Module 4 Flashcards
Types of Bones
- Long Bones
- Short Bones
- Flat Bones
- Sesamoid Bones
- Irregular Bones
Types of Flat Bones
Ribs, top skull
Types of Short Bones
Carpals, Tarsals
Types of Sesamoid Bones
Types of Long Bones
Humerus, Radius, Ulna, Tibula, Fibula, Femur
Different Layers within Bone
Compact Bone: Dense Outer Layer
Spongey Bone: made of small trabeculae
Diaphysis: - the tube-like shaft
Epiphyses: ends of bone
What is the Axial Skeleton?
- the longitudinal axis of the body; includes skull, thoraic cage, and vertebral column
Function of Skull
- supports and protects brain and special sense organs
- accommodates the first part of the respiratory and digestive systems.
- attachment site for the muscles of the head and neck
(8 cranial bones in head and 14 bones in facial skeleton)
What is the hyoid bone?
- irregular bone type, floating just above 3rd cervical vertebra, attached at tongue above and larynx below.
Regions of the Spine - The vertebral column
Cervical regions: 7 vertebrae Thoracic: 12 vertebrae Lumbar: 5 vertebrae Sacrum: 3-5 one fused bone Coccyx: 4 fused bones
Functions of the vertebral column
- provides surface area for muscle attachment
- supports/protects the spinal cord
- positions the head
- support the upright position in sitting/standing
Curvatures of Spine
Cervical - concave
Thoracic - Convex
Lumbar - Concave
Sacrum - Convex
Common structures of all vertebrae
- Vertebral Arch
- Spinous Process
- Transverse Process
- Vertebral Foramen
- Spine Body
Vertebrae differs between regions
Cervical - small oval
What are Intervertebral discs
The cushion-like pad between vertebrae which act like shock absorbers
Two Regions: - nucleus pulposus (inner gelatinous nucleus) & Anulus Fibrosus (outer collar composed of collagen and fibrocartilage)
Functions and Composition of Thoracic Cage
- 12 pairs of ribs,
sternum and costal cartilages anteriorly
Functions: - protects vital organs; supports shoulder girdles and upper limbs; attachment sites for muscles of neck, back, chest and shoulders
Primary function and composition of upper appendicular Skeleton
- to position the hand in space
- includes pectoral girdle, glenohumeral joint, humerus, elbow joint, forearm & wrist, hand.