of Years; Given
Number of Months: years*12
Monthly Payment: =PMT(monthly interest rate, #of periods, principle price)
Excel detects pattern and continues it
-drag left corner to do this
-if you copy and drag, it will now be the cell u copied, plus +1, then that cell +1, etc. Content of this looks different than normal drag
-if it cant detect a pattern, it will just copy paste
Absolute References
-used when you dont want excel to use normal referencing behaviour such as copying the pattern of what was referenced and continuing (ie, if the cell is one above and one to the left for formula, it will continue this)
-bascially used if u dont want the contents of the cell u are referencing to change, and u dont want toi change which cell u are referencing
How to do this?
In the formula: =SUM($C$3,2)
can use F4 key, or do $C$4
-First dollar sign keeps column the same, second dollar sign keeps row the same, WHATEVER THE DOLLARSIGN IS INFRONT OF IS WHAT IS GOING TO BE KEPT THE SAME
so if u want to keep column same but change row, do $C4
or row same but not column c$4
What happens when u copy a formula in excel
It will generate a new formula in that cell, based on the orgiinal formula
References are relative to the cell they are entered in
ex: so if i copy a cell in the up three, left one, if i move it and paste the cell somewhere else, it will be the same pattern.
-If you move a cell that is being referenced somewhere else, then it will reference the new cell that u moved it too. Ex: A1 references B2, move B2 to B3, A1 now references contents in B3
Copy and Paste in excel
-copies content of cell and format automatically (can change what u want to paste tho)
-if u copy something, then go do something else, u will lose the copy
Define Name Button
-Go to formula tab, then click define name (when u are on that cell)
-give it a name
now u can reference this cell using that name
-u can also name ranges, and this will be useful
TO edit a name
GO to name manager and change the range of it