Module 3.2.1: VASODILATORS and ANTI-ANGINA Flashcards
Imbalance between oxygen requirement of the myocardium and oxygen supply
Chest pain caused by the accumulation of metabolites
resulting from myocardial ischemia
The most common condition involving tissue ischemia in
which vasodilator drugs are used
Atheromatous obstruction of the large coronary vessels
Angina Pectoris
Character: Squeezing or pressing; substernal
Precipitated by effort (“Angina of Effort)
Classic Angina
Classic Angina
Change in character, frequency, and duration of chest pain
“Crescendo” angina
High risk for myocardial infarction
Unstable Angina
Also called acute coronary syndrome, is caused by episodes of increased epicardial coronary artery resistance or small platelet clots occurring in the vicinity of an atherosclerotic plaque.
Unstable Angina
Unstable Angina is sometimes also referred to as…
pre-infarction angina
Vasospastic or Prinzmetal angina
Transient spasm of portions of the coronary arteries
Variant Angina
mainstay of therapy for angina
Organic Nitrates
important for prophylaxis
Calcium Channel Blockers
not vasodilators, also important for prophylaxis
Beta Blockers
….provide most of the therapeutic activity of oral nitrates
Dinitro derivatives (metabolites)
Sublingual route is preferred because it bypasses the hepatic circulation, drug is absorbed directly into the bloodstream
Rapid absorption = rapid breakdown, resulting to a very short duration of its action (15-30mins)
Once absorbed, nitrate compounds have half-lives of only 2-8mins
…active metabolite of ISDN (Isosorbide dinitrate); bioavailabity of 100%
Isosorbide mononitrate
highly volatile, inhaled, avoid first-pass effect, but now obsolete for angina because of its unpleasant odor and short duration of action
Amyl nitrite
The site of action of the nitrates will be the __________ of your blood vessels particularly the _______ of both the arteries and the veins.
smooth muscles
prototype of nitrates/nitrites
Nitroglycerin, once taken in undergoes Denitration (via __________ ) which causes the release of free nitrite ion, which is converted to nitric oxide that causes activation of _________, increasing cGMP causing smooth muscle relaxation
glutathione S transferase
guanyl cyclase
… relaxes all types of smooth muscles; but only those that are found in the vasculature. No direct effect on cardiac or skeletal muscles
Nitrate Side effect:
Increased venous capacitance -> decreased cardiac output -> ________ & _________
orthostatic hypotension and syncope
Nitrate Side effect:
Meningeal artery pulsations -> Increased cerebral blood flow -> ___________
throbbing headache
Indirect effects of nitroglycerin -> due to compensatory response evoked by baroreceptors and hormonal mechanisms:
tachycardia and increased contractility
(if your blood vessels dilate, there’s increased capacitance, and decreased CO and BP, which will be detected by your baroreceptors, and in turn your baroreceptors will respond to counteract the hypotension by increasing the HR, thus tachycardia)
o prototype drug for erectile dysfunction
o Increases cGMP by inhibiting its breakdown
o Taken orally
o Cannot be given together with
Sildenafil (Viagra)
(Sildenafil is also a vasodilator and if combined with nitrates will bring about profound hypotension. Before you prescribe Sildenafil, always ask if they are on nitrates.)
o newer drug forms, both are PDE5 inhibitors
o Used for treatment of Erectile dysfunction
Tadalafil, vardenafil
o the drug most commonly used in patients who do not respond to sildenafil
o a PGE1 analog that can be injected directly into the cavernosa or placed in the urethra as a mini suppository
o can be used by injection into the cavernosa
o same with alprostadil will cause erection in most men who do not respond to sildenafil
Nitroglycerin action on platelets:
decreased platelet aggregation
Which is beneficial because it will prevent clogging of narrowed coronaries. Anti-platelet/ Anti-thrombotic activity
Nitrite ion reacts with hemoglobin (which contains ferrous iron) to produce methemoglobin (which contains ferric iron). Methemoglobin has a very low affinity for oxygen, and large doses of nitrites can result in …
pseudocyanosis, tissue hypoxia, and death
Nitrates are contraindicated, however, if ________
intracranial pressure is elevated.
continuous exposure to nitrates, will decrease/prolong the intended therapeutic effects, sometimes increase in dosage is needed
If on transdermal patches, we tell the patient to put it on for 8hrs, then remove it for 4hrs, and then put it back for another 12hrs
Nitrate-free Interval
Nitrate effect:
Reduction in oxygen consumption is the major mechanism for the relief of …..
Effort angina
Nitrate effect for relief of _____:
Relaxes the smooth muscle of the epicardial coronary arteries and relieving coronary artery spasm.
Variant Angina
Nitrates may exert their beneficial effects for relief of _____, both by:
dilating the epicardial coronary arteries
by simultaneously reducing myocardial oxygen demand
Unstable Angina