Module 3 test for microbiology Flashcards
Bacteria growth curve
Lag (adjust to new environment), Log (Binary phase, exponential phase), stationary (birthed bacteria vs death= equal, Stains gram variable, and spores are produced), and death ( death are greater than birth)
Binary Fission
Binary Fission:
1. Simple asexual reproduction in single-celled organisms like bacteria.
2. Begins with genetic material duplication.
3. Cell elongates.
4. Division into two through constriction at the center.
5. Produces two identical daughter cells with copied genetic material.
6. Enables quick and efficient reproduction.
Conjugation 4 step process
1) Donor cell attaches to a recipient cell with its pilus, the pilus draws the cell together.
2) the cell contacts one another
3) one strand of plasmid DNA transfers to the recipient
4) the recipient synthesizes a complementary strand to become F+ cell; the donor synthesizes a complementary strand, restoring its complete plasmid.
-Accidentally moved between each other through a virus as a vector (bacteriophage).
1) Bacteriophage attaches to bacteria
2) Disperses genetic material into
bacteria cell.
3) Bacteriophage uses host cell as a
vessel for reproduction; kills bacteria
cell and releases viral cells
4) New virus attaches to a new bacteria
5) Disperses foreign genetic material,
from former bacteria cell, into new
bacteria cell
6) Genetic material fuses with
chromosome in cell
Sexual reproduction through free floating DNA which is taken to incorporate there own.
What is an oxidation reaction and what is always accompanied with?
It is the loss of electrons, hydrogen atoms, or the gain of oxygen.
whenever there is oxidation the opposite reaction (reduction) also occurs
Bacterial growth problem example…
1) # gen growth= minutes given/ bacteria generation time in minutes
2) if two growths, growth 1= cells 2, growth 2= growth 1 cells2
3) if cells per mL= Cells/ mL
Define a chemoheterotroph and provide at these 3 examples?
They obtain their energy from the decomposition of plants and animals in the ecosystem.
examples, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa.
what is so special about chemoheterotrophs?
They derive their energy via chemical reaction (Chemo) of organic compounds.
How do photoheterotrophs obtain their energy?
They obtain energy via light (chlorophyll- like pigments)
What do autotrophs use as their energy source?
They use CO2 as a source of carbon.
What are chemoautotrophs?
They catabolize (Oxidize) organic compounds such as carbohydrates, lipids (fats), proteins etc… these microbes include most bacteria, fungi, and protozoa
What are photoautotrophs?
Purple and green bacteria, algae, and the cyanobacteria. these phototrophic microbes either have chloroplasts with chlorophyll (algae) or chlorophyll- like pigments (bacteria)
What are the two oxidative process which provide energy?
Respiration and fermentation. they both provide energy.
Respiration components?
-Aerobic respiration: The final hydrogen and electron acceptor is molecular oxygen, which requires Oxygen.
-Anaerobic respiration: inorganic compounds other than molecular oxygen serves as the hydrogen or electron acceptor, lack oxygen.