MODULE 4 Flashcards
Who quoted: “ideas are like goods and services, ideas also flow across borders all over the world. Then, globalization is in progress.” from the article Globalization of Ideas?
Landry (2010)
What year was the first personal computer?
mid 1970s
What year was the internet?
It is a medium to distribute ideas, information, values, and beliefs, global media prevalently facilitates the distribution of cultural symbols that shape human relationships in the globalized world.
Global Media System
Communication vehicle or means of information delivery system to express, cultivate, or convey message to a target audience
Who quoted: “Media is communication vehicle or means of information delivery system to express, cultivate, or convey message to a target audience
(Tylor, 1871)
(T/F) Media can impact societal norms, beliefs and values, technology, and the culture in general.
(T/F) Media is a very powerful tool which can shape and influence human behavior.
“_______ is that complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, arts, morals, law, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by [a human] as a member of society.” - Tylor, 1871
It is a form of media which reach broader sphere simultaneously
Mass Media
It is the oldest media that are printed in word, picture, which conveys information through the sense of sight
Print Media
It is the most convenient and practical means to spread information to reach the broader audience immediately
Broadcast Media
Various forms of electronic communication that is made feasible using computer technology
New Age Media
Number of internet users by country in 2016 that has the highest number: 746.66 million
Number of internet users by country in 2016 that has the lowest number 4.75 million
The most popular social network that has the most registered users.
The most popular social network that has the most active users.
Who is the researcher that asserted that there are only three perspectives on cultural difference which are cultural differentialism, cultural convergence, and cultural hybridity?
Pieterse (2009)
Lasting difference between and among cultures predominantly uninfluenced by globalization or any countries, and trans-cultural flows and processes
Cultural Differentialism
The notion of increasing homogenization or sameness all over the world
Cultural Convergence
Characterize also as a form of universalism because it assimilates the dominant culture as the center of importance: Americanization, Westernization, and others.
Cultural Convergence
The mixing of cultures as a result of globalization due to interaction of global and local, a unique and new hybrid cultures that is completely different from global or local culture.
Cultural Hybridity
It is the combination of the words “globalization” and localization, which refers to the simultaneous emergence of both universalizing and particularizing trend in political, social, and economic systems.
6 Cybercrimes of Global Media
- Fraud and Identity Theft- Information Warfare- Phishing Scams- Extortion- Bank Fraud- Cyber Pornography
It is a system of beliefs and practices
The latin word for religion that means to bind together again that which was once bound but has since been torn apart or broken
Who explained the latin word for religion?
Perry, 1998
Who emphasized that society has a life and power of its own beyond the life of any individual. In other words, society itself is godlike, shaping the lives of its members and living on beyond them. Practicing religion, people celebrate the awesome power of their society.
Durkheim (1965, orig. 1915)
It involved things that surpass the limits of our knowledge.
It is a social institution involving beliefs and practices based on recognizing the sacred (Durkheim,1965; 62, orig. 1915).
Religion unites people through shared symbolism, values, and norms. Religious thought and ritual establish rules of fair play, organizing our social life.
Establishing Social Cohesion
Every society uses religious ideas to promote conformity
Promoting Social Control
Religious belief offers the comforting sense that our brief lives serve some greater purpose. Strengthened by such beliefs, people are less likely to despair in the face of change or even tragedy.
Providing meaning and purpose.
Who acknowledges the relationship of religion and globalization as a complex process, we focus on its advantages and disadvantages?
Golebiewski (2014)
Globalization promotes a pluralistic culture, meaning religions with overlapping but have discrete interest and ethics interact with each other.
Globalization Promotes Greater Religious Tolerance
Considerably, globalization is a world revolution, though all revolutions interfere the peoples’ customs and traditions – that is, “people’s very security, safety, and identity” (Kurth, 1999).
Globalization Creating Backlash of Religious Parochialism
Globalization paved the way for religions to interact with another, it generates an arena of conflicts and competition. If religions view themselves as “world religions” and reinforce their distinct identities, there would always be tensions.
Religious Identity and Globalization: Furthering Challenges
Christian Cross
Star and Crescent
Wheel of Dharma
Star of David